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Dr. Mary Condren

Visiting Research Fellow (Centre For Gender & Womens Studies)


Occasional Teaching (School of Religion)

Relational Theology in the Work of Artist, Psychoanalyst and Theorist, Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger in, editor(s)Lisa Isherwood and Elaine Bellchambers , Through Us, With Us, In Us: Relational Theologies in the Twenty-first Century, London, SCM Press, 2010, pp230-263 , [Mary Condren], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Gender, religion, and war in, editor(s)Linda Hogan and Dylan Lee Lehrke , Religion and the Politics of Peace and Conflict , Eugene, Or., Pickwick Publications, 2009, pp125 - 158, [Condren, Mary], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Condren, Mary, Suffering into truth: constructing the patriarchal sacred, Journal of Feminist Theology, 17, (3), 2009, p356-391 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Mary Condren, Feminist theoretical perspectives on ethics in radiology, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 135, (2), 2009, p109-114 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Melting hearts of stone: mercy not sacrifice in, editor(s)Lisa Isherwood and Kathleen McPhillips , Post-Christian feminisms : a critical approach, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2008, pp147 - 166, [Condren, Mary], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Condren, Mary, How can women make a difference to world peace? Exploring new ways to mother the world, Proceedings of the Gwangju International Peace Forum, Gwangju International Peace Forum , Gwangju, Korea, 2007, pp113 - 122, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
War, religion, gender and psyche: an Irish perspective in, editor(s)Christina von Braun, Ulrike Brunotte, Gabriele Dietze, Daniela Hrzan, Gabriele Jähnert, Dagmar Pruin , 'Holy War' and gender - 'Gotteskrieg' und Geschlecht, Münster, LIT Verlag, 2006, pp143 - 177, [Condren, Mary], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Theology in the making in, editor(s)Gesa E. Thiessen & Declan Marmion , Theology in the making : biography, contexts, methods, Dublin, Veritas, 2005, pp34 - 44, [Condren, Mary], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Editor's introduction in, editor(s)Deane, Seamus , The Field Day anthology of Irish writing , Cork, Cork University Press, 2002, pp655 - 753, [Condren, Mary], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Condren, Mary, Luce Irigaray and the question of the divine, Women's Philosophy Review , 28, 2002, p112 - 115, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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