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Professor Patrick Cunningham

Professor of Animal Genetics (Genetics)
Profile Photo

Professor Patrick Cunningham

Professor of Animal Genetics (Genetics)


Gomez-Miguelez, I., Garcia-Saavedra, A., Sutton, P.D., (...), Cano, C., Leith, D.J., srsLTE: An open-source platform for LTE evolution and experimentation, Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM, Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM, 03-07-October-2016, 2016, 25-32 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Cunningham, P., Policy: Set research priorities in a time of recession., Nature, 502, (7472), 2013, p433-434 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Cunningham, P., Ireland: Research is the seed of future prosperity, Nature , 487, (7406), 2012, p171 , Notes: [ ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Cunningham, P., European union: Measuring success, Issues in Science and Technology, 26, (3), 2010, p75-80 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Cunningham EP, Tauebert H, Measuring the effect of change in selection indices., Journal of dairy science, 92, (12), 2009, p6192-6 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Cunningham, P., Using DNA traceability to track meat and ensure safety, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News, 289, (8), 2008, p0-0 , Notes: [ ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Patrick Cunningham, Nach BSE - die Kosten, die Lehren, die Optionen, Nova Acta Leopoldina NF, 94, (947), 2006, p31 - 40, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Norris AT and Cunningham EP, Estimates of phenotypic and genetic parameters for flesh colour traits in farmed Atlantic salmon based on a multiple trait animal model, Livestock Production Science, 89, 2004, p209 - 222, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
After the BSE Crisis - Lessons for the Livestock Industry in, editor(s)Rosati A, Tewolde A, Mosconi C , WAAP Book of the Year, 2003, pp211 - 219, [Cunningham, EP], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
E.P. Cunningham, After BSE - A future for the European livestock sector, European Association for Animal Production, Scientific series, 108, 2003, Notes: [ ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Public understanding and perception of biotechnology in the EU - myth and reality in, editor(s)Tuberosa R, Phillips RL and Gale M , In the Wake of the Double Helix - from the Green Revolution to the Gene Revolution, Bologna, Avenue Media, 2005, [Cunningham EP], Notes: [ ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Molecular Methods and Equine Genetic Diversity in, editor(s)Bodo, I, Alderson, L, Bertrand, B , Conservation Genetics of Endangered Horse Breeds, EAAP, 2005, [Cunningham EP], Notes: [Publication No 116], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Cunningham EP, Gene based technologies for the livestock industries in the third millennium, Applications of Gene-based Technologies for Improving Animal Production and Health in Developing Countries, edited by Makkar HPS and Viljoen GJ , IAEA, 2005, pp41 - 51, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Cunningham EP, Genetic Mismanagement - Fact or Fiction?, Proc. Int. Conference of Racing Analysts and Veterinarians, Dubai, edited by Albert PH, Morton T and Wade JF , 2004, pp59 - 59, Notes: [ ], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Cunningham EP, A Rastreabilidade da Producao ao Consumidor usando Tecnicas de DNA, Proc 1r Congresso Brasiliero de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Carnes, Sao Pedro/SP - CTC/ITAL, 2003, pp328 - 335, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED