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Dr. Merike Darmody

Adjunct Assistant Professor (Sociology)
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Dr. Merike Darmody

Adjunct Assistant Professor (Sociology)


HANNIGAN, A., FAAS, D. and DARMODY, M., Ethno-Cultural Diversity in Initial Teacher Education Courses: The case of Ireland, Irish Educational Studies, 43, (1), 2024, p125 - 140, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Post-school expectations and outcomes among migrant-origin young people in Ireland in, 2023, pp42-64 , [McGinnity F., Darmody M., Smyth E.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
Post-school pathways and migrant youth in, 2023, pp1-18 , [Darmody M., Smyth E.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
GUIGUI, D., FAAS, D., DARMODY, M. and NIC FHLANNCHADHA, S., (No) Time to Engage: An Exploratory Mixed-Method Study into Factors Predicting the Engagement of Postgraduate Research Students in Ireland, Higher Education, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Smyth, E. and Darmody, M. , Student mobility in Ireland and Northern Ireland, 2023, Report, PUBLISHED  DOI
Finn M., Mihut G., Darmody M., Academic Satisfaction of International Students at Irish Higher Education Institutions: The Role of Region of Origin and Cultural Distance in the Context of Marketization, Journal of Studies in International Education, 26, (5), 2022, p572-589 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
McGinnity, F., Murray, A. and Darmody, M. , Academic achievement of immigrant children in Irish primary schools: the role of capitals and school context, Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education, 10, (2), 2022, p129-151 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Darmody, M., Groake, S. and Mihut, G., Engagement of international students at Irish Higher Education institutions, Journal of International Students, 12, (4), 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Darmody, M., McGinnity, F. and Russell, H., Children of migrants in Ireland: how are they faring?, 2022, Report, PUBLISHED  DOI
Darmody M., Smyth E., Russell H., Impacts of the COVID-19 Control Measures on Widening Educational Inequalities, Young, 29, (4), 2021, p366-380 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Finn, M. and Darmody, M. , What Predicts International Higher Education Students' Satisfaction with their Study in Ireland?, ESRI Research Bulletin 2016/2/2, Dublin, ESRI, 2016, Report, PUBLISHED
Darmody, M. and Smyth, E., Profile of second-level students exempt from studying Irish, ESRI Working Paper 527, Dublin, ESRI, 2016, Report, PUBLISHED
Smyth, E. and Darmody, M., Attitudes to Irish as a School Subject among 13-year-olds, ESRI Working Paper 525 , Dublin, 2016, Report, PUBLISHED
Darmody, M. , Attitudes of the Non-Catholic Population in Northern Ireland towards the Irish Language in Ireland, ESRI Working Paper 524, Dublin, ESRI, 2016, Report, PUBLISHED
Finn. M. and Darmody, M. , Predicting International Higher Education Students' Satisfaction with their Study in Ireland, ESRI Working Paper 520, Dublin, ESRI, 2015, Report, PUBLISHED
Banks, J., Conway, P., Darmody, M., Leavy, A., Smyth, E. and Watson, D. , Review of the Droichead Teacher Induction Pilot Programme, ESRI Working Paper 514, Dublin, ESRI, 2015, Report, PUBLISHED
McGinnity, F., Darmody, M. and Murray, A. , Academic Achievement among Immigrant Children in Irish Primary Schools, ESRI Working Paper 512, Dublin, ESRI, 2015, Report, PUBLISHED
Darmody, M., Thornton, M. and McCoy, S. , Reasons for Persistent Absenteeism among Irish Primary School Pupils, ESRI Research Bulletin 2013/2/5, Dublin, ESRI, 2013, Report, PUBLISHED
Smyth, E., Darmody, M., McGinnity, F. and Byrne, D. , What do We Know about Large Scale Immigration and Irish Schools?, ESRI Research Bulletin 2009/2/6, Dublin, ESRI, 2009, Report, PUBLISHED
Darmody, M., Smyth, E. and McCoy, S. , Acting Up or Opting Out? Truancy in Irish Secondary Schools, ESRI Working Paper 212, Dublin, ESRI, 2007, Report, PUBLISHED


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