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Professor John Donegan

Professor (Physics)

Prof. John Donegan received BSc and PhD degrees from University College Galway in 1982 and 1986. He had post-doctoral appointments in Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA and in Max-Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, Germany. He arrived back in Ireland in 1990 taking an appointment with the newly created Optronics Ireland research centre under the supervision of John Hegarty. He was appointed to the academic staff in Trinity College Dublin in 1993, he is now a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin and Professor in the School of Physics. He is a fellow of the Institute of Physics, a senior member of the IEEE and the American Physical Society and the Optical Society of America. He was the Head of School of Physics in TCD from 2008-2011. His research is in Photonics, the Science and Technology of the creation, detection and use of light. Professor Donegan has had collaborations with Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, and Université de Reims, Presently, he has collaborations with University of Erlangen-Nurenburg, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan and with industrial laboratories in Nokia-Bell Labs, and Western Digital Corporation. He has published over 350 papers in journals and conference proceedings with over 8000 citations and a h-index of 38. He has 8 granted patents.
 Study of II-VI Semiconductor Lasers
 Study of II-VI Semiconductor Lasers
 Blue-Green Semiconductor Laser
 Many-Body Effects in Semiconductors
 Tunable Lasers for Gas Sensing Applications

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Details Date
Referee for journal articles in Physical Review Letters, Physics Review B (Condensed Matter), Journal of Luminescence, Electronics Letters, Optical Materials, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Journal of Physics D, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Optics Communications, Nature Communications, Nature Photonics, Science, Optics Express.
ECOC 2019: Chairman of the Technical Programme Committee, European Conference on Optical Communications, attendance > 5000.
External Examiner: University College Galway: Physics Degrees University of Southampton: Photonics Technologies 2011-2017 PhD Examinations including: Nanyang University, Singapore, Humboldt University, Berlin
Juno Initiative: Launched in 2011 with Institute of Physics to improve female participation in Physics. School recently obtained Juno practitioner status
Edward Hutchinson Synge: Forgotten Irish Genius who invented the near-field optical microscope. Book written on his life and works.
Reviewer: European Research Council, started, consolidator, advanced grants. Norwegian Science Council. Fonds National, Canada.
Invited talks: Examples Keynote presentation- Advanced Laser Technologies, 2016 Invited:SPIE Annual Photonics Meeting Chinese Academy of Sciences Bell Labs, New Jersey
Details Date From Date To
Fellow, Institute of Physics Member, American Physical Society Member, Optical Society of America Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Afridi A.A, Weng H, Liu J, Li J, McKenna R, McDermott M, Lu Q, Guo W, Donegan J.F, Ultra-wide soliton access window in an AlN microresonator, Conf. Lasers Electro-Opt., CLEO - Proc., 2022, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Sun W, Wei S, Lu Q, Donegan J.F, Guo W, Regrowth-Free 1.3ÎŒm Directly Modulated DBR Lasers Based on Inverted Trapezoid High-Order Surface-Gratings, Opt. InfoBase Conf. Pap, 2022, Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA), 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Weng H, Afridi A, Li J, McDermott M, Tu H, Lu Q, Guo W, Donegan J.F, Octave-spanning Kerr solitons with repetition rates of 1, 2, and 3 THz in a Si3N4 microresonator, Opt. InfoBase Conf. Pap, 2022, Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA), 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Weng H, Afridi A, Li J, McDermott M, Tu H, Lu Q, Guo W, Donegan J.F, Steady-state dissipative Kerr soliton with a 30 GHz existence window in a microresonator pumped by a step-tuned laser, Conf. Lasers Electro-Opt., CLEO - Proc., 2022, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Mickus D, Murphy C, McKenna R, Donegan J, A