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Professor Ruth Karras

Lecky Professor of History 1913 (History)
Profile Photo

Professor Ruth Karras

Lecky Professor of History 1913 (History)

  Church history   History of Gender and Sexuality   Jewish History   late middle ages   Literature and History   MARRIAGE   masculinity   Medieval Europe   slavery
Details Date
President, Medieval Academy of America, 2019-20; First Vice-President, 2018-19; Second Vice-President, 2017-18; Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Harassment, 2018
General Editor, The Middle Ages Series, University of Pennsylvania Press 1994-present
American Historical Review, Editorial Board 2015-2018
President, Berkshire Conference on the History of Women 2005-08
Gender and History, North American Co-Editor 2008-2013
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
Dutch Medium Basic Basic
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Basic Medium
German Fluent Basic Medium
Hebrew Medium Basic Basic
Latin Fluent Basic Basic
Swedish Medium Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
Women's History Association of Ireland
Medieval Academy of America
American Historical Association
Berkshire Conference of Women Historians
Mothers and Forced Marriages in the Later Middle Ages in, editor(s)Katherine Scheil and Linda Shenk , Early Modern Improvisations, Abingdon, Routledge, 2024, pp58 - 67, [Karras, Ruth Mazo], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Bennett, Judith, Ruth Mazo Karras, and Janelle Werner, Judith M. Bennett, Ruth Mazo Karras and Janelle Werner, `No Romance Without Finance: Courtship in Medieval England", Speculum, 99, (1), 2024, p74 - 101, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Karras, Ruth Mazo, Believing Medieval Women, Medieval People, 39, 2024, p9 - 28, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Karrras, Ruth Mazo, and Katherine E. Pierpont, Sexuality in Medieval Europe: Doing Unto Others, 4th, Abingdon (UK), Routledge, 2023, 1 - 260pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Injection: A Gender Perspective on Domestic Slavery in, editor(s)Damian Pargas, Juliane Schiel , The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery Throughout History, Palgrave, 2023, pp215 - 224, [Ruth Mazo Karras], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Attitudes to Same-Sex Sexual Relations in the Latin World in, editor(s)Hannah Skoda , A Companion to Crime and Deviance in the Middle Ags, Leeds, Arc Humanities, 2023, pp84 - 101, [Ruth Karras], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
David and Jonathan as a Paradigm of Male Friendship in Medieval Latin Literature in, editor(s)Marzena Zawanowska and Mateusz Wilk , The Character of David in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Warrior, Poet, Prophet and King,, Leiden, Brill, 2021, pp188 - 206, [Karras, Ruth Mazo], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Authorship and Intellectual Life: Jewish and Muslim Women in, editor(s)Kathryn Kerby-Fulton, Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis, and John Van Engen , Women Intellectuals and Leaders in the Middle Ages, Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2020, pp21 - 23, [Karras, Ruth Mazo], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Karras, Ruth Mazo, The regulation of 'Sodomy' in the Latin East and West, Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies, 2020, p969 - 986, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
David and Jonathan: A Medieval Bromance. in, editor(s)Ann Marie Rasmussen , Rivalrous Masculinities, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, Notre Dame University Press, 2019, pp151 - 173, [Ruth Karras], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

Page 1 of 7
Love, Sex, and Sexuality in, editor(s)Joanne Ferraro, Frederik Pedersen , A Cultural History of Marriage in the Medieval Age, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, pp115 - 129, [Ruth Mazo Karras], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Karras, Ruth Mazo, Perfect Men? The Nine Worthies and Medieval Masculinities: The Sophus Bugge Memorial Lecture 2019, Collegium Medievale, 30, 2020, p5 - 22, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
"Sexuality in Medieval Europe" in, editor(s)Linehan, Peter; Nelson, Janet; Costambeys, Marios , The Medieval World 2d ed, Abington, Routledge, 2018, [Karras, Ruth Mazo], Notes: [1st edition, 2001. ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
"The Reproduction of Medieval Christianity" in, editor(s)Thatcher, Adrian , The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Christian Theology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp271 - 286, [Karras, Ruth Mazo], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Bennett, Judith M,; Karras, Ruth Mazo, The Oxford Handbook of Women and Gender in Medieval Europe, , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, Book, PUBLISHED
"Women, Gender, and Medieval Historians" in, editor(s)Bennett, Judith; Karras, Ruth Mazo , The Oxford Handbook of Women & Gender in Medieval Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, pp1-17 , [Bennett, Judith M; Karras, Ruth Mazo], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
"Analyses of Silver Content in a Hoard of Twelfth-Century Bohemian Pennies" in, editor(s)Oddy, W.A.; Archibald, M.M. , in Metallurgy in Numismatics II, London, British Museum Publications, 1988, pp81-86 , [Karras, Ruth Mazo], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Donald Bullough Fellowship, St. Andrews Institute for Medieval Studies 2018
EURIAS (European Institutes for Advanced Study) Fellowship 2016-2017
Israel Institute for Advanced Study, invited member 2016-17
Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Fellowship 2012
Joan Kelly Prize in Women's History from American Historical Association, for Unmarriages 2012
Honored as a "Feminist Foremother" by Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship 2012
American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship 2010-11
University of Minnesota, Graduate-Professional Teaching Award 2010
University of Minnesota, College of Liberal Arts, Dean's Medal 2010
Fellow, Medieval Academy of America 2009
University of Minnesota, Distinguished Women Scholars Award in Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts 2008
American Philosophical Society, Sabbatical Fellowship 2004-05
University of Minnesota, College of Liberal Arts, Scholar of the College 2003
Rhodes Scholarship 1979
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship 1993-94
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, Member 2003-04