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Professor Mark Little

Professor/Consultant of Nephrology (Clinical Medicine)


 PARADISE: PersonAlisation of RelApse risk in autoimmune DISEase
 FAIRVASC " building registry interoperability to inform clinical care
 AVERT: Autoimmunity Relapse Prediction Using Multiple Parallel Data Sources
 HELICAL - Health Data Linkage for Clinical Benefit
 Urinary sCD163 as a biomarker in crescentic glomerulonephritis

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Details Date
Autoimmune strand lead, RITA European Reference Network 1/3/17
Co-chair UKIVAS national vasculitis registry 2010
Co-chair UKIVAS, the vasculitis rare disease group of the UK and Ireland 2011
Chair Dublin Vasculitis and Allergy Group 2018
Registries lead, European Vasculitis Society 2014
Chair RITA Ireland Vasculitis Registry and Biobank 2012
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 1/5/13
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians 2012
American Society of Nephrology 2010
The Renal Association 2008
Wojciech Palacz, Sabina Licho"ai, Jacek Musia", Katarzyna Wawrzycka-Adamczyk, Gra"yna "lusarczyk, Barbara Strug, Beyza Yaman, Michelangelo Tesi, Karl Gisslander, Declan O'Sullivan, Augusto Vaglio, Giacomo Emmi, Mark A. Little, Krzysztof Wójcik, Ontology-based integration and querying of heterogeneous rare disease data sources - POLVAS perspective, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 185, 2025, p1 - 14, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Karl Gisslander, Matthew Rutherford, Louis Aslett, Neil Basu, François Dradin, Lucy Hederman, Zdenka Hruskova, Dagmar Jäger, Hicham Kardaoui, Sabina Licholai, Declan O"Sullivan, Jennifer Scott, Mårten Segelmark, Richard Straka, Michelangelo Tesi, Augusto Vaglio, Arthur White, Krzysztof Wójcik, Beyza Yaman, Mark A Little, Aladdin J Mohammad, Data quality and patient characteristics in European ANCA-associated vasculitis registries: data retrieval by federated querying, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 83, (1), 2024, p112 - 120, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Jennifer Scott, Arthur White, Cathal Walsh, Louis Aslett, Matthew A Rutherford, James Ng, Conor Judge, Kuruvilla Sebastian, Sorcha O'Brien, John Kelleher, Julie Power, Niall Conlon, Sarah M Moran, Raashid Ahmed Luqmani, Peter A Merkel, Vladimir Tesar, Zdenka Hruskova Mark A Little, Computable phenotype for real-world, data-driven retrospective identification of relapse in ANCA-associated vasculitis, RMD Open, 10, (2), 2024, p1-11 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Karl Gisslander, Arthur White, Louis Aslett, Zdenka Hrušková, Peter Lamprecht, Jacek Musia", Jamsheela Nazeer, James Ng, Declan O'Sullivan, Xavier Puéchal, Matthew Rutherford, Mårten Segelmark, Benjamin Terrier, Vladimir Tesa", Michelangelo Tesi, Augusto Vaglio, Krzysztof Wójcik, Mark A Little, Aladdin J Mohammad, Data driven subclassification of ANCA associated vasculitis: model-based clustering of the FAIRVASC cohort, The Lancet Rheumatology, 2024, p1 - 19, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Leacy EJ, Teh JW, O'Rourke AM, Brady G, Gargan S, Conlon N, Scott J, Dunne J, Phelan T, Griffin MD, Power J, Mooney A, Naughton A, Kiersey R, Gardiner M, O'Brien C, Mullan R, Flood R, Clarkson M, Townsend L, O'Shaughnessy M, Dyer AH, Moran B, Fletcher JM, Zgaga L, Little MA, RITA Ireland Vasculitis Biobank., Effect of Immunosuppression on the Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Vaccination., International journal of molecular sciences, 25, (10), 2024, p5239 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Hollick, R.J., James, W.R.G., Nicoll, A., Locock, L., Black, C., Dhaun, N., Egan, A.C., Fluck, N., Laidlaw, L., Lanyon, P.C., Little, M.A., Luqmani, R.A., Moir, L., McBain, M., Basu, N., Identifying key health system components associated with improved outcomes to inform the re-configuration of services for adults with rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases: a mixed-methods study, The Lancet Rheumatology, 6, (6), 2024, pe361-e373 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Wang C, Hu ZW, Li ZY, Zhao MH, Little MA, Chen M, Advantages of metagenomic next-generation sequencing in the management of ANCA-associated vasculitis patients with suspected pulmonary infection as a rule-out tool., BMC pulmonary medicine, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Dwivedi, A. and Mhaonaigh, A.U. and Carroll, M. and Khosravi, B. and Batten, I. and Ballantine, R.S. and Phelan, S.H. and O†Doherty, L. and George, A.M. and Sui, J. and Hawerkamp, H.C. and Fallon, P.G. and Noppe, E. and Mason, S. and Conlon, N. and Cheallaigh, C.N. and Finlay, C.M. and Little, M.A., Emergence of dysfunctional neutrophils with a defect in arginase-1 release in severe COVID-19, JCI Insight, 9, (17), 2024, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ridge, K., Moran, B., Alvarado-Vazquez, P.A., Hallgren, J., Little, M.A., Irvine, A.D., O'Farrelly, C., Dunne, J., Finlay, C.M., Conlon, N., Lin"CD117+CD34+Fc"RI+ progenitor cells are increased in chronic spontaneous urticaria and predict clinical responsiveness to anti-IgE therapy, Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Han, X.