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CHARM-EU MASTER'S IN GLOBAL CHALLENGES FOR SUSTAINABILITY: CO-CHAIR OF E-PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE (PAC) AND MEMBER BOARD OF EXAMINERS: This prestigious Master's programme ( is accredited and jointly awarded by the five CHARM-EU partner universities: University of Barcelona (Spain), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), Utrecht University (Netherlands), Eötvös Loránd University Budapest (Hungary) and University of Montpellier (France). I am also teaching on the programme and collaborating with Prof. Catherine Comiskey (TCD) who is Chair of the Academic Board of CHARM-EU. The total grant revenue from the Commission (exclusive of Contribution from Beneficiaries [23.76%]) was €5M. For TCD, the total allocation (direct costs) was €1,820,721 of which €432,603 (23.76%) is contributed by TCD. Total amount funded by the Commission is €1,388,118.
Sept 2021 |
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ADVISOR. Then Minister of Health Leo Varadkar responded to publications (De Vries & Timmins; Timmins & De Vries) on Care Erosion and Cognitive Dissonance. Subsequently we were invited to share our insights and had two meetings with senior staff in the Department of Health to advise the department on these issues. We were also invited to present our findings at the Department of Health conference: Nursing and Midwifery Values in Practice., Conference Centre, Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland, Tuesday 16th May, 2017. (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE APPLIED TO HEALTHCARE)
2017 |
REVIEWER GRANT APPLICATION for Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) id nr 10200012420029: Verhalen over passende palliatieve zorg: ontwikkeling van twee video interventies
11/06/2024 |
29/07/2024 |
15/04/2024 |
EDITORIAL BOARD Springer Nature BMC Nursing
12/08/2024 |
Reviewer for BMC Psychology: manuscript ID: cd2c9e00-7464-45ee-8419-faa295c7d6d4 (title confidential)
23/04/2024 |
15/04/2024 |
Reviewer (3x) for Nurse Education in Practice Manuscript Number: YNEPR-D-23-01501R2 NURSING STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS OF UNFINISHED NURSING CARE: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY
12/03/2024 |
EXTERNAL EXAMINER Waterford Institute of Technology (WT)
2021 |
Reviewer for Marriage and Family Review (MFR): title: "The protective role of the previous couple"s relationship on the perinatal mental health of mothers and fathers facing the COVID-19 pandemic" for Marriage & Family Review
21/01/2024 |
Reviewer for International Journal of Transgender Health: manuscript, "Navigating the Gap: Unveiling the Hidden Minority Stressors Faced by Trans and Nonbinary Clients in Gender Affirming Care".
02/01/2024 |
EDITORIAL BOARD Marriage and Family Review
since 2006 |
Reviewer Basic and Applied Psychology Manuscript "Arousal and valence following a brief induced compliance cognitive dissonance paradigm targeting societal pressure for thinness"
20/05/2023 |
Reviewer for Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Manuscript "Parenting Behaviors and Self-Efficacies of Typically Developing and Intellectually Disabled children: Perspective from Turkey" .
01/06/2023 |
Reviewer Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Manuscript "Vicarious dissonance: Pre-registered Meta-Analysis"
22/06/2023 |
Reviewer for Basic and Applied Social Psychology Re: "Arousal and valence following a brief induced compliance cognitive dissonance paradigm targeting societal pressure for thinness" - HBAS-2023-0108
07/07/2023 |
Reviewer for Nurse Education Today - Manuscript Number: NET-D-22-02077R1 Does the Compassion Level of Nursing Students Affect Their Spiritual Care Perception? A Cross-Sectional Study
24/07/2023 |
Reviewer for Nurse Education in Practice Manuscript Number:" YNEPR-D-23-00833 Factors Associated with Critical Reflection Competency Among Clinical Nurse Educators
29/07/2023 |
Reviewer for Nurse Education in Practice - Manuscript Number: YNEPR-D-23-00833 Factors Associated with Critical Reflection Competency Among Clinical Nurse Educators
