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Professor Henry Gerard Kennedy

Adjunct Professor (Psychiatry)

Harry Kennedy is Adjunct Professor of Forensic Psychiatry, University of Dublin, Trinity College; Hon. Skou Professor of Forensic Psychiatry, University of Aarhus, Denmark; and visiting professor of forensic psychiatry, University of Bari `Aldo Moro", Italy. Professor Kennedy was consultant forensic psychiatrist and clinical director North London Forensic Service, Camlet Lodge Medium Secure Unit, London and Royal Free Hospital and UCL Medical School from 1992 to 2000. This role included clinical leadership of the move of the forensic psychiatry service from Friern Hospital to a new purpose built medium secure unit, Camlet Lodge in 1993 and This role included expansion of the hospital service to a comprehensive national forensic mental health service with remand prison in-reach clinics and community after care residences and supervision teams. In 2000 Professor Kennedy refturned to Dublin as consultant forensic psychiatrist and executive clinical director National Forensic Mental Health Service, Central Mental hospital Dundrum, Dublin from 2000 to 2022. This role included expansion of the hospital service to a comprehensive national forensic mental health service with remand and sentenced prison in-reach clinics and community after care residences and supervision teams. Also was responsible for medical leadership for the design of the comprehensive model of care and facilities of the new purpose built hospital in Portrane (opened 2022) and national forensic care and treatment pathways. Professor Kennedy qualified in medicine from University College Dublin (UCD) & The Mater Hospital in 1980 (Welcome Scholarship for intercalated BSc in physiology 1976-77) Honours MB BCh BAO with Gold Medals in Surgery and Obstetrics, Silver (ex aeq first) in Medicine. On completing intern year in the two professorial units at the Mater, Professor Kennedy went on to postgraduate training in general and respiratory medicine in London (Brompton and Hammersmith Hospitals, Royal Postgraduate Medical School) then from 1985 trained in psychiatry and forensic psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital and Institute of Psychiatry and Broadmoor Hospital to 1992.
Morten Deleuran Terkildsen, Harry G Kennedy, Christian Jentz, Lisbeth Uhrskov Sørensen, Online video games and patient"staff power relations. A qualitative study of care and custody in forensic psychiatry, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 29, (3), 2022, p493--503 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Harry G. Kennedy, Models of care in forensic psychiatry, BJPsych Advances, 2022, p1--14 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Inge Jeandarme, Petra Habets, Ken O"Reilly, Harry G. Kennedy, Is non"completion of treatment related to security need?, Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
L. McLoughlin, C. Carey, S. Dooley, H. Kennedy, I. McLoughlin, An observational study of a cross platform risk assessment mobile application in a forensic inpatient setting, Journal of Psychiatric Research, 138, 2021, p388--392 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Harry G Kennedy, Ronan Mullaney, Paul McKenna, John Thompson, David Timmons, Pauline Gill, Owen P O'Sullivan, Paul Braham, Dearbhla Duffy, Anthony Kearns, Sally Linehan, Damian Mohan, Stephen Monks, Lisa McLoughlin, Paul O'Connell, Conor O'Neill, Brenda Wright, Ken O'Reilly, Mary Davoren, A tool to evaluate proportionality and necessity in the use of restrictive practices in forensic mental health settings: The DRILL tool (Dundrum Restriction, Intrusion and Liberty Ladders)., 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Petra Habets, Inge Jeandarme, Harry G. Kennedy, Determining security level in forensic psychiatry: a tug of war between the DUNDRUM toolkit and the HoNOS-Secure, Psychology, Crime & Law, 2020, p1--19 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Tomlin J, Lega I, Braun P, Kennedy HG, Herrando VT, Barroso R, Castelletti L, Mirabella F, Scarpa F, Völlm B, experts of COST Action IS1302, Forensic mental health in Europe: some key figures., Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Harry G. Kennedy, Ronan Mullaney, Paul McKenna, John Thompson, David Timmons, Pauline Gill, Owen P. O"Sullivan, Paul Braham, Dearbhla Duffy, Anthony Kearns, Sally Linehan, Damian Mohan, Stephen Monks, Lisa McLoughlin, Paul O"Connell, Conor O"Neill, Brenda Wright, Ken O"Reilly, Mary Davoren, A tool to evaluate proportionality and necessity in the use of restrictive practices in forensic mental health settings: the DRILL tool (Dundrum restriction, intrusion and liberty ladders), BMC Psychiatry, 20, (1), 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Ken O'Reilly, Paul O'Connell, Aisling Ryan, Daniellla Ambrosch, Eoin Walshe, Mary Davoren, Aiden Corvin, Harry G. Kennedy, Deficit not bias: A quantifiable neuropsychological model of delusions, Schizophrenia Research, 222, 2020, p496--498 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
H. G. Kennedy, D. Mohan, M. Davoren, Forensic psychiatry and Covid-19: accelerating transformation in forensic psychiatry, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2020, p1--26 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Professor Kennedy has a long standing interest in the psychopathology of fear and anger, violent behaviour and functional mental capacity. This has developed into researching the experimental psychopathology of moral delusions and regarding working alliance in forensic psychiatry. A parallel and closely related research theme has been the use of models of care in forensic psychiatry and psychiatry more generally, including mathematical modelling of stratifed therapeutic security, models of length of stay, the development of structured professional judgement instruments for triage according to need for therpaeutic security, clinical triage of waiting list priorities, assessment of treatment response relevant to reducing risk of violence and reducing need for therapeutic security, with forensic recovery. These measures have led to international collaborations with replication studies in the UK, Belgium, Italy, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.Research focuses on the judgement support frameworks within the model of care. Current international collaborative work includes quantifying excellence in forensic psychiatry services and extending these findings and frameworks to all of psychiatric services.