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Professor Daniel Geary

Professor In (History)

  American Politics   Cultural History   History of Liberalism and the Left   History of the United States   Intellectual History   Race and Ethnicity   United States History   US Politics
Details Date
Founding President, U.S. History and Politics Network for Ireland 2014
International Contributing Editor, Journal of American History 2009-
Editorial Board, Irish Journal of American Studies 2021-
Early Career Mentor, Historians of the Twentieth-century United States (HOTCUS) 2017-
Book Manuscript Reviewer for Cambridge University Press, Harvard University Press, Oxford University Press, Palgrave, University of Pennsylvania Press, Routledge, Temple University Press, and University of North Carolina Press
Journal Manuscript Reviewer for American Historical Review, Journal of American History, Journal of American Studies, Journal of the History of Ideas, Journal of Southern History, Journal of Urban History, Modern Intellectual History, Social Science History
Prize Committee, Peggy O'Brien Book Prize, Irish Association for American Studies 2020
PhD External Examiner, Cambridge University
PhD Examiner, University of Nottingham
Details Date From Date To
Organization of American Historians
American Historical Association
Historians of the Twentieth-century United States
Society for U.S. Intellectual History
Irish Association of American Studies
"We Shall Overcome" and Ireland: The Transatlantic Politics of a Protest Song in, editor(s)Timothy Parsons , Black 1968, Routledge, 2025, [Daniel Geary, Jack Sheehan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
It Can't Happen Here: Trump Viewed from the Margins in, The Radical Right: The Politics of Hate on the Margins of Global Capital, Leiden, Brill, 2022, pp200 - 214, [Daniel Geary], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Daniel Geary, Camilla Schofield, and Jennifer Sutton, Global White Nationalism: From Apartheid to Trump, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2020, Book, PUBLISHED  URL
From Belfast to Bob Jones: Ian Paisley, Protestant Fundamentalism, and the Transatlantic Far Right in, editor(s)Daniel Geary, Camilla Schofield, and Jennifer Sutton , Global White Nationalism: From Apartheid to Trump, Manchester University Press, 2020, pp131 - 154, [Daniel Geary], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Daniel Geary, Beyond Civil Rights: The Moynihan Report and Its Legacy, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015, Book, PUBLISHED
Liberalism and the New Left Reconsidered: The Committee of Correspondence and the Port Huron Statement in, editor(s)Richard Flacks and Nelson Lichtenstein , The Port Huron Statement: Sources and Legacies of the New Left's Founding Manifesto, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015, pp83 - 94, [Daniel Geary], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Resisting the Wind of Change: the Citizens Councils and European Decolonization in, editor(s)Cornelius van Minnen and Manfred Berg , The US South and Europe, Lexington, Kentucky, University of Kentucky Press, 2013, pp265-79 , [Daniel Geary & Jennifer Sutton], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Daniel Geary , Children of The Lonely Crowd: David Riesman, the Young Radicals, and the Splitting of Liberalism, Modern Intellectual History, 10, 2013, p603-33 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Daniel Geary, "How I Would Feel if I were in San Quentin": Johnny Cash and the Politics of Country Music, Daedalus, 2013, p64-72 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Daniel Geary, Racial Liberalism, the Moynihan Report, and the Daedalus Project on 'The Negro American', Daedalus, 140, (1), 2011, p53 - 66, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Daniel Geary, The American Far Right in Transatlantic Perspective, The Right in the Americas, Paris (via zoom), 18 March, 2022, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Daniel Geary, After Roe, the Radical Right will Score more Victories, 2022, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Daniel Geary, Mid-term Elections Should Be a Referendum on Trumpism, 2022, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Daniel Geary, There's a Silver Lining to Overturning Roe v Wade , 2022, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Daniel Geary, Flawed Democracy and Its Threat to the US, Review of How Civil Wars Start, by Barbara F Walter , Irish Times, 2022, Review, PUBLISHED
Daniel Geary, The Black President: A balance sheet of things Obama did right and could have done better, Review of The Black President, by Claude A. Clegg , Irith Times, 2022, Review, PUBLISHED
Daniel Geary, A Compelling Analysis, Review of The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order, by Gary Gerstle , Irish Times, 2022, Review, PUBLISHED
Daniel Geary, If History Matters, Then Black History Matters, zoom, 2021, Trinity Graduate Student Union, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Daniel Geary, Trump Has Not Been Alone in Undermining American Democracy, 2021, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Daniel Geary, American Democracy Was on the Ballot--And it Has Lost, 2021, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Fellow, Trinity College Dublin 2017
Peggy O'Brien Book Prize, Irish Association for American Studies 2017
James Kettner Award for Best Dissertation 2004