12/08/2023 |
Reviewer Nurse Education Today - Manuscript Number: NET-D-22-02077R2 Does the Compassion Level of Nursing Students Affect Their Spiritual Care Perception? A Cross-Sectional Study
22/08/2023 |
Reviewer for Psychological Reviewing. Manuscript "Cognitive dissonance is not cognitive"
20/08/2023 |
Reviewer for Nurse Education in Practice - manuscript YNEPR-D-23-00697R2
11/09/2023 |
Reviewer Journal of Intellectual Disabilities - reviewing manuscript # JID-22-0131.R1 entitled "Parenting Behaviours and Parental Self-Efficacy: A Comparative Study between Parents of Typically Developing Children and Children with Intellectual Disabilities"
13/09/2023 |
Reviewer for Journal of Intellectual Disabilities - reviewing manuscript # JID-22-0131.R2 entitled "Parenting Behaviors and Parental Self-Efficacy: A Comparative Study of Parents of Children with Intellectual Disabilities and Typically Developing Children"
12/10/2023 |
Reviewer Nurse Education in Practice - Manuscript Number: YNEPR-D-23-00697R3 Evaluation of a Blended Training Solution for Critical Care Nurses" Work Environment: Lessons Learned from focus groups in Four European Countries
16/10/2023 |
Reviewer Nurse Education Today - Manuscript Number: NET-D-23-02050 How Nursing Students" Perceptions of People with Psychiatric Disabilities Change When Using the Strengths Model During Practicums: A Qualitative Research Study
06/10/2023 |
NURSING AND MIDWIFERY BOARD OF IRELAND (NMBI): NOMINATED BY COLLEGE TO THE BOARD OF NMBI. Formal appointment is currently being progressed by Minister Harris at the Department of Health.
Oct 2021 |
Reviewer Frontiers in Psychology Reviewer Report on the manuscript: Neuromodulation of choice-induced preference changes: the tDCS study of cognitive dissonance [ID: 1104410
06/11/2023 |
Reviewer Nurse Education Today Manuscript Number:" NET-D-23-02478 Do Nursing Students" Altruism Levels Affect Their Attitudes Toward Medical Errors?
19/12/2023 |
Reviewer International Journal of Transgender Health Manuscript ID WIJT-2023-0374
26/12/2023 |
Review YNEPR-D-23-01501 for Nurse Education in Practice
6 Dec 2023 |
CHARM-EU Masters Representative for TCD on Programme Board
1 Oct 2023 |
NURSING AND MIDWIFERY BOARD OF IRELAND (NMBI) ADVISOR. When new standards and regulations for nursing and midwifery education were developed, I played a leadership role in the consultation process. My contribution as psychology advisor is acknowledged in the resulting new Standards and Requirements for Nursing Education (p. 138):
2014 |
GLENCREE CENTRE FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIATION COORDINATOR AND MEMBER OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE L.I.V.E. PROGRAMME (Let's Involve the Victims Experience). Following my role as coordinator of the programme (1998/2000) I was on the Advisory Committee until 2007. In 2007 I proposed and designed on-line International Peace Studies Master's programme to support peace makers across the globe. I would be leading this programme. It was going to be accredited and validated by Griffith College Dublin. Broadband limitations at Glencree prevented the programme from going ahead.
2000 |
HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE (HSE): COMMITTEE MEMBER DEVELOPMENT OF STRESS MANAGEMENT POLICY for the HSE. This included regular meetings, spanning almost a year and the development of a policy that was eventually adopted by the HSE. As expert on Stress and Trauma I had a leading role in this process. The policy, which has been updated since, can be found here:
2010 |
MARRIAGE AND FAMILY REVIEW EDITORIAL BOARD: I have been a member of this peer reviewed journal's editorial board for 13 years, I have attended board meetings, contributed to policy, and reviewed papers
2009 |
SAGE/LEARNING MATTERS PUBLISHER: ADVISOR AND REVIEWER. I have reviewed and advised the publisher on new publications in preparation in the field of Health Psychology
2017 |
EXTERNAL EXAMINER Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) for PhD (re-examination).
