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Dr. Maire O'Dwyer

Associate Professor (Pharmacy)
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Dr. Maire O'Dwyer

Associate Professor (Pharmacy)

Dr Máire O'Dwyer is an Assistant Professor in Practice of Pharmacy in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. She completed her PhD examining patterns of medication use in older people with intellectual disabilities as part of the IDS- TILDA study ( a longitudinal study examining ageing in a cohort of 753 older adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland) and with the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trinity College Dublin. She also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics from the School of Computer Science and Statistics in TCD. Máire's areas of research interests include polypharmacy in older people with intellectual disability, pharmacotherapy in older people with multimorbidity, anticholinergic medication use, psychotropic medication use and Pharmacoepidemiology methods.
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland Dec 2009 Present
Odalovic, M., Gorman, A., Paul, A., McCallion, P., Burke, E.A., MacLachlan, M., McCarron, M., Henman C, M., Moran, M., O"Connell, J., Walsh, M., Shankar, R., Ryan, C. & O"Dwyer, M., Psychotropic medicines' prevalence, patterns and effects on cognitive and physical function in older adults with intellectual disability in Ireland: longitudinal cohort study, 2009-2020, BJPsych Open, 10, (2), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Laugharne R, Sawhney I, Perera B, Wainwright D, Bassett P, Caffrey B, O'Dwyer M, Lamb K, Wilcock M, Roy A., BJPsych Open Article contents Abstract Background Aims Method Results Conclusions Method Results Discussion Data availability Author contributions Funding Declaration of interest References Chronic constipation in people with intellectual disabilities in the community: cross-sectional study, British Journal of Psychiatry Open, 10, (e55), 2024, p1 - 5, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Burke, E. A., Carroll, R., O'Dwyer, M., Walsh, J. B., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Ageing, osteoporosis, and intellectual disability; risks differ, and diagnosis can be missed, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52, (3), 2024, Journal Article, ACCEPTED  DOI  URL
L Al Shuhaimi, MC Henman, P McCallion, M McCarron, O'Dwyer M, Prescriber"s view on anticholinergic deprescribing among older adults with intellectual disability: A qualitative study protocol, HRB Open Research, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
O"Connell, J., Gorman, A., Burke, É., Deb, S., Henman, M. C., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Mullally, T., Mulryan, N., O'Dwyer, M. & Ryan, C., OPTIMA-ID: development and validation of a medicine optimization tool for older adults with intellectual disability., Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 17, (9), 2024, p837 - 851, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
A. Gorman, M. Odalovi",, P. McCallion, A. Paul, É. Burke, M. MacLachlan, M. McCarron, M. C. Henman, M. Moran, J. O"Connell, R. Shankar, C. Ryan & M. O"Dwyer, Comparing self-report medication data from a longitudinal study on intellectual disability and national dispensing records, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 69, (1), 2024, p103 - 111, Notes: [Oct 15 epub ahead of print], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Odalovic, M., Gorman, A., McCallion, P., Burke, E., Mac Lachlan, M., McCarron, M., Henman, M., Moran, M., O'Connell, J., Walsh, M., Shankar, R. & O'Dwyer, M., Psychotropic drug use among adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland: trend analysis for 10-year period, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): "Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare", Dublin, Ireland, 8 - 9 March, 2024, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Gorman, A., Paul, A., Leslie, K., Ryan, C., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Burke, E., MacLachlan, M., Henman, M., Moran, M., O'Connell, J., Odalovic, M., Walsh, M., Shankar, R., Ryan, C. & O'Dwyer, M., Influence of change in place of residence on psychotropic use patterns in older adults, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED  DOI
O'Dwyer, M., Gorman, A., Odalovic, M., Paul, A., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Burke, E., MacLachlan, M., Moran, M., Henman, M., O'Connell, J., Shankar, R., Walsh, M. & Ryan, C., Patterns of psychotropics use among older adults with intellectual disability over a decade, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024, Poster, PRESENTED  DOI
O'Dwyer, M., Gorman, A., Odalovic, M., Paul, A., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Burke, E., MacLachlan, M., Henman, M., Moran, M., O'Connell, J., Ryan, C., Shankar, R., Walsh, M. & Ryan, C., Change in psychotropic use in two cohorts of adults aged 40"49 years in a decade, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024, Poster, PRESENTED  DOI

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O'Dwyer M, Ryan T, Ryder S, D'Arcy DM, Walsh J. , Innovative Development and Evaluation of Professional Attributes through Integration of Science and Practice at First Year Pharmacy Level , Irish Network of Healthcare Educators Conference, TBSI, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland , February 2020, 2020, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
O'Dwyer M, Polypharmacy in Older Adults with Intellectual Disability (Webinar), International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC) Integrated Matters Scotland Webinar on Appropriate Polypharmacy & Adherence, Scotland, 2019, 2019, International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC), Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., Haigh, M., Carroll, R., O'Donovan, M., McCausland, D., O'Dwyer, M., Mac Giolla Phadraig C., Mulryan, N., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., An accesible report: Health, Wellbeing and Social Inclusion: Ageing with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland: Evidence from the First Ten Years of The Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) Wave 3 IDS-TILDA, Trinity College Dublin, 2018, Report, PUBLISHED
O'Dwyer, M., Mccarron, M., Henman, M., Medication Use and Polypharmacy in Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Ageing and Older Adults with Learning Disabilities Conference, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2017, 2017, Edinburgh University/NHS Scotland, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Maire O'Dwyer, Martin Henman, Ian Maidmant, Niamh Mulryan, Philip McCallion, Mary McCarron, Anticholinergic Burden in Older Adults with Intellectual Disability , Faculty of Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability Annual Conference 2017, Dublin, October 2017, 2017, Royal College of Psychiatrists and Royal College of Psychiatrists of Ireland, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Mary McCarron, Philip McCallion, Rachael Carroll, Eilish Burke, Eimear McGlinchey, Mary-Ann O'Donovan, Darren McCausland, Fintan Sheerin, Maire O'Dwyer, Sinead Foran, Caoimhin MacGiolla Phadraig, Niamh Mulryan, Juliette O'Connell and Judy Ryan., Health, Wellbeing and Social Inclusion: Ageing with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland Evidence from the First Ten Years of The Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) Wave 3 IDS-TILDA, Trinity College Dublin, 2017, Report, PUBLISHED