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Professor Henry Rice

Professor (Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng)
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Professor Henry Rice

Professor (Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng)

Project Title
 Novel Aircraft Concepts Research
€ 279,000
Funding Agency
Project Title
 Environmental Noise
€ 125,000
Funding Agency
EPA Postdoctoral research fellowship
Project Title
 Wave Propagation
€ 60,000
Funding Agency
IRCSET Postgraduate Scholarship
Project Title
 European Doctorate in Sound and Vibration Studies II
€ 240, 400
Funding Agency
Marie Curie
Project Title
 Environment Transport Interface (ETI) - noise module
With C.Meskell ... Euro 220,000
Funding Agency

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Details Date
Regular reviewer for Journal of Sound and Vibration, plus reviews in Journal of Fluids and Structures, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Journal of SuperComputing.
HETAC Reviewer (2004-2006) 2006
Reviewer for BRITE/EURAM programme - Modelling Vibration, Acoustics, transportation 2000
External Examiner PhD theses ..UCD, NUIG, UL, DCU, Loughborough, Bradford,Queens,TU Berlin, TU Eindhoven, Twente, KTH. Opponent 4 times KTH, CNAM Paris, Rapporteur for HDR ECLyons 2018
External Examiner Mechanical Engineering NUIG 2016-2019 2019
Expert Reviewer for Mechanical Engineering programme in University of Luxembourg 2020
Expert Reviewer for Mechanical Engineering programmes TUDelft,TUEindhoven,Univ of Twente 2018
Chair of PhD panel (5 candidates) University Roma 3 2020
Expert Reviewer 2 visiting professorships KTH 2012
Details Date From Date To
CEng MIEI 1989
H.Mao, R.Rumpler, M.Gaborit, P.Göransson, J.Kennedy, D.O'Connor, D.Trimble, H.Rice, Twist, tilt and stretch: From isometric Kelvin cells to anisotropic cellular materials, Materials Design, 193(2020)108855, 2020, p1 - 15, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
H.J.Rice J.Kennedy P.Göransson L.Dowling D.Trimble, Design of a Kelvin cell acoustic metamaterial, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 472, (115167), 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
J Kennedy, L Flanagan, L Dowling, GJ Bennett, H Rice, D Trimble,, The Influence of Additive Manufacturing Processes on the Performance of a Periodic Acoustic Metamaterial, International Journal of Polymer Science, July 2019, 2019, p1 - 11, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Iemma, U. and Palma, G. and Rice, H. and Burghignoli, L., Numerical acoustic characterisation of a Kelvin cell structure under normal and grazing incidence, 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling, 6, 2018, pp3387-3394 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
H.J.Rice J.Kennedy and P.Göransson, Design of a kelvin cell acoustic metamaterial, ISMA 2018, Leuven, Belgium, (paper no 514), 2018, Notes: [selected for publication in journal of sound and vibration], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Dowling, L., Flanagan, L., Rice, H., Trimble, D., and Kennedy, J, The use of a benchmark periodic metamaterial to inform numerical modelling and additive manufacturing approaches, ISMA 2018, (paper no 518), 2018, Notes: [(paper selected for publication via Denorms COST action under Thermal and Acoustic Properties of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Metamaterials in International Journal of Polymer Science ], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Botha, J.D.M. and Shahroki, A. and Rice, H., An implementation of an aeroacoustic prediction model for broadband noise from a vertical axis wind turbine using a CFD informed methodology, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 410, 2017, p389-415 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Rice, H. and Rumpler, R. and Goransson,P., A development on fast frequency sweep methods for acoustic radiation problems, ISMA 2016, 2016, pp521-533 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Rasam, A. and Botha, J.D.M. and Bolin, K. and O'Reilly,C.J, Efraimsson,G. Rice,H.J..{', Aerodynamic noise prediction for a wind turbine using numerical flow simulations and semi-empirical modelling approaches, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Conference 2016, 2016, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Botha, J.D.M. and Rice, H. and Kennedy, J., Broadband noise prediction of open rotors using semi-empirical methods informed by CFD calculations, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Conference 2016, 2016, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED

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Award Date
Elected Fellow TCD 1995
1. Identification of non-linear systems post PhD : Following on from post PhD pubs 1985-88 on design of non-linear vibration absorbers I worked on the extension of the identification of general linear input/output systems using spectral methods was proposed in a pragmatic way for the first time. The initial paper was published in 1988 in the flegling journal (Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing) with subsequent follow ups. A most spectacular work included the experimental application of the method to developing a model for squeeze film damping from a fretting wear problem associated with heat exchanger tubes at Centre dEtudes Atomique (CEA) Saclay (Esmonde et al 1990) and an experimental application to locate a discrete non-linearity (Xu and Rice 1996). Work on the non-linear dynamics of light fibrous materials (eg Rice Torrance Eikelman 1998 and with Goransson 1999) is now being revisted in the context of metamaterials. 2. Vibration to Acoustics : As the bulk of my funding was now linked to aeronautic applications, I became more interested in designing solutions for real/large systems which included acoustics.. Experimental testing of larger systems had been well established at this time but the computational challenges associated with large scale acoustic systems now became key in design. I also examined during this period the classical Finite Element Method and published on Middle Ear dynamics with e.g. (Blaney from 1996, and Ferris 1998 - prosthesis designs) In these paper series we developed for the first time coupled vibroacoustic models for the outer and middle ear entities. Studies on wave based full field methods and boundary methods with e.g. Lopez et al from 2003 and efficient freucny domains solutions continue (ISMA 2016). 3. Environmental Noise : In 2003 the European Noise Directive END was launched which delivered funding by branching into noise impact and publications from 2006 onwards principally with Murphy and King with a new recent EPA project on further implementation. An aspect of this was also expressed with support from SFI Metropolis to develop in conjunction with C O'Sullivan and F.Newells and F.Bolands groups ground breaking auralised city (college) animations with traffic and people (pubs from 2009). 4.Jet Noise : These complex fluid flow processes require semi-analytic approaches driven by underlying rans methods with some success delivered publications from (2007) on design approaches. This extended more recently to the area of wind turbine (particularly intermittent) noise (see Botha 2017 and EU-SWIP grant). 5.Metamaterial Acoustics : This is a transformational emerging opportunity which I have engaged in where absorbent materials may now be manufactured with precise internal geometries at scales suitable for "designer" acoustic interaction in the audible range. Our positioning of manufacturing, experimental and modelling analysis was duly recognised by a H2020 grant (Aerialist - J.Kennedy PI with a follow on proposal (much expanded in partnerships) and positioning ourselves on the manufacturing/vibro-acoustic design with the EU COST action -DENORMS. This work has already resulted in three top journal papers (one invited) with a further paper in prep on a sub wavelength acoustic liner design. The research is on track to further diversify into vibroacoustics, multifunctional design, active and semi active metastructures and AI optimisations in metastructure design. This research development is particularly satisfying as it draws on all of the 4 previous expertise areas with the critical enabling addition of expertise from AMBER and our additive manufacturing group. We thus have a core multi-disciplinary world leading group (with J.Kennedy and D.Trimble) established now in TCD