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Professor Fraser Mitchell

Professor (Botany)
Assoc Dean of Undergraduate Science Educ (Trinity Centre for the Environment)
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Professor Fraser Mitchell

Professor (Botany)

Assoc Dean of Undergraduate Science Educ (Trinity Centre for the Environment)

Fraser Mitchell is currently the Professor in Quaternary Ecology at Trinity College Dublin. He was appointed to a lectureship in the Botany Department in TCD in 1990. From 1985-1990 he was conducting postdoctoral research as a Higher Scientific Officer in the Grazing Research Division of The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Edinburgh. He was a postgraduate in the Botany Department, Trinity College Dublin 1982-1985 and was awarded his PhD in 1987. He graduated with a BSc (hons) first class from University College Galway in 1982.
Project Title
 Earth and Natural Sciences Doctoral Studies Programme
Funding Agency
Project Title
Forest biodiversity
Funding Agency
Project Title
 Ecology of deep sea echinoids
Funding Agency
Project Title
Forest biodiversity
Funding Agency
Project Title
Quantifying woodland resource usage in the Irish midlands using archaeological and palaeoecological techniques
Funding Agency
NRA (National Roads Authority)

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Vegetation history of County Monaghan in, editor(s)Fitzgerald, A.A. , Flora of County Monaghan, Dublin, Wordwell, 2024, pp25 - 33, [Mitchell, F.J.G.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
De Schuyter, W., De Lombaerde, E., Depauw, L., De Smedt, P., Stachurska-Swako", A., Orczewska, A., Teleki, B., Jaroszewicz, B., Closset, D., Máliš, F., Mitchell, F., Schei, F. H., Peterken, G., Decocq, G., Van Calster, H., Šebesta, J., Lenoir, J., Brunet, J., Reczy"ska, K. " Verheyen, K., Declining potential nectar production of the herb layer in temperate forests under global change., Journal of Ecology, 112, (4), 2024, p1 - 16, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Trees vs. grazers: who wins? The palaeoecological perspective in, editor(s)Stewart, M. , The nature of the first forests in NW Europe, Perth, Native Woodlands Discussion Group, 2023, pp3 - 14, [Mitchell, F.J.G.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Thomas G. Sim, Graeme T. Swindles, Paul J. Morris, Andy J. Baird, Angela V. Gallego-Sala, Yuwan Wang, Maarten Blaauw, Philip Camill, Michelle Garneau, Mark Hardiman, Julie Loisel, Minna V"liranta, Lysanna Anderson, Karina Apolinarska, Femke Augustijns, Liene Aunina, Joannie Beaulne, P"emysl Bobek, Werner Borken, Nils Broothaerts, Qiao-Yu Cui, Marissa A. Davies, Ana Ejarque, Michelle Farrell, Ingo Feeser, Angelica Feurdean, Richard E. Fewster, Sarah A. Finkelstein, Marie-José Gaillard, Mariusz Ga"ka, Liam Heffernan, Renske Hoevers, Miriam Jones, Teemu Juselius-Rajamäki, Edgar Karofeld, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Atte Korhola, Dmitri Kupriyanov, Malin E. Kylander, Terri Lacourse, Mariusz Lamentowicz, Martin Lavoie, Geoffrey Lemdahl, Dominika "uców, Gabriel Magnan, Alekss Maksims, Claudia A. Mansilla, Katarzyna Marcisz, Elena Marinova, Paul J.H. Mathijssen, Dmitri Mauquoy, Yuri A. Mazei, Natalia Mazei, Julia McCarroll, Robert D. McCulloch, Alice M. Milner, Yannick Miras, Fraser J.G. Mitchell, Elena Novenko, Nicolas Pelletier, Matthew C. Peros, Sanna R. Piilo, Louis-Martin Pilote, Guillaume Primeau, Damien Rius, Vincent Robin, Mylène Robitaille, Thomas P. Roland, Eleonor Ryberg, A. Britta K. Sannel, Karsten Schittek, Gabriel Servera-Vives, William Shotyk, Micha" S"owi"ski, Normunds Stivrins, Ward Swinnen, Gareth Thompson, Alexei Tiunov, Andrey N. Tsyganov, Eeva-Stiina Tuittila, Gert Verstraeten, Tuomo Wallenius, Julia Webb, Debra Willard, Zicheng Yu, Claudio Zaccone, Hui Zhang,, Regional variability in peatland burning at mid-to high-latitudes during the Holocene, QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 305, (108020), 2023, p1-17 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Landuyt, D., Perring, M. P., Blondeel, H., De Lombaerde, E., Depauw, L., Lorer, E., Maes, S. L., Baeten, L., Bergès, L., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Br"melis, G., Brunet, J., Chudomelová, M., Czerepko, J., Decocq, G., den Ouden, J., De Frenne, P., Dirnböck, T., Durak, T., Fichtner, A., Gawry", R., Härdtle, W., Hédl, R., Heinrichs, S., Heinken, T., Jaroszewicz, B., Kirby, K., Kopecký, M., Máliš, F., Macek, M., Mitchell, F.J.G., Naaf, T., Pet"ík, P., Reczy"ska, K., Schmidt, W., Standovár, T., Swierkosz, K., Smart, S.M., Van Calster, H., Vild, O., Waller, D.M, Wulf, M., Verheyen, K., Combining multiple investigative approaches to unravel functional responses to global change in the understorey of temperate forests, Global Change Biology, 30, (e17086), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Hawthorne, D. Colombaroli, D. and Mitchell, F.J.G., Palaeoecological records as a guide for fire management in Killarney National Park, Ireland, Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 134, 2023, p403 - 415, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Hamilton, J.J., Mitchell, F.J.G. & Kelly, D.L., Monitoring of Vegetation Change Through Permanent Woodland Plots in Killarney National Park: A 30-Year Review. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No.141, Dublin, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Ireland, 2022, 1 - 66pp, Book, PUBLISHED  URL
Pattarakulpisutti, P. and Mitchell, F.J.G., The role of fluvial landforms as a driver of vegetation variation on a floodplain in southern Thailand, Flora, 288, (152018), 2022, p1 - 13, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Hawthorne, D., Colombaroli, D., Mitchell, F.J.G., Combining paleoecological and archaeological records to inform fire management and ecosystem conservation in Killarney National Park, Ireland., PAGES Magazine, 30, (1), 2022, p42 - 43, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Coxon, P., Mitchell, F.J.G. and Wyse Jackson, P.N. , Wicklow in the Grip of an Ice Age. Second Edition, Second Edition, Dublin, Irish Quaternary Association (IQUA)., 2019, 1 - 62pp, Book, PUBLISHED

