Kuteesa, Ferdinand T. and O'Mahony, M., Road Design Optimisation for Autonomous Vehicles, 104th Transportation Research Board Conference, Washington D.C., Jan 2025, 2025, pp1 - 21,
Conference Paper,
TARA - Full Text
Gardiner, D. and O'Mahony, M., Are Broadband, Computer and Transport Access Inequity Interrelated?, 104th Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, Washington D.C., Jan 2025, 2025, pp1 - 18,
Conference Paper,
TARA - Full Text
Choudhari, T., Illahi, U., Al-Hosni, M., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B., Decarbonising Transport Sector by Electrifying Car-sharing Fleet in Ireland, 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2024, pp1 - 5,
Conference Paper,
Richards, A., Convery, S., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B, Pre and post Covid preferences for working from home, Travel Behaviour and Society, 34, (100679), 2024, p1 - 8,
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text
Priyan, S., Guo, Y., McNabola, A., Broderick, B., Caulfield, B., O'Mahony, M., Gallagher, J, Detecting and quantifying PM2.5 and NO2 contributions from train and road traffic in the vicinity of a major railway terminal in Dublin, Ireland, Environmental Pollution, 361, 2024, p124903 ,
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text
Illahi, U., Choudhari, T., Charly, A., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B., Driving Green Change: Commercial Sector Adopting Electric Vehicles in Ireland, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 135, 2024, p104398 ,
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text
Choudhari, T., Illahi, U., Al-Hosni, M., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B., Decarbonising Shared Mobility: The Potential of Shared Electric Vehicles, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 133, 2024, p104313 ,
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text
Hosseini, K., Stefaniec, A , O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B, E-bike to the future: Scalability, emission-saving, and eco-efficiency assessment of shared electric mobility hubs, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 133, 2024, p104275 ,
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text
Smith, H., Akhtar, S., Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., Validity of GPS data in driving cycles, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2024, p1 - 7,
Journal Article,
Illahi, U., Egan, R., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B., Self-reported public fast charging infrastructure demand: what do existing and potential electric vehicle adopters want and where?, Sustainable Cities and Society, 116, (105935), 2024, p1 - 15,
Journal Article,