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Dr. Eoin O'Dell

Associate Professor (Law)
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Dr. Eoin O'Dell

Associate Professor (Law)

Eoin O'Dell BCL(NUI), BCL(Oxon), PhD (Cantab), FTCD, Barrister-at-Law. Dr O'Dell lectures Contract, Restitution and Freedom of Expression, researches and publishes primarily in the fields of private and commercial law, and has been President of the Irish Association of Law Teachers and Editor of the Dublin University Law Journal.
  Competition Policy, Constitutional Law   Contract, Restitution, Freedom of Expression, Defamation   Intellectual Property
Details Date
Dublin University Law Journal Editor 1999-2004
Dublin University Law Journal Technical Editor 1991-1999
Restitution Law Review, Regional Editor and Contributor for Ireland 1992 - to date
Irish Student Law Review Editor 1993
Member of Editorial Board, Irish Student Law Review 1992- to date
Irish Moot Court Committee, Founder, Treater and Author of the 1991 and 2003 Cases 1991
Member of Organising Committee for BILETA annual conference 1998
Member of Organising Committee for ALT / IALT annual Conference 1997
Acting President of IALT 1997-1998
Organiser of Annual IALT Conference: The Academy, The Bench and Law Reform 1998
Organiser of Annual Conference "The Leading Cases of the Twentieth Century" 1999
President IALT 1998-1999
Member of Organising Committee of IALT Annual Conference 2000
Council Member of Society of Legal Scholars 2003 - to date
Executive Member of Society of Legal Scholars 2003 - to date
Eoin O'Dell, Compensation for Breach of the General Data Protection Regulation, Dublin University Law Journal, 40, (1), 2017, p97 - 164, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Eoin O'Dell, Property and Proportionality: Evaluating Ireland's Tobacco Packaging Legislation, Queensland University of Technology Law Review , 17, (3), 2017, p46 - 65, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Dublin University Law Journal, Dublin, Clarus Press, [eds.], 2015, Notes: [Volume 38(1)], Editorial Board, PUBLISHED
Dublin University Law Journal, Dublin, Clarus Press, [eds.], 2015, Notes: [Vol 38 (2)], Editorial Board, PUBLISHED
Dublin University Law Journal, Dublin, Clarus Press, [eds.], 2014, Notes: [Vol 37], Editorial Board, PUBLISHED
Dublin University Law Journal, Dublin, Clarus Press, [eds.], 2013-2015, Notes: [Vol 36 (2)], Editorial Board, PUBLISHED
Dublin University Law Journal, 2013, Clarus Press, [eds.], 2013, Notes: [Vol 36 (1)], Editorial Board, PUBLISHED
Eoin O'Dell, Prof Steve Hedley, & Patricia McGovern, Modernising Copyright The Report of the Copyright Review Committee, Dublin, 2013, 1-179, Notes: [A Report prepared by the Copyright Review Committee for the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation on the current state of copyright law in Ireland and recommendations for future changes. ], Report, PUBLISHED
Eoin O'Dell, Prof Steve Hedley, & Patricia McGovern, Copyright and Innovation A Consultation Pape, Dublin, February, 2012, 1-172, Notes: [Publication from Copyright Review Committee], Report, PUBLISHED
Geoffrey Shannon and Eoin O'Dell, Law and Practice: Essays on Reform, Dublin, Clarus Press, 2009, 1-479pp, Book, PUBLISHED

Page 1 of 6
Eoin O'Dell, Comparative Defamation and Privacy Law - Irish Perspectives, Dublin University Law Journal, 40, (1), 2017, p236 - 49, Notes: [This piece is a review article of Andrew T Kenyon (ed) Comparative Defamation and Privacy Law (Cambridge University Press, 2016)], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Eoin O'Dell, 'cearta',, -, Digital research resource production, PUBLISHED


Award Date
College Scholarship, University College Cork 1989
Prendergast Scholar, University of Oxford, 1989
Rodney Overend Memorial Trust scholar 2001
Newton Trust Scholarship, University of Cambridge, 2001
Fellow, TCD 2003
Contract, Restitution, Freedom of Expression, Defamation, Competition Policy, Constitutional Law and Intellectual Property