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Dr. Michael Feely

Assistant Professor (Social Studies)
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Dr. Michael Feely

Assistant Professor (Social Studies)


Project Title
 Supporting Adults with Intellectual Disabilities to become Co-lecturers in the School of Social Work and Social Policy: An Experimental Participatory Action Research Project
The principle of striving to include people with intellectual disabilities in mainstream education and research is now wholeheartedly embraced by the disability rights movement, by the social work profession, and by Trinity College. The disability rights movement adopted the slogan 'NOTHING ABOUT US WITHOUT US' decades ago, insisting that people with disabilities should have a role in developing and shaping policy and research relevant to their lives (Charlton, 1998). Mirroring this, over recent years, the social work profession has also embraced inclusion and participation, establishing these as ethical imperatives in all aspects of practice, including education and research (CORU, 2010). Finally, Trinity College has, for some time, been at the cutting edge of including people with intellectual disabilities in mainstream third level education. Trinity's pioneering Certificate in Contemporary Living, in particular, has allowed hundreds of adults with intellectual disabilities to attend, and participate in the student life of, the university. Moreover this innovative course has also served as a model for third level institutions throughout Ireland (and abroad) to emulate, which has - in turn - allowed many more adults with intellectual disabilities experience student life. In keeping with the inclusive aspirations of the disability rights movement, of the social work profession and of Trinity College, and in attempting to break new ground in inclusive teaching and research, our project's aims and objectives are: 1. To provide adults with intellectual disabilities with the opportunity, and the necessary support, to become co-lecturers and co-researchers and to experience academic life in Trinity. 2. To provide undergraduate social work students with the opportunity to learn best practice for supporting adults with intellectual disabilities from adults with intellectual disabilities. 3. To research the experiences of adults with intellectual disabilities as they become university educators, as well as the experiences of the students they teach, and to publish the findings of this research in relevant peer reviewed journals. 4. To provide an example of innovative and inclusive teaching that could serve as a model for other departments in Trinity that prepare students to work with adults with intellectual disabilities and other marginalised groups.
Funding Agency
CAPSL: Trinity Teaching Innovation Grants
Trinity Teaching Innovation Grants

Details Date From Date To
Professional Social Worker (Registered with CORU) 2009 Present
Flynn, S. and Feely, M., A new-materialist reading of disability, senescence and the life-course, International Journal of Disability and Social Justice, 3, (3), 2023, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Young people's experiences of youth participation in a mental health organisation in, editor(s)Deirdre Hogan and Danielle Keenan , Child and Youth Participation in Policy, Practice and Research, Oxford , Routledge , 2022, pp117 - 127, [Aoife Price and Michael Feely ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Thinking differently about the sexual capacities of bodies with Deleuze and the case of infertility among men with Down syndrome in, editor(s)Russell Shuttleworth, Linda Mona , Routledge Handbook of Disability and Sexuality, Abingdon, Routledge, 2021, pp68 - 84, [Michael Feely], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Michael Feely, Edurne Garcia Iriarte, Clare Adams, Ryan Johns, Christine Magee, Sean Mooney, Andrew Murray, Margaret Turley & Mei Lin Yap, Journeys from discomfort to comfort: how do university students experience being taught and assessed by adults with intellectual disabilities?, Disability & Society, 37, (6), 2021, p993 - 1007, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Michael Feely, Assemblage analysis: an experimental new-materialist method for analysing narrative data, Qualitative Research, 20, (2), 2020, p174 - 193, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL  Other
Catherine O'Leary & Michael Feely, Alignment of the Irish legal system and Article 13.1 of the CRPD for witnesses with communication difficulties, Disability Studies Quarterly, 38, (1), 2018, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Aoife Price & Michael Feely, Participation in a youth mental health organisation: impacts on resilience of young people , Children's Research Digest, 4, (1), 2017, p55 - 60, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL  URL
Michael Feely, Disability Studies after the Ontological Turn: A Return to the Material World and Material Bodies without a Return to Essentialism , Disability & Society, 2016, p1 - 21, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Michael Feely, Sexual surveillance and control in a community based intellectual disability service , Sexualities, 2016, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Michael Feely, IQ, Speciation and Sexuality: How Suspicions of Sexual Abuse are Produced within a Contemporary Intellectual Disability Service, Somatechnics, 5, (2), 2015, p174 - 196, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI

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Michael Feely, New Materialism: Opening New Lines of Inquiry within Disability Studies - Video of Talk, New Materialism: Opening New Lines of Inquiry within Disability Studies, The Centre for Disability Studies, The University of Leeds, 2020, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Christine Magee, Tomás Murphy, Margaret Turley, Michael Feely, Edurne García Iriarte, Roy McConkey and Inclusion Ireland, 19 Stories of Social Inclusion - Ireland: Stories of Belonging, Contributing and Connecting, Dublin , National Disability Authority , 2019, Report, PUBLISHED
Christine Magee, Tomás Murphy, Margaret Turley, Michael Feely, Edurne García Iriarte, Roy McConkey and Inclusion Ireland, '19 Stories of Social Inclusion - Documentary Videos ', Part of the 19 Stories of Social Inclusion: Ireland project, 2019, -, Visual art production, PUBLISHED
García Iriarte, E., O'Donoghue, M., Keenan, P., & Feely, M., A Literature Review to Inform the Development of a National Framework for Person-Centred Planning in Disability Services, Dublin , HSE & NDA on behalf of National New Directions Implementation Group, February, 2017, p1 - 116, Report, PUBLISHED
Michael Feely, Mei Lin Yap, Margaret Turley, Sean Mooney , 'Supporting Adults with Intellectual Disabilities to become Lecturers in the School of Social Work and Social Policy - Video Production ', 2017, -, Visual art production, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Trinity Teaching Innovation Award 2015
PhD passed with 'no corrections' 2014
DEL PhD Scholarship (Queen's University) 2010
Queen's University Belfast Larmor Scholarship 2012
Disability; intellectual disability; supporting self-advocacy; sexuality; gender; social theory; critical theory; Foucault; Deleuze.