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Dr. Cathal Mc Crory

Professor In (Medical Gerontology)

 Social circumstances and epigenomics supporting health in 3 countries
 The ALLOSTAT Project
 The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) core grant
 Whole genome sequencing of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) cohort

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Details Date From Date To
Research Affiliate, Economic and Social Research Institute 2012
Member of the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies (SLLS) 2014
Member of the Expert Advisory Group - Growing Up in Ireland 2015
McCrory, C., Fiorito, G., Ni Cheallaigh, C., Polidoro, S., Karisola, P., Alenius, H., Layte, R., Seeman, T., Vineis, P. & Kenny, RA. , How does socio-economic position (SEP) get biologically embedded? A comparison of allostatic load and the epigenetic clock(s)., Psychoneuroendocrinology, 104, 2019, p64 - 73, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
McCrory, C., McLoughlin, S., Layte, R., Ni Cheallaigh, C., O'Halloran, A.M, Barros, H., Berkman, L.F., Bochud, M., Crimmins, E., Farrell, M., Fraga, S., GrundyE., Kelly-Irving, M., Petrovic, D., Seeman, T., Stringhini, S., Vollenveider, P., Kenny, R.A, Towards a consensus definition of allostatic load: a multi-cohort, multi-system, multi-biomarker individual participant data (IPD ) meta-analysis, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
McCrory C, Leahy, Ribeiro AI, Fraga S, Barros H, Avendano M, Vineis P, Layte R; LIFEPATH consortium, Maternal educational inequalities in measured body mass index trajectories in three European countries., Maternal educational inequalities in measured body mass index trajectories in three European countries., 2019, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Fiorito G, McCrory C, Robinson O, Carmeli C, Rosales CO, Zhang Y, Colicino E, Dugué PA, Artaud F, McKay GJ, Jeong A, Mishra PP, Nøst TH, Krogh V, Panico S, Sacerdote C, Tumino R, Palli D, Matullo G, Guarrera S, Gandini M, Bochud M, Dermitzakis E, Muka T, Schwartz J, Vokonas PS, Just A, Hodge AM, Giles GG, Southey MC, Hurme MA, Young I, McKnight AJ, Kunze S, Waldenberger M, Peters A, Schwettmann L, Lund E, Baccarelli A, Milne RL, Kenny RA, Elbaz A, Brenner H, Kee F, Voortman T, Probst-Hensch N, Lehtimäki T, Elliot P, Stringhini S, Vineis P, Polidoro S; BIOS Consortium; Lifepath consortium., Socioeconomic position, lifestyle habits and biomarkers of epigenetic aging: a multi-cohort analysis., Aging, 11, (7), 2019, p2045 - 2070, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
McCrory, C., Berkman, L., Nolan, H., O'Leary, N., Foley, M., & Kenny, R.A., Speed of Heart Rate Recovery in Response to Orthostatic Challenge: A Strong Risk Marker of Mortality., Circulation Research, 119, (5), 2016, p666 - 675, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
McCrory, C., Berkman, L., Moore, P.V., & Kenny, R.A. , What Explains Socioeconomic Differences in the Speed of Heart Rate Recovery to Postural Challenge?, Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 72, (12), 2017, p1717 - 1723, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
McCrory, C., O'Leary, N., Fraga, S., Ribeiro, A.I., Barros, H., Kartiosuo, N. Raitakari, O., Kivimaki, M., Vineis, & Layte, R. for the Lifepath Consortium, Socioeconomic differences in children's growth trajectories from infancy to early adulthood: evidence from four European countries, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 71, (10), 2017, p981 - 989, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Stinghini, S., Carmeli, C., Jokela, M., Avendano, M., McCrory, C. et al., Socioeconomic status, non-communicable disease risk factors, and walking speed in older adults: multi-cohort population based study, British Medical Journal, 360, 2018, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Fiorito, G., Polidoro, S. Dugue, P.A., Kivimaki, M., Ponzi, E., Matullo, G., Guarrera, S., Assummaa, M.B. Georgiadis, P., Kyrtopoulos, S.O. Krogh, V. Palli, D., Panico, S., Sacerdote, C. Tumino, R., Chadeau-Hyam, M., Stringhini, S., Severi, G., Hodge, A.M., Giles, G.G., Marioni, R., Linnér, R.K. O'Halloran, A., Kenny, R.A., Layte, R., McCrory, C., Baglietto, L., Milne, R.L., Vineis, P. (2017)., Social adversity and epigenetic aging: a multi-cohort study on socioeconomic differences in peripheral blood DNA methylation., Scientific Reports, 7, (1), 2017, p16391 - 16395, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Nolan A, McCrory C, Moore P, Personality and preventive healthcare utilisation: Evidence from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing., Preventive Medicine, 120, 2019, p107 - 112, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Social Variation in Child Health and Development: A Life Course Approach in, editor(s)James Williams, Elizabeth Nixon, Emer Smyth, Dorothy Watson , Cherishing All the Children Equally? Ireland 100 years on from the Easter Rising, Dublin, Oak Tree Press, 2016, pp194 - 214, [Layte, R & McCrory, C.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Editors Choice Award - Journals of Gerontology: Biological Sciences Jan 2021
Editors Choice Award - Psychoneuroendocrinology June 2019
My research utilizes population-level data to explore the pathways, processes and mechanisms through which variation in exposure to risk and protective factors over the life course precipitates earlier disease and mortality among more socially disadvantaged groups. Since 2006, I have been involved with the two flagship national longitudinal studies of children and older people in Ireland: Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) and the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). Since May 2015 I have also been involved with a large European consortium on a large European Union funded Horizon 2020 project called LIFEPATH with 15 partner institutions across the UK, Europe and the US. I was the recipient of an Emerging Investigator Award from the Health Research Board (HRB) of Ireland in December 2017 to explore social differentials in health and mortality using putative markers of accelerated ageing. The ALLOSTAT project will chart the social distribution of neuroendocrine, inflammatory, cardiovascular and metabolic markers in TILDA and other international ageing datasets; and examine the predictive utility of a composite index derived from this battery of biomarkers for identifying emergent disease states, frailty and mortality. The project will also examine the magnitude and degree of association between Allostatic Load and other putative markers