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Professor Martin Hegner

Professor (Physics)

Professor (CRANN)

Prof. Hegner studied Life Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich in 1984 (CH). He received his Diplom ("master of science") degree in Cellular Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Immunology and Toxicology in 1989 and he completed his PhD thesis in 1994 with work in the field of 'Protein Translocation across Membranes' and 'Biological Scanning Probe Microscopy' at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Institute for Biochemistry in Zurich. In 1994-96 he had a post-doctoral position at the Institute of Physics in Basel in the laboratory of Prof. H.-J. Güntherodt, a pioneer in the field of scanning probe microscopy. Thereafter ('96-'99) he joined the world leading group of C. Bustamante at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Eugene, OR and then at University of California at Berkeley, CA as a research associate to acquire know-ho in the field of single molecule manipulation with optical tweezers. In 1999 he joined the Institute of Physics at University of Basel (Switzerland) as group and project leader for biological nanoscale science within the newly founded Swiss National Centre of Competence 'Nanoscale Science'. Until today he introduced several novel approaches to investigate molecular interactions with nanomechanical tools. In 2001 he received his 'venia docendi' in Experimental Physics at the University of Basel, Switzerland and in 2007 he joined the Physics faculty of the University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin Ireland. He was appointed as Professor and pursues his interdisciplinary research in the Centre of Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices (CRANN) in the field of Nanobiotechnology.
  Applied physics   Biochemistry   Bioengineering   Biomarker   BIOMOLECULES   Biophysics   BIOSENSOR   Biosensors   Diagnostics   Imaging, image processing   Molecular Biology   Molecular Biophysics   Molecular markers and recognition   Multisensory technology, multi sensing   Nano Biotechnology   NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY   Nanomedicine   Nanotechnology   Nuclei acids, polynucleotides, protein synthesis   Optical Tweezers   Optics   Physics   Positioning and guidance systems   Quality, quality control, traceability   Scanning Probe Microscopy   Sensory science, sensors and instrumentation   Surface and interface physics   Surface chemistry   Surface Funtionalisation
 Nanomechanical detection of noncoding RNA for diagnosis in biological fluids
 Nanomechanics of molecular motors and cantilever array bio-diagnostic devices
 ncRNA diagnostics
 Nanomechanical Thrombosis Diagnostic

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Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Medium Medium
German, Swiss variant, traditional orthography Fluent Fluent Fluent
Italian Medium Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
Biophysical Society USA 1997 present
Brunetti, G., Padovani, F., De Pastina, A., Rotella,C., Monahan, A., Hoffman, S., Jongo, S., Abdulla, S., Corradin, G., Pluschke, G., Daubenberger, C. and Hegner, M, Nanotechnological immunoassay for rapid label-free analysis of candidate malaria vaccines, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
De Pastina, A., Padovani, F., Brunetti, G., Rotella, C., Niosi, F., Usov. V. and Hegner, M., Multimodal real-time frequency tracking of cantilever arrays in liquid environment for biodetection: Comprehensive setup and performance analysis, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 92, 2021, p065001-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Brunetti, G., De Pastina, A. and Hegner, M., apid Label-free Nanotechnological Immunoassay for Analysis of Candidate Malaria Vaccines, Appl. Cell Biol., 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Brunetti, G., De Pastina, A. and Hegner, M., Quantitative epitope analysis reveals drastic 63% reduced immuno-affinity and 60% enhanced transmissibility for SARS-CoV-2 variants, Nanoscale Advances, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Zheng, L.-Q. and Wang, X. and Shao, F. and Hegner, M. and Zenobi, R., Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of Reversible Photoisomerization of an Azobenzene-Thiol Self-Assembled Monolayer by Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 57, (4), 2018, p1025-1029 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Duffy, J. and Padovani, F. and Brunetti, G. and Noy, P. and Certa, U. and Hegner, M., Towards personalised rapid label free miRNA detection for cancer and liver injury diagnostics in cell lysates and blood based samples, Nanoscale, 10, (26), 2018, p12797-12804 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Wruck, F., Katranidis, A., Nierhaus, K.H., Büldt, G., Hegner, M., Translation and folding of single proteins in real-time, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114, (22), 2017, pE4399 - E4407, Notes: [doi:10.1073/pnas.1617873114], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Padovani, F., Duffy, J., Hegner, M., Microrheological Coagulation Assay Exploiting Micromechanical Resonators, Analytical Chemistry, 89, 2017, p751 - 758, Notes: [DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b03347], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Padovani, F. and Duffy, J. and Hegner, M., Nanomechanical clinical coagulation diagnostics and monitoring of therapies, Nanoscale, 9, (45), 2017, p17939-17947 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Jadhav V.S, BrÃŒggemann D, Wruck F, Hegner M, Single-molecule mechanics of protein-labelled DNA handles, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 7, (1), 2016, p138 - 148, Notes: [Cited By :1 Export Date: 7 March 2017], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL

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Award Date
Panel Member Volkswagen Research Foundation 2013
Editor in chief EPJ - TI (Springer) 2013
Fellow TCD 2011
Associate Editor; BMC J. Nanobiotech 2008
Stoke's Award - Science Foundation Ireland 11/2007
Wissenschaftspreis des Kanton Basel Stadt 2004 12/2004
Member NCCR Nanoscale Science; University of Basel 07/2001
ELTEM Regio lecturer position in Nanoscale Science 07/2001
Treubel Stiftung Habilitations fellowship 09/1999
Human Frontier Science Program fellowship 07/1997
Swiss National Science Foundation fellowship for advanced researcher 06/1996
CIBA Geigy fellowship 11/1995
GSE award for diploma work in biochemistry at ETH 11/1989
Martin Hegner's scientific interests focus on interdisciplinary research in single molecule manipulation, biophysics, bio-diagnostics and development and application of biological sensing devices. Scientific collaborations around the globe and involve also industrial partners such as Hoffmann La-Roche Ltd. Nanobiotechnology will have a deep impact on our daily lives translating laboratory research into products that will revolutionize healthcare