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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Dr. Joan Cahill

Visiting Research Fellow (Psychology)

Joan has worked as a Senior Researcher and Principal Investigator with the Centre for Innovative Human Systems (CIHS, formerly APRG) since 2005. Joan's current project include: (1) Intelligent Work (Enterprise Ireland, IPP), (2) Pilot Lived Experience (Enterprise Ireland, Commercialization Fund), (3) European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Wellbeing Hub, (4), Wellbeing & Lived Experience Project & (5) The Human Factors & Ethics Canvas (HFEC). Past projects include: (6) PPE Safe (SFI, COVID Rapid Response Fund), (7) Personal Electronic Records of Medications (PERM) PERM: A Rapid Realist Review (Meath Foundation), (8) Household medication practices & safety during Covid-19 (HRB), (9) Flight Safety Foundation Wellbeing Guide, (10) Smart Mobility Initiative for Lower Emissions (SMILE) (SFI), (11) Assisted Living (Industry funding: Oneview Healthcare), (12) Assisted Driving (SFI & Industry Funding/Mazda), (13) New Technology to Enhance Patient Experience and Staff Professionalism in Oncology Pathways (Industry funding: Oneview Healthcare & NHS), (14) Surgical Safety Checklist, (15) Surface Obstacle Collision Avoidance Incident Analysis (Industry funding: Boeing), (16) APIMOD Project (FP7, European Commission), (17) Alicia Project (FP7, European Commission), (18) Wing Watch Project (Enterprise Ireland) & (19) HILAS Project (FP6, European Commission). Before joining TCD, Joan worked for seven years in the area of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Information Design, with a range of software companies and HCI consultancies. After finishing a FAS course in Web Design and Development in 1998, Joan worked as an Information Architect/Usability Engineer for ebeon. Between 2000 and 2002, Joan worked as a Usability Engineer/HCI Consultant for Frontend Ltd. Joan also worked as the HCI Manager for Aircraft Management Technologies (AMT), between 2002 and 2004. During the time, Joan led the HCI re-design of AMT's electronic flight bag (EFB) product - Flightman.
  Accidents   Aeronautics   Aerospace Technology   Ageing   Air Transport Technology   Air Transportation   Applied information systems   Applied Psychology   Automation   Aviation Technology   Behaviour Change   Business Organisation and Processes   Contemporary mental healthcare   Decision support tools   Design Engineering   Digital Ethics   Distributed systems   ELECTRONIC HEALTHCARE RECORD   Engineering Psychology   Ergonomics   Evaluating health care interventions   Flight Control   HEALTH CARE   Human computer interactions   Human Factors   Human Factors in Engineering   Human-Computer Interaction   Identity   Imaging and Computer Vision   Industrial Psychology   Industrial Systems Engineering   Information Design   Information management   Information systems development   Information Theory   Intelligent agents   Knowledge and data engineering   Knowledge Management   MENTAL-HEALTH-CARE   Multimedia   Nonverbal Communication   Operations management   Organisation design, development, theory, behaviour   Organizational Theory and Behavior   Phenomenology   Safety   Software Engineering   Systems analysis and models development   Systems Engineering   Transport psychology and safety   Transportation   Transportation Engineering   Wellbeing   Work Related Stress
 Intelligent Work
 Lived Experience & Wellbeing Project
 Pilot Lived Experience Project
 EASA Wellbeing Hub
 PPE Safe Project