Feb 2022 |
GRIFFITH COLLEGE DUBLIN: EXTERNAL ADVISOR AND REVIEWER FOR VALIDATION AND ACCREDITATION OF POSTGRAD PROGRAMMES. This included the accreditation process by University of Nottingham of a Postgraduate Diploma (HDip) in Music Education and a Postgraduate Diploma (HDip) in Speech and Drama Education
2012 |
EXTERNAL EXAMINER Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT): External Examiner for PhD
Sept 2020 |
Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference Review Committee (THEconf2022)
2021 |
Sage Publisher/ Learning Matters, London, UK: Reviewer of books due for publication: Health Psychology text (new edition) (05/05/2020)
2020 |
Sage Publisher/ Learning Matters, London, UK: Reviewer of books due for publication: Health Psychology text (09/12/2019)
2019 |
Frontiers of Psychology: peer reviewed journal reviewer (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
2019 |
Nurse Education Today: peer reviewed journal reviewer (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
2016 |
Nursing Education in Practice: peer reviewed journal reviewer (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
2016 |
Department of Education: external advisor for interview of representative of the Department in Brussels. My role was to evaluate the Language Skills of the candidate. Normally this role is performed by someone in the Germanics Department, but due to their being unavailable I was asked to provide this service.
2017 |
International Journal of Nursing Sciences and Clinical Practices (IJNSCP): two reviews
July 2020 |
International Dental Journal: review of peer-reviewed paper and two resubmissions: manuscript # IDJ-Apr-20-OA-0193 entitled: The Influence of Dissonance Induction and Assessment Reactivity in Improving Adherence to Covid-19 Precautionary Measures: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
April 2020 |
Sage Publisher - Reviewer Anisman Health Psychology textbook
August 2020 |
Frontiers in Psychology, section Organizational Psychology Reviewer paper, Theme: Cognitive Dissonance Article type: Original Research Title: Social Media Performance: From the Perspective of Social Media Apathetic Behavior (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
Oct 2020 |
Cortex: Reviewer Theme: Cognitive Dissonance Manuscript number: CORTEX-D-20-00245R1 Article title: Cognitive dissonance resolution depends on executive functions and frontal lobe integrity Journal title: Cortex (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
Nov 2020 |
Nurse Education Today Reviewer original submission and resubmission: Manuscript Number: NET-D-20-00503 'Portable Simulation Training to Develop Communication Skills in the Care of People Living with Dementia in Care Homes: A Mixed Methods Evaluation of Feasibility and Acceptability'
Dec 2020 |
Dementia Reviewer, theme: Psychology of Nursing reviewing manuscript # DEM-20-0440 entitled "From Mindsets to Emotions and Behaviors in Care Situations: Linking Care Professionals' Dementia Mindsets with Person-Centered Care" for Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice
Dec 2020 |
Cortex Reviewer, submission and two resubmissions Manuscript number: CORTEX-D-20-00245R2 Article title: Cognitive dissonance resolution depends on executive functions and frontal lobe integrity Journal title: Cortex (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
Jan 2021 |
Frontiers in Psychology: Organisational Psychology: Theme Cognitive Dissonance In Interactive Review Original Research Social Media Performance: From the Perspective of Social Media Apathetic Behavior (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
Jan 2021 |
Reviewer Dementia (Journal)
Feb 2021 |
Reviewer Nurse Education in Practice (NEP)
June 2021 |
Reviewer Nurse Education in Practice (NEP)
July 2021 |
Reviewer European Journal of Social Psychology (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
July 2021 |
Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference Review Committee (THEconf2021)
2020 |
Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference Review Committee (THEconf2020)
2019 |
CHARM-EU Yearly online Conference
13 Jan 2022 |
Nederlands Instituut voor Psychologen (NIP) National online conference
29 June 2021 |
Reviewer Frontiers of Psychology
Feb 2022 |
Reviewer Impact of specific personality traits on psychosocial adjustment in people with intellectual disability" for Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. ID JID-21-0128
March 2022 |
Reviewer Marriage and Family Review
Jan 2022 |
Review JPIC-Jun-2022-035 Review for Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care (Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care | NAPICU)
21/06/2022 |
Reviewer for Nursing Education in Practice: YNEPR-D-22-00812
10/10/2022 |
Reviewer for Marriage and Family Review:Manuscript ID WMFR-2021-0076.R2
12/08/2022 |
Reviewer for Marriage and Family Review. review of Manuscript ID WMFR-2021-0076.R3
27/10/2022 |
Reviewer for Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing (AJAN) title: REFLECTIVE PRACTICE GROUPS FOR NURSES
27/10/2022 |
Reviewer Frontiers in Psychology ID 1132584
04/01/2023 |
Reviewer for Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin PSPB-22-467
14/12/2022 |
Reviewer Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Manuscript ID JID-22-0131
08/04/2023 |
Reviewer Nursing Education Today Manuscript Number: NET-D-22-02077
15/04/2023 |