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Professor Andrew Jackson

Professor In (Zoology)


My background is in zoology and ecology although I have always been interested in science more generally. My research interests lie in understanding ecological systems or processes from an evolutionary perspective which I tend to approach using computational / mathematical models. Traditionally, ecology is the study of the interactions between living organisms and their environment. During my Phd I focused on understanding interactions between individual animals living in close proximity which are determined by their behavioural rules. These rules are functions both of an individual's genotype and the local physical/ chemical/ biological environment. I am currently working on a diverse range of systems including vulture foraging, anti-predator behaviour in bird flocks and generating new statistical models for re-constructing food-webs.
  Animal Behaviour   Behavioural and evolutionary ecology   Bioengineering   Biological Modeling   Biomechanics, Biomedical Engineering   Cognitive Development/Processes   Comparative/Animal Psychology   COMPUTER MODELING AND SIMULATION   Computer Modelling   COMPUTER SIMULATION   COMPUTER SIMULATIONS   Developmental biology   Ecological Modelling   Ecology   ECOSYSTEM   ECOSYSTEMS   Evolution   Evolutionary Biology   Mathematical Modelling   Morphology   Population Biology   Theoretical Ecology   THEORY & MODELLING   Zoology
 Linking ecological processes to community patterns using stable isotopes
 How Conflict and Cooperation Shape the Evolution of Social Behaviour: From Individual Interactions to Group Structure
 The evolution and maintenance of cooperative behaviour
 The Ecological Implications of Context Dependent Aggression in Urban Environments
 Individual and Group Aggressive Behaviour in Social Organisms

