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Dr. David Ditchburn

Associate Prof in Medieval History (History)
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Dr. David Ditchburn

Associate Prof in Medieval History (History)

  Medieval Britain   Medieval Europe   Medieval Scotland   SCOTLAND   Scottish history
esús Ángel Solórzano Telechea, David Ditchburn, María Álvarez Fernández (editors), Políticas y estrategias socioeconómicas en la ciudad medieval atlántica, Logroño, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2023, 1 - 292pp, Book, PUBLISHED
The Crown and the Customs Administration in Late Medieval Scotland, c. 1275"c. 1513 in, editor(s)Jesús Ángel Solórzano Telechea, David Ditchburn and Maria Álvarez Fernández , Políticas y Estrategias Socioeconómicas en la Ciudad Medieval Atlántica , Logroño, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2023, pp209 - 226, [David Ditchburn], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
David Ditchburn, Scotland, the Low Countries and the Conduct of Diplomacy in the Later Middle Ages, The Medieval Low Countries: History, Archaeology, Art & Literature2295-3493 , 9 for 2022, 2023, p93 - 120, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Steve Boardman and David Ditchburn, Kingship, Lordship and Sanctity in Medieval Britain, Woodbridge, Boydell, 2022, xxxii + 1-301pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Alexander ('Sandy') Grant: Views from Lancaster and Beyond in, editor(s)Steve Boardman and David Ditchburn , Kingship, Lordship and Sanctity in Medieval Britain, Woodbridge, Boydell, 2022, ppxxi - xxxii, [Steve Boardman, David Ditchburn, Keith Stringer, Roland Tanner and Angus Winchester], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Queen Margaret and Dunfermline: Cult, Court and Community in, editor(s)Steve Boardman and David Ditchburn , Kingship, Lordship and Sanctity in Medieval Britain, Woodbridge, Boydell, 2022, pp259 - 284, [David Ditchburn], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
The Scottish Historical Review, 101, 1, (2022), 1 - 153p, David Ditchburn, Emma Macleod and Alastair Macdonald, Journal, PUBLISHED
The Scottish Historical Review, 101, 2, (2022), 154 - 354p, David Ditchburn, Emma Macleod and Alastair Macdonald, Journal, PUBLISHED
The Scottish Historical Review, 101, 3, (2022), 355 - 544p, Terry Brotherstone and David Ditchburn, Journal, PUBLISHED
Terry Brotherstone and David Ditchburn, From Newbattle to Arbroath, and Back, 1320-2020, The Scottish Historical Review , 101, (3), 2022, p355 - 378, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Medieval Scotland, and especially its social, economic, religious and political connections with foreign countries.