-Y., Li, Z.-Y., Zhao, M.-H., Little, M.A., Chen, M., Malignancy is increased in patients with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis in China, Arthritis Research and Therapy, 26, (1), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Award Date
President of Ireland Young Researchers Award 2012
I run a translational medicine research programme focused on investigation of pathogenesis and discovery of biomarkers of disease in glomerulonephritis. My principal research interest is in ANCA vasculitis, an autoimmune condition that causes multi-organ failure as a consequence of overwhelming necrotising inflammation affecting small blood vessels. My lab spans cellular immunology in the Trinity Translational Medicine Institute and health data informatics in the ADAPT SFI Centre. We are addressing the following questions: 1. What biomarkers accurately track glomerular inflammation in ANCA vasculitis? 2. What molecular and cellular events lead to myeloid cell dysfunction in ANCA vasculitis? 3. What underpins the large variability in clinical phenotype observed in ANCA associated vasculitis? 4. How can we minimise the adverse events associated with existing immunosuppressive therapies? 5. How do we predict relapse in ANCA vasculitis? This research spans two primary areas: 1. Health data informatics. Massive challenges exist in this area in Ireland, where health data is fragmented and difficult to access. I currently lead a trans-disciplinary "Chronic Disease Informatics Group", which links basic immunology, health informatics and data analytics. The HELICAL (HEalth data LInkage for ClinicAL benefit) MSCA Innovative Training Network explored the impact of health and research data linkage to address complex challenges in autoimmune disease. It was followed by the FAIRVASC (Building registry interoperability to inform clinical care) European Joint Programme for Rare Diseases funded EU consortium, which used a knowledge graph approach to link rare disease registries for the first time into a federated learning platform. We applied semantic web technology to large scale data integration challenges in autoimmune disease, leading to a pipeline for multi-modal algorithm development and linkage to, for example, environmental datasets. This semantic web user interface now runs queries over federated databases containing >5000 patients across Europe and will become part of the rare disease discovery platform under development by the European Joint Programme for Rare Disease. An example of application of this data linkage approach is the discovery that ultraviolet-B radiation exposure is linked to autoimmune disease relapse. 2. Translational immunology of autoimmune disease, specifically the rare immune disorder ANCA vasculitis. A cornerstone of this was creation of a national biobank and registry of patients with this disease (RITA-Ireland registry and biobank), which is now among the most extensive globally. This has provided an unrivalled substrate for biomarker discovery, the most impactful of which is urine sCD163. This translational work extends into study of disease pathogenesis using primary biological samples and data, for example the identification of novel subsets of neutrophils and monocytes in ANCA vasculitis. Linking this with the heath data informatics research, the PARADISE (PersonAlisation of RelApse risk in autoimmune DISEase) ERA-PerMed funded EU consortium is currently driving translational innovation, applying multi-modal deep phenotyping to develop algorithms for individual level prediction of vasculitis relapse. Aligning with the FAIRVASC initiative, I lead a trans-European data linkage infrastructure for ANCA vasculitis, which integrates clinical (from registries), biomarker (proteomic, transcriptomic and genomic) and patient-reported data (from wearable devices) at the level of the individual, supporting multi-modal assessment and personalised medicine.