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Dr. Dara Meldrum

Associate Professor ()
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Dr. Dara Meldrum

Associate Professor ()


Project Title
 Verti-Genius: A mobile health and wearable-sensor based exercise application for the rehabilitation of dizziness, vertigo and balance problems
Jan 2019
Dec 2019
35% of adults have balance impairment; dizziness and vertigo are prevalent in 20% and a combination of both results in a 12 fold risk of falling which is associated with high morbidity and significant mortality. Across jurisdictions of UK/Ireland, US and Australia first episode of vertigo equates to 1.8 million per year, 80% of whom will consult a medical professional and 80% of whom will have a recurrence. Dizziness and imbalance can be rehabilitated effectively with physical exercise, a specialist form of treatment known as vestibular rehabilitation, but at present access to this treatment and expert capacity is low leading to an impaired population that is under-served. Mobile and personalised health are poised to become major disruptive technologies that will change fundamentally the way health is delivered.Mobile health will solve the problems of access to care and patient education, allowing remote consultation and monitoring. Ultimately, analytics from digitally collected data will provide evidence and better outcomes for patients. It is acknowledged that health experts will develop the most successful applications. Exercise prescription has traditionally been time consuming and provides no feedback to either patient or therapist on performance, adherence and response. Pen and paper methods are the mainstay mode of delivery, but this is set to change. Our proposal aims to commercialise an unmet need in the rehabilitation space by digitally delivering a specialised, scientifically validated method of rehabilitation to patients who have dizziness, vertigo and balance problems. We have developed and tested a prototype digital health platform entitled "Verti-Genius" that is capable of providing a rehabilitation and education programme for individuals with dizziness and balance disorders via an e-tablet or Smartphone. Currently prescribed exercise programmes have been mapped to software that is interactive and measures exercise parameters that are critical to treatment success. A head mounted sensor has been incorporated that enables tracking of head movement (a crucial component of the exercises). Verti-Genius connects the home rehabilitation programme to the clinic, educates and empowers the patient, thus reducing therapist time and costs. In two clinical studies of Verti-Genius, patient and therapist usability and acceptance were high.
Funding Agency
Enterprise Ireland
Commercialisation Fund
Project Type
Development and commercialisation
Person Months
Project Title
 Tricals Reveals
Jan 2018
Dec 2020
ALS is a progressive Neurodegenerative condition with a prognosis of between two and five years. Respiratory insufficiency is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in ALS. Respiratory muscle weakness impedes the mechanics of the respiratory system; lung volumes are reduced and ventilation perfusion mismatching occurs. The purpose of this study is to compare real world experience to current measurements of ventilatory function by evaluating (1) the impact of declining respiratory function on secretion management and (2) the frequency and impact of respiratory tract infection.
Funding Agency
Research Motor Neuron
Project Type
Longitudinal Study

Details Date From Date To
Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists 1990 2019
Keating, L., Treanor, C., Sugrue, J., Meldrum, D., Bolger, C., Doody, C., A randomised controlled trial of multimodal physiotherapy versus advice for recent onset, painful cervical radiculopathy - The PACeR trial protocol, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 20, (1), 2019, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Meldrum, D., Jahn, K., Gaze stabilisation exercises in vestibular rehabilitation: review of the evidence and recent clinical advances, Journal of Neurology, 266, 2019, p11-18 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Jahn, K., Lopez, C., Zwergal, A., Zur, O., Cakrt, O., Kellerer, S., Kerkeni, H., Tjernström, F., Meldrum, D., Vestibular rehabilitation therapy in Europe: chances and challenges, Journal of Neurology, 266, 2019, p9-10 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Seager A, French H, Meldrum D., Measurement properties of instruments for assessment of cervical spine function in infants with torticollis: a systematic review., European journal of pediatrics, 178, (5), 2019, p657-671 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Tattersall, R and Murray, D and Heverin, M and Rooney, J and Tobin, K and Vance, R and Hardiman, O and Meldrum, D, Respiratory measurements and airway clearance device prescription over one year in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, 2019, p1 - 8, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Murray D, Viani L, Garvan J, Murphy A, Vance R, Simoes-Franklin C, Smith J, Meldrum D., Balance, gait and dizziness in adult cochlear implant users: A cross sectional study., Cochlear implants international, 2019, p1-7 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Murray, D.A. and Meldrum, D. and Lennon, O., Can vestibular rehabilitation exercises help patients with concussion? A systematic review of efficacy, prescription and progression patterns, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51, (5), 2017, p442-451 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Mahon, J. and Malone, A. and Kiernan, D. and Meldrum, D., Reliability of 3D upper limb motion analysis in children with obstetric brachial plexus palsy, Physiological Measurement, 38, (3), 2017, p524-538 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Murray, D. and Hardiman, O. and Campion, A. and Vance, R. and Horgan, F. and Meldrum, D., The effects of a home-based arm ergometry exercise programme on physical fitness, fatigue and activity in Polio survivors: A randomised controlled trial, Clinical Rehabilitation, 31, (7), 2017, p913-925 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Giblin, S., Meldrum D., McGroarty M., O'Brien S., Rand S., Smith S., Grogan K., Wetterling F., Bone length calibration can significantly improve the measurement accuracy of knee flexion angle when using a marker-less system to capture the motion of countermovement jump, 3rd IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, BHI 2016, 2016, p392-397 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text

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Dr. Meldrum's research is focused on the area of neurological rehabilitation, in particular measurement systems of physical impairment, technology in rehabilitation (for example strain gauge systems for the measurement of muscle strength), computerised three dimensional movement analysis (for the measurement of human gait) and computerised dynamic posturography (for the measurement of balance). Dr. Meldrum has researched extensively in Neuromuscular diseases (such as prior polio and Motor Neuron Disease) and in Vestibular rehabilitation (rehabilitation of those with dizziness, vertigo and imbalance).