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Details Date From Date To
Member of ACM SIGCHI 2003 2019
Safety in Health Systems Special Interest Group 2016 2019
Irish Human Factors & Ergonomics Society September 2019
Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), UK: Vice Chair of Wellbeing Group March 2020
Committee Member of Irish Human Factors & Ergonomics Society January 2021
Committe Member of European Aviation Safety Authority (EASA) Wellbeing Working Group March 2020
Looking After the Human Factor During Challenging Events in, editor(s)Senbursa, N. , Handbook of Research on the Future of the Maritime Industry, 2022, [Kay, A., Cahill, J., Howard, V. and Corrigan, S.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Joan Cahill, Paul Cullen, Keith Gaynor, The Impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic on the Health and Wellbeing of Aviation Workers Employed by Irish Registered Airlines. , European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) 2022, Dublin, 29 Aug to 1 Sept 22, 2022, Notes: [], Conference Paper, ACCEPTED  TARA - Full Text
Cahill, J, Cullen P, Anwer S & Hegarty, F. , Using Emerging Technologies to Support Wellbeing and Resilience for pilots & Enabling the Assessment of Wellbeing Risk in Airline Safety Management Systems, 14th International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media (SCSM 2022), held as part of the 24th HCI International Conference 2022, Online, June 26 to July 1, 2, Springer, 2022, Notes: [], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
J. Cahill, A. Kay, V. Howard, B. Mulcahy, M. Forde, S. George, E. Ziampra, F. Duffy, G. Lacey, F. Fitzpatrick, Personal protective equipment training & lived experience for healthcare staff during COVID-19, Clinical Infection in Practice, Volume 14, 2022, Notes: [ (], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Cahill, J, Cullen P, Anwer S, & Gaynor R, The case for change: aviation worker wellbeing during the COVID 19 pandemic, and the need for an integrated health and safety culture. , Cognition Technology and Work, 2022, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL  URL
Cahill J., Howard V., Huang Y., Ye J., Ralph S., Dillon A. (2021). , Addressing Human Factors and Ethics in the Design of 'Future Work' and Intelligent Systems for Use in Financial Services - Person Centered Operations, Intelligent Work & the Triple Bottom Line. , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, HCI INTERNATIONAL 2021, Online/Virtual, 24-29 July 2021, edited by Duffy V.G. ( , 12777, Springer, 2021, pp3 - 13, Notes: [], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Cahill J., Howard V., Huang Y., Ye J., Ralph S., Dillon A, Intelligent Work: Person Centered Operations, Worker Wellness and the Triple Bottom Line, Communications in Computer and Information Science, HCI INTERNATIONAL 2021, Online/Virtual, 24-29 July 2021, edited by Stephanidis C., Antona M., Ntoa S. , 1421, Springer, 2021, pp307 - 314, Notes: [], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
G. Lacey, J. Cahill , A. Kay , V. Howard , R. Harte , F. O'Reilly, E. Ziampra, F. Fitzpatrick, B. Mulcahy , S. George , R. Nolan, Safe PPE: User Need for an Interactive PPE Training Tool. , Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control , 6th International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control (ICPIC), Geneva, Switzerland, 14-17 September 2021, 10 P280, (1), 2021, pp124 - 124, Notes: [], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  URL
Cahill J, Fitzpatrick, F, Kay, A, Howard V, Mulcahy B, Forde, M., George S., Ziampra , E, Nolan, R. , Total Worker Health Among Healthcare Workers - The Advancement of A Mindful Hand Hygiene (MHH) Protocol to Protect and Promote Wellbeing and Safety. , Irish Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Annual Conference, Online, 24 November 2021, 2021, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Cahill, J., Cullen P, Anwer S, Wilson, S & Gaynor K. , Pilot Work Related Stress (WRS), Effects on Wellbeing (Including Mental Health) & Coping Methods, The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 2021, Notes: [DOI: 10.1080/24721840.2020.1858714 ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL

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Joan Cahill, (2022), 'Human Factors & Ethics Canvas (Responsible AI & Addressing The Triple Bottom Line)' [pdf], Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, Impact Case Study, PUBLISHED
Joan Cahill & Paul Cullen, Aviation Worker Wellbeing: Recent Research on Mental Health Issues and Supports Across Aviation. , Presentation at the Aerospace Aeromedical Association (ASMA) 2022 Mental Health in Aviation Workshop, as part of the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting, Reno, Nevada, USA, May 22, 2022. , Reno, Nevada, USA, May 22, 2022, 2022, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Joan Cahill, Yufei Huang & Zarion , Designing the Workplace of the Future (Video), 2021, Notes: [], Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Cahill, J & Cullen, P, Wellbeing-I vs Wellbeing-II - Stress Coping & Resilience. , European Association for Aviation Psychologists (EAAP), 34th Annual Conference (Virtual Presentation/Event)., Online, September 30, 2020, 2021, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Cahill, J., Understanding Workplace Wellbeing and Work Related Stress. Round Table Discussion for AviAssist Foundation Africa., AviAssist: Supporting Aviation in Africa, Online, November 17, 2021., 2021, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Cahill, J, Kay., A & Howard, V., MIndful Hand Hygiene, 2021, Notes: [], Poster, PUBLISHED
Huang Y, & Cahill, J, Towards-a-law-of-robotics-in-the-workplace, The Council on Business & Society, 2021, Notes: [], Review Article, PUBLISHED
Cahill, J, Cullen P, Anwer S, & Gaynor R. , Impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on Aviation Workers & The Aviation System, 2021, Notes: [], Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Cahill, J., The Case for Change & An Ethical Approach to Wellbeing Management in Aviation: Wellbeing II and Advancing an Integrated Health & Safety Culture, 2021, Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Joan Cahill, Wellbeing Culture Indicators, 2021, Working Paper, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Winner of 2019 Societal Impact Award, TCD 2019
Nominated for 2019 One to Watch Award, TCD 2019
Nominated for 2018 Societal Impact Award, TCD 2018
Joan's overall research interests include: Human Factors, Cognitive Ergonomics/Human Computer Interaction, Information Design, Ethics, Phenomenology, Organisational Psychology, Aviation Psychology, Health Informatics & Workplace Wellness. Specific research interests include: behaviour change, successful ageing, wellbeing, wellbeing in work, patient experience, patient safety, work analysis, intelligent work, adaptive automation, ethical A/IS, teamwork and professionalism, performance monitoring/management, work related stress, stress coping, mental health, safety/risk management, human error/reliability, performance management, incorporating psychological concepts in the design of new technology, designing technology to support social processes, cyber-psychology & philosophy of technology.