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Dr. Carlos Medina Martin

Associate Professor (Pharmacy)

Dr. Carlos Medina was born in Tenerife, Spain. After studying Medicine at University of La Laguna, he specialized in Gastroenterology at Vall d'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona and was consultant gastroneterologist at Hospital Universitario de Canarias, Tenerife. He obtained his PhD in Medicine from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona in 2004 studying new molecular targets in different experimental models of colitis. He conducted post-doctoral studies funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (MECD/Fulbright)at the Institute of Molecular Medicine, Texas Medical Center, Houston, focused on platelet-tumour cell interactions under the supervision of Prof Radomski. In 2007 he was appointed as Science Foundation Ireland Stokes lecturer in Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy, TCD. Presently he leads a pharmacology research group which has been mainly supported by SFI and Enterprise Ireland. His research is primarily focused on: 1) pharmacological treatments for gastrointestinal diseases including liver; 2) platelet-tumour cell interactions and 3) nanomedicine. Dr Medina has published more than 60 scientific articles and contributed to more than 55 posters and presentations at national and international conferences.
  CANCER   CROHN'S DISEASE   Genetics of inflammatory disease   GI Physiology   Inflammation   Inflammatory Bowel Disease   MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASES   Molecular basis to inflammation and innate immunity   ULCERATIVE COLITIS
Details Date
Member of organizing committee of All Ireland Schools of Pharmacy meeting which is held annually throughout the country.
REVIEWER FOR THE FOLLOWING FUNDING AGENCIES: Philip Morris External Research Program Award, USA; Inflammatory Bowel Disease Grants, The Broad Foundation, USA; ComGRAD grants, Canada.
REFEREE FOR THE FOLLOWING JOURNALS: Nanomaterials, Int J Nanomedicine, The Journal of Pathology, Journal of Leukocyte Biology, BBA-Molecular Cell Research, Journal of Experimental Pharmacology and Therapeutics, British Journal of Pharmacology, Neurogastrointestinal Motility, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Thrombosis Research, The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology.
Member of the Irish Platelet Working Group 2011
Member of the Canary Gastroenterologist Association. 2001
Memner of the Spanish Gastroenterologist Association 2001
Member of Spanish Research Society in Ireland 2017
Member of the Irish Association of Pharmacologists 2017
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
Catalan Fluent Medium Medium
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Spanish Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Irish Association of Pharmacologists 2017 present
Spanish Research Society in Ireland 2017 present
Irish Platelet Working Group 2011 present
Spanish Gastroenterologist Association 2001 present
Canary Gastroetnerologist Association 2001 present
O'Connor, Melanophy G, Medina C, Flattery M, O'Dea E, Transition to ePrescribing for systemic anti-cancer therapy " Perceptions of a multidisciplinary haematology/oncology team in a large teaching hospital, Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 10781552221126102, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Quilty F, Byrne AM, Aird J, El Mashad S, Parra-Blanco A, Long A, Gilmer JF, Medina C., Impact of Deoxycholic Acid on Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma Invasion: Effect on Matrix Metalloproteinases., International journal of molecular sciences, 21, (21), 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
O†sullivan, S. and Wang, J. and Radomski, M.W. and Gilmer, J.F. and Medina, C., Novel barbiturate-nitrate compounds inhibit the upregulation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 gene expression in intestinal inflammation through a CGMP-mediated pathway, Biomolecules, 10, (5), 2020, Notes: [cited By 3], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Fahmy, U.A. and Ahmed, O.A.A. and Badr-Eldin, S.M. and Aldawsari, H.M. and Okbazghi, S.Z. and Awan, Z.A. and Bakhrebah, M.A. and Alomary, M.N. and Abdulaal, W.H. and Medina, C. and Alhakamy, N.A., Optimized nanostructured lipid carriers integrated into in situ nasal gel for enhancing brain delivery of flibanserin, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 15, 2020, p5253-5264 , Notes: [cited By 9], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Dempsey E, Abautret-Daly Á, Docherty NG, Medina C, Harkin A. , Persistent Central Inflammation and Region Specific Cellular Activation Accompany Depression- and Anxiety-like Behaviours During the Resolution Phase of Experimental Colitis, Brain Behav Immun , 80, 2019, p616-632 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Echegaray, J.J. and Medina, C.A. and Biscotti, C.V. and Plesec, T. and Singh, A.D., Multifocal Primary Uveal Melanoma: Clinical and Molecular Characteristics, Ocular Oncology and Pathology, 5, (1), 2019, p8-12 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Hante NK, Medina C, Santos-Martinez MJ., Effect on Platelet Function of Metal-Based Nanoparticles Developed for Medical Applications., Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine., (6), 2019, p139-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Inkielewicz-Stepniak, I. and Tajber, L. and Behan, G. and Zhang, H. and Radomski, M.W. and Medina, C. and Santos-Martinez, M.J., The role of mucin in the toxicological impact of polystyrene nanoparticles, Materials, 11, (5), 2018, p724-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Umerska A, Paluch KJ, Santos-Martinez MJ, Corrigan OI, Medina C, Tajber L, Freeze Drying of Polyelectrolyte Complex Nanoparticles: Effect of NP Composition and Cryoprotectant Selection, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 552, 2018, p27 - 38, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

Page 1 of 15
Radziwon, A., Medina, C., O'Driscoll, L., Radomski, M.W., Platelets inhibit drug chemotherapy-induced cancer apoptosis, Joint Schools of Pharmacy Research Seminar, Trinity College Dublin, 26-27 March 2009, 2009, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Corbalan, J.J., Medina, C., Radomski, M.W., Differential stimulation of inflammatory reactions by silica and poystyrene nanoparticles, Nanomedicine Seminar and Workshop, Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices Trinity College Dublin,, 29 June 2009, 2009, Poster, PUBLISHED
Santos-Martinez, M.J., Medina, C., Prina-Mello, A., Conroy, J., Samuels, S.P., Volkov, Y., Radomski, M.W., Nanobalance: a novel method for the measurement of flow-induced platelet aggregation, Nanomedicine: Seminar and Workshop, Centre for Research on Nanostructures and Nanodevices Trinity College Dublin, 29 June 2009, 2009, Poster, PUBLISHED
Radziwon A, O'Dwyer R, Medina C, Radomski MW., Inhibition of platelet-stimulated matrix metalloproteinase-9 generation in Caco-2 cells by selective MAP kinase inhibitors., Conference All-Ireland Schools of Pharmacy, 2008, Meeting Abstract, PRESENTED
Santos-Martinez, M.J., Medina, C., Booth, J., Radomski, M.W., A novel method for the measurement of platelet aggregation under flow conditions using nanobalance., All-Ireland Schools of Pharmacy Research Seminar 2007, Dublin, Ireland, 2-3 April 2007, 2007, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Hopkins, H., O'Brien, L., Radomska, A., Medina, C., Gilmer, J.F., Radomski, M.W., Inhibition of human platelet aggregation by a novel isosorbide-based aspirin analogue ISAS, All-Ireland Schools of Pharmacy Research Seminar 2007, Dublin, Ireland, 2-3 April 2007, 2007, pp23 - 23, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Santos-Martinez, M.J., Medina, C., Radomska, A., Radomski, M.W., Clinician-scientist: a hobby for few, career prospects for some and training for all practicioners? , 2005, 17-19 , Report, PUBLISHED


Award Date
SFI Stokes lectureship 2008-2013
Fellowship of Secretaria de Estado de Educacion y Universidades, Ministry of Education (MECD/Fulbright), Spain (EX2004-0396) to gain experience overseas 2004-2006
CRANN Innovation Award, TCD 2010