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O'Halloran, J, Irwin, S, Kelly, DL, Kelly, TC, Mitchell, FJG, Coote, L, Oxbrough, A, Wilson, MW, Martin, RD, Moore, K, Sweeney, O, Dietzsch, AC, Walsh, A, Keady, S, French, V, Fox, H, Kopke, K, Butler, F, Neville, P, Management of biodiversity in a range of Irish forest types, Dublin, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 2011, 391, Report, PUBLISHED
Roche, J.R., Mitchell, F.J.G. and Waldren, S., Holocene dynamics of Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) in Ireland and palaeoecological evidence for its continued survival in the Burren through the late Holocene , Irish Quaternary Association Newsletter, 45, 2010, p4 - 5, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Wride M.A., Jones M., Marples M.M., Mitchell F, The light of life: can you believe your eyes?, Lightwave: ready to be illuminated?, Science Gallery, TCD, Feb 5, 2008, Science Gallery, TCD, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Mitchell, F.J.G., Oksanen, P.O. and Stefanini, B., Comparison of proxy methods of reconstructing mire water tables from plant macrofossils, Quaternary International, 167-168, 2007, p284 - 285, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Oksanen, P.O., Stefanini, B., Mitchell, F.J.G., Blundell, A. and Charman, D., Multi-proxy high resolution record from Ballyduff Bog, Ireland, reflecting hydrological and climate during the last 4700 years, Irish Association for Quaternary Studies Newsletter, 37, 2006, p6 - 6, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Mitchell, F.J.G., A history of native woodlands of Scotland, 1500-1920, Review of A history of native woodlands of Scotland, 1500-1920, by Smout, T.C., MacDonald, A.R., Watson, F. , The Holocene, 16, (5), 2006, p781 , Review, PUBLISHED
Mitchell, F.J.G., Tree migration into Ireland, Irish Association for Quaternary Studies Newsletter, 32, (2), 2004, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Leira, M., Cole, E., and Mitchell, F.J.G., History of a presently acidic lake in eastern Ireland (Kelly's Lough, Co. Wicklow) determined through analysis of the sedimentary record, Irish Quaternary Association Newsletter, 28, (6), 2002, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Mitchell, F.J.G., Is the natural vegetation cover of lowland Europe really parkland rather than closed forest?, Review of Grazing Ecology and Forest History, by Vera, F.W.M. , Journal of Biogeography, 28, 2001, Notes: [CABI Publishing, Wallingford], Review, PUBLISHED
Mitchell, F.J.G., The role of Giant Irish Deer in the Allerød climatic decline, Irish Association for Quaternary Studies Newsletter, 24, 2000, p6 - 7, Journal Article, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Charles Bullard Fellow at Harvard University 2000
Fellow Trinity College Dublin (F.T.C.D) 2001
Fraser Mitchell is a palaeoecologist with research interest in long term environmental change as well as contemporary ecosystems. This has included investigating the impacts of human activity, grazing and climate on temperate forest succession and the drivers of contemporary forest biodiversity as well as investigation of long term climate impacts on peatland ecosystems. His research thus focuses on ecosystem function over immediate and long time scales. The results of this research feed into contemporary conservation management, restoration ecology and climate modelling. Principal funding sources have been EU and Irish government agencies. This has funded research throughout Ireland but also in UK, Spain, Poland, USA, Australia and Thailand.