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Details Date
I sat on the expert panel for ecology and evolution for the Norwegian Institute for Science 2013-2015. This involves reviewing approximately 28 proposals and sitting on a panel discussion to rank them over 3 days in Oslo. I have also reviewed grants for NERC UK, Leverhulme 2015
Associate Editor for the British Ecological Society's international peer-reviewed Journal of Animal Ecology (impact factor 4.5). 2018
Associate editor for Elsevier's journal Food Webs (cite score 4.0) 2018
Details Date From Date To
Fellow, Trinity College Dublin - an academic honour awarded for "scholarship or research achievement of a high order" 2012 present
British Ecology Society member 2006 Present
Irish Ecological Association member 2015 Present
Haley R. Dolton, Andrew L. Jackson, Robert Deaville, Jackie Hall , Graham Hall , Gavin McManus , Matthew W. Perkins , Rebecca A. Rolfe , Edward P. Snelling , Jonathan D. R. Houghton , David W. Sims Nicholas L. Payne, Regionally endothermic traits in planktivorous basking sharks Cetorhinus maximus, Endangered Species Research, 51, 2023, p227 - 232, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
JA Orr, P Luijckx, JF Arnoldi, AL Jackson, JJ Piggott, Rapid evolution generates synergism between multiple stressors: linking theory and an evolution experiment, Global Change Biology, 2022, p1 - 13, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Arnoldi, Jean"François, Barbier, Matthieu, Kelly, Ruth, Barabás, György, Jackson, Andrew L., Invasions of ecological communities: Hints of impacts in the invader's growth rate, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13, (1), 2022, p167-182 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Andolina, Cristina, Franzoi, Piero, Cavraro, Francesco, Jackson, Andrew L., Mazzola, Antonio, Vizzini, Salvatrice, Trophic adaptability shapes isotopic niche of the resident fish Aphanius fasciatus across lagoon habitats, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 264, 2022, p107685 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Cristina Andolina, Piero Franzoi, Francesco Cavraro, Andrew L. Jackson, Antonio Mazzola, Salvatrice Vizzini, Trophic adaptability shapes isotopic niche of the resident fish Aphanius fasciatus across lagoon habitats, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 264, 2022, p107685 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kunze, C., Luijckx, P., Jackson, A.L. & Donohue, I., Alternate patterns of temperature variation bring about very different disease outcomes at different mean temperatures, eLife, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Andrew Lloyd Jackson, Lucy Harding, Austin Gallagher, Andrew Jackson, Jenny Bortoluzzi, Haley R Dolton, Brendan Shea, Luke Harman, David Edwards, Nicholas Payne, Capture heats up sharks, Conservation Physiology, 10, (1), 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Andrew Lloyd Jackson, Haley R Dolton, Andrew L Jackson, Alan Drumm, Lucy Harding, Niall Ó Maoiléidigh, Hugo Maxwell, Ross O"Neill, Jonathan D R Houghton, Nicholas L Payne, Short-term behavioural responses of Atlantic bluefin tuna to catch-and-release fishing, Conservation Physiology, 10, (1), 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
James A. Orr and Jeremy J. Piggott and Andrew L. Jackson and Jean-Fran{\c{c, Scaling up uncertain predictions to higher levels of organisation tends to underestimate change, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12, (8), 2021, p1521--1532 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Lucy Harding and Andrew Jackson and Adam Barnett and Ian Donohue and Lewis Halsey and Charles Huveneers and Carl Meyer and Yannis Papastamatiou and Jayson M. Semmens and Erin Spencer and Yuuki Watanabe and Nicholas Payne, Endothermy makes fishes faster but does not expand their thermal niche, Functional Ecology, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Kevin Healy, Seán B.A Kelly, Thomas Guillerme & Andrew Jackson, 'SIDER: Stable Isotope Discrimination Estimation in R', Github, Github, 2017, -, Notes: [Associated with the accompanying peer reviewed paper: Healy, K., Guillerme, T., Kelly, S. B. A., Inger, R., Bearhop, S. and Jackson, A. L. (2017), SIDER: an R package for predicting trophic discrimination factors of consumers based on their ecology and phylogenetic relatedness. Ecography. doi:10.1111/ecog.03371 This paper also has a pre-print in PeerJ which can be found here:], Software, PUBLISHED
Brice Semmens, Brian Stock, Eric Ward, Andrew Parnell, Donald Phillips, & Andrew Jackson., 'MixSIAR', Github, 2016, -, Software, PUBLISHED
Jackson, A.L. & Parnell, A.C., 'SIBER', CRAN and GitHub, 2015, -, Notes: [Methodology published in Jackson, A.L., Parnell, A.C., Inger R., & Bearhop, S. 2011. Comparing isotopic niche widths among and within communities: SIBER - Stable Isotope Bayesian Ellipses in R. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80, 595-602 doi], Software, PUBLISHED
Parnell, A.C. & Jackson, A.L., siar: Stable Isotope Analysis in R, 2009, -, Notes: [Although not directly subject to peer-review, the underlying methodology was peer-reviewed in the associated papers: Jackson, A.L., Inger, R., Bearhop, S. & Parnell, A. 2009. Erroneous behaviour of MixSIR, a recently published Bayesian isotope mixing model: a discussion of Moore & Semmens, Ecology Letters, 2008. Ecology Letters, 12, E1-E5. Parnell, A.C., Inger R., Bearhop, S. & Jackson, A.L. 2010. Source partitioning using stable isotopes: coping with too much variation. PLoS ONE, 5(3), e9672. Jackson, A.L., Parnell, A.C., Inger R., & Bearhop, S. 2011. Comparing isotopic niche widths among and within communities: SIBER - Stable Isotope Bayesian Ellipses in R. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80, 595-602. Parnell, A.C., Phillips, D.L., Bearhop, S., Semmens, B.X., Ward, E.J., Moore, J.W., Jackson, A.L. & Inger, R. 2013. Bayesian stable isotope mixing models. Environmetrics, 24(6), 387-399. ], Software, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Fulbright Scholarship June 2017
Research Scholarship (PhD) - University of Glasgow 2002-2005
MacRobertson Travel Scholarship - University of Glasgow / University of Strathclyde Sept 2004
My broad research topic is ecology and evolution, and specifically theoretical ecology. I am interested in how interactions between individual organisms of the same and different species generate macroscopic patterns we observe as ecosystems or food-webs. I have a developed a research group that is a leader in quantitative ecology in Ireland and with demonstrable global impact and renown with a portfolio of highly cited research papers in top journals. Several graduates from my lab have set up their own successful groups as PIs in internationally recognised institutions. The current focus of my research is a four-year project funded by the Irish Research Council which aims to develop a new set of quantitative tools that will allow us to maximise our ability to monitor and predict the response of ecosystem food-webs to a world that is changing and ever more managed or impacted by societies. A food-web in some senses is simple: it describes how energy and biomass flows up from primary producers (plants) through to consumers and up to higher level predators. The challenge is to manage better these systems on which we rely for health and wealth. My project is developing dynamic mathematical models to generate food-webs of various structure and behaviour, and coupled with new statistical models that might allow us to monitor these systems in the real world. We have recently identified new links between empirical data and fundamental properties of food-webs that will allow us to change the way we monitor and manage ecosystems. I am currently using this new research momentum to help mentor new junior colleagues and to win further funding by using the outputs to solve real world problems in marine ecosystems with a particular focus on large marine predators and ecosystem based fisheries management.