New Method to Measure Thermal Impedance for All-Active Semiconductor Lasers using the Athermalisation Condition, Opt. InfoBase Conf. Pap, 2022, Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA), 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Zhang P, Liu C, Xiang M, Li N, Lu Q, Donegan J.F, Guo W, Ultra-Low Threshold Single Mode Surface-Grating DFB Lasers for Chip-Scale Atomic Clocks, Opt. InfoBase Conf. Pap, 2022, Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA), 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Bello F.D, Clarke D.D.A, Tarasenko I, Donegan J.F, Hess O, Nanoheating and Nanoconduction with Near-Field Plasmonics: Prospects for Harnessing the Moiré and Seebeck Effects in Ultrathin Films, Advanced Optical Materials, 10, (23), 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Xiang M., Zhang Y., Li G., Liu C., Chen Q., Lu Q., Huang L., Lu M., Donegan J., Guo W., Wide-waveguide high-power low-RIN single-mode distributed feedback laser diodes for optical communication, Optics Express, 30, (17), 2022, p30187 - 30197, p30187-30197 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Afridi A.A., Weng H., Li J., McKenna R., McDermott M., Tu H., Lu Q., Guo W., Donegan J.F., Effect of Thermal Tuning and Mode Coupling On Soliton Microcombs in AlN Microresonators, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Weng H., Afridi A.A., Li J., McDermott M., Tu H., Barry L.P., Lu Q., Guo W., Donegan J.F., Dual-mode microresonators as straightforward access to octave-spanning dissipative Kerr solitons, APL Photonics, 7, (6), 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Fundamental properties of II-VI semiconductors in, editor(s)B.D. Guenther, D.G. Steel, L. Bayvel , Encyclopedia of Modern Optics, Academic Press, 2004, pp377 - 385, [Donegan, J.F.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Evolution of optical phonons in CdSe/ZnS quantum dots: Raman Spectroscopy in, editor(s)Borisenko, Gaponenko, Gurin, , Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures, World Scientific, 2003, pp132 - 135, [Baronon, A.V., Perova, T.S., Moore, A., Rakovich, Yu. P., Donegan, J.F., Talapin, D.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Evolution of optical phonons in CdSe/ZnS quantum dots: Raman Spectroscopy in, editor(s)Borisenko, Gaponenko, Gurin. , Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures, World Scientific, 2003, pp132 - 135, [Baronon, A.V.,Perova, T.S., Moore, A., Rakovich,Yu. P., Donegan, J.F., Talapin D.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Filonovich, S.A., Gomes, M.J.M., Rakovich, Yu.P., Donegan, J. F., Talapin, D.V., Rogach, A.L., Eychmüller, A., Up-Conversion Luminescence in Colloidal CdTe Nanocrystals, Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, Boston, 737, (E13.12.1-E12.12.6.), 2002, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Gain and carrier dynamics at lasing densities in ZnCdSe quantum well materials in, editor(s)Scheffler and Zimmermann , 23rd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Singapore, World Scientific, 1996, pp3183 - 3186, [Donegan, J.F., Logue, F.P., Jordan, C., Rees, R., Hewlett, S.J., Heffernan, J.F., Fewer, D.T., McCabe, E.M., Hegarty, J., Taniguchi, S., Hino, T., Nakano, K., Ishibashi, A. ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Transition metal ion-doped materials of laser interest in, Spectroscopy of Solid-State Laser-Type Materials, New York, Plenum Press, 1987, pp165 - 178, [Imbusch, G.F., Donegan, J.F., and Bergin, F.J.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Fellow of Institute of Physics, London 2002
Fellow of Trinity College Dublin. 2000
Physics and engineering of optical devices for photonic integration including semiconductor lasers and coherent receivers; Active semiconductor lasers with high-order surface gratings; Photonic-integration of polarization beam splitter and optical hybrid based on forward and reverse bias structures. Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR); Silicon nitride waveguide structures for nanoscale direction and focussing of light Plasmonic structures for applications in HAMR. Thermo-mechanical properties of gold in high power plasmonics. Conical refraction of light; Perovskite and organic materials for visible photonics; New devices based on 2D materials with epsilon near zero behaviour