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Dr. Angela Griffith

Assistant Professor Part-Time (History Of Art)
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Dr. Angela Griffith

Assistant Professor Part-Time (History Of Art)

  ART   Artists' Books - modern and contemporary   Arts and Crafts movement in Ireland   Contemporary art   Fine art printmaking 19th century   Fine art printmaking 20th century   Illustration in Ireland and Britain 19th century   Illustration in Ireland and Britain 20th century   Irish art 1850-present   print culture   Printmaking
Elizabeth Corbet Yeats: Dun Emer and Cuala Presses and Irish 'art printing' in, editor(s)Artemis Alexiou , Women in Print: design and (re)construction of personal histories, Berlin, Bern, New York, Oxford, Peter Lang , 2022, [Angela Griffith], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
anguished hope... Liam O' Broin's imaginative reading of Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy in, editor(s)Conor Brady, Corinna Lonergan, Liam O'Broin , Dante Alighieri - La Commedia - 100 lithographs , Dublin , Office of Public Works, 2021, pp7-12 , [Angela Griffith], Notes: [ anguished hope...Liam Ó Broin's imaginative reading of Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Angela Griffith, 'Clúdach: Elizabeth Corbet Yeats, Plate XXIII from Brushwork Studies of Flowers, Fruit, and Animals (London: George Philip & Son, 1898)', New Hibernia Review, 25, (2), 2021, p158-160 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Angela Griffith, 'Clúdach: Mandy O'Neill, Diane', New Hibernia Review, 25, (1), 2021, p174-76 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Angela Griffith , Mark Francis: Untitled, New Hibernia Review, 24, (1), 2020, p159 - 159, Notes: [10.1353/nhr.2020.0004], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Angela Griffith, Diane Copperwhite: Moonstruck, New Hibernia Review, 24, (3), 2020, p156 - 158, Notes: [10.1353/nhr.2020.0026], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Angela Griffith and Anne Hodge , Making their Mark: Irish painter etchers , Dublin , National Gallery of Ireland , 2019, Book, PUBLISHED
Angela Griffith, Marguerite Helmers, Roisin Kennedy, , Harry Clarke and artistic visions of the New Irish State, Dublin , Irish Academic Press, 2018, 1 - 346pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Angela Griffith , Estella Solomons: An Irish painter etcher , Bethseda, MD, Wild Apple Press, 2018, 1-10pp, Notes: [handset, hand printed on handmade paper, collectors edition ], Book, PUBLISHED
Angela Griffith, Prix de Print: No 29 Kelsey Stephenson , Art in Print , 8, (1), 2018, p1-3 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Angela Griffith and Jennifer Farley, 'Blot's most Marvellous Historical guide to Printing Books', Dublin, National Print Museum, 2021, - 1-30, Fiction and creative prose, PUBLISHED