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Dr. Jan De Vries

Associate Professor (School of Nursing & Midwifery)
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Dr. Jan De Vries

Associate Professor (School of Nursing & Midwifery)

Dr. de Vries is a psychologist who specialises in psychology of health, cognitive dissonance research, stress management, cognitive neuroscience, and social psychology. He holds a PhD in Psychology from Trinity College Dublin and an MSc and BSc from Utrecht University in The Netherlands. Dr. de Vries started his research career in the Netherlands at Utrecht University where he was a researcher in the Theatre, Film and Television Department. The research focussed on emotions in spectators of theatre and film. At that time he also started his research on stress management in performers, which was the topic of his Masters thesis in the Netherlands and later his PhD in Ireland. The research included a survey of performers, semi-structured interviews, design and evaluation of an intervention for performers in training (including follow-up), and led to the design of stress management workshops. He moved to Ireland in 1994 to extend and complete the research started in the Netherlands. While in Ireland he got involved in a variety of projects including a feasibility study for TCD and DIT on setting up of an Arts Therapies programme. This included focus groups. Later he set up, coordinated, and evaluated an extensive programme of dialogue, healing and reconciliation at the Glencree Centre of Reconciliation (Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow). In 2000 he was offered a visiting professorship at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He stayed in the USA for six year combining teaching of a variety of psychology classes with research on dating services. At present he is lecturing in psychology in the School of Nursing and Midwifery in TCD and involved in a variety of research programmes originating in the School. He is a reviewer for Family and Marriage review and was a member of the Stress Management Policy Development group for the Health Service Executive (HSE). This present research activities include the Cognitive Neuroscience of Cognitive Dissonance; Applications of Cognitive Dissonance (to Hand Hygiene and Conflict Management); Psychology Teaching in Nursing; Various Evaluations of Mental Health Programmes and other training programmes; Leadership in Nursing; Accident Proneness and Functional Health Patterns, and Community Integration in People with and Intellectual Disability.
  Applied Psychology   Behavioural Neuroscience   care erosion   Clinical psychology   cognitive dissonance   Cognitive science   CONFLICT   Conflict Management and Resolution   Creative music education   Crisis Counseling   Development, prevention and treatment of mental disease or disorder   Developmental Psychology   Emotional, behavioural and cognitive disorders   Health attitudes and behaviour   Health Communication   Health psychology   Information technology in education   Innovation in learning   Leadership in nursing   Mental health nursing   Mental health promotion   Neuropsychology   Neuroscience and Cognition   Nursing   Peace Psychology   Peace Studies   Performance practice   Psychosomatic Disorders   Rehabilitation   Research issues specifice to any health profession   Social Psychology   Stress   Stress Management   Trauma   Violence Prevention
Project Title
 Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland (LGBTIreland 2)
This mixed method study (PI Prof Agnes Higgins, Co-PI Jan de Vries, Co-PI Brian Keogh) seeks to provide a follow-up survey of the LGBTIreland study, the largest study of LGBTI people in Ireland to date. This follow-up 7 years after the first study LGBTI people in Ireland on their mental health, coping, cognitive dissonance and resilience (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
Funding Agency
HSE Social Inclusion
Project Type
Person Months
Project Title
 NETHATE - Network of Excellence of Training on Hate 2
Awarded after resubmission coordinating PI: Dr. Arun Bokde TCIN Dr. Jan de Vries, co-applicant, Co-PI, and PI work package leader This is an international programme involving 11 partner universities and 15 PIs across Europe and partners from industry and NGO's. The programme is set up to develop international PhD studies around the issue of hate. Hate of a person or a group is a direct challenge to the common humanity among people, a direct challenge to the equal dignity of all people, and a direct threat to the existence of a democratic and prosperous society. Hate is a volatile emotion which can bring to an end peaceful co-existence between different ethnic and religious groups in Europe. Hate can be specifically aimed at specific individuals or be more diffusely directed at whichever group is perceived to be a threat. Dormant roots of frustration or anger in a population can be manipulated to be expressed towards any out-group or minority. Hate inducing mass communication can play an essential role in this. The development of the Internet and the world wide web has led to increased economic and social development, greater access to knowledge and information, and faster and easier communication among people. But also we are seeing the rise and proliferation of hate through new and very efficient tools for targeting people susceptible to hate messages. Hate-infected leadership at different levels and a modest following is enough to generate a situation in which hate will dominate discourse and actions in populations. Social mechanisms such as conformity, compliance, obedience, groupthink, and the bystander effect will facilitate the expression of hate into aggression and stifle opposition. It is not unthinkable that the main medium of destabilisation within Europe will be hate spreading communications and practices using the internet. At the core of the experience of hate is an Inner Conflict or Dissonance which is a significant mental load to those that hate. The resulting drive generates significant pressure to express hatred (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
Funding Agency
European Commission
Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions(MCA)/Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
Project Type
Person Months
Project Title
 NETHATE - Network of Excellence of Training on Hate
This is an international programme involving partner universities across Europe and partners from industry and NGO's Coordinating PI: Prof. Arun Bokde (TCIN, TCD) role Dr. Jan de Vries: co-applicant, and PI work package leader, PhD supervisor Funding applied for: Euro 3,816,856.80 The programme is set up to develop international PhD studies around the issue of hate. Hate of a person or a group is a direct challenge to the common humanity among people, a direct challenge to the equal dignity of all people, and a direct threat to the existence of a democratic and prosperous society. Hate is a volatile emotion which can bring to an end peaceful co-existence between different ethnic and religious groups in Europe. Hate can be specifically aimed at specific individuals or be more diffusely directed at whichever group is perceived to be a threat. Dormant roots of frustration or anger in a population can be manipulated to be expressed towards any out-group or minority. Hate inducing mass communication can play an essential role in this.The development of the Internet and the world wide web has led to increased economic and social development, greater access to knowledge and information, and faster and easier communication among people. But also we are seeing the rise and proliferation of hate through new and very efficient tools for targeting people susceptible to hate messages. Hate-infected leadership at different levels and a modest following is enough to generate a situation in which hate will dominate discourse and actions in populations. Social mechanisms such as conformity, compliance, obedience, groupthink, and the bystander effect will facilitate the expression of hate into aggression and stifle opposition. It is not unthinkable that the main medium of destabilisation within Europe will be hate spreading communications and practices using the internet. And while we might be most worried about how this will affect our lives in general, it is worth considering what the impact will be if going on-line would become a very unsafe experience.(COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
Funding Agency
European Commission Research & Innovation
Horizon 2020-MCA-ITN Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
Project Type
Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks)
Person Months
Project Title
 Depression and inner conflict: the neuroscience of cognitive dissonance
Funding requested: €20,000 (for fMRI scanning and data analysis) Project Abstract: Depression is becoming an increasingly critical and costly population health problem. The processes involved and its treatment are subject to universal debate and the proposed study is intended to affect this debate. The focus of the study is the role of intrapersonal or inner conflict in the mechanisms that initiate and perpetuate depression. The aim is to investigate the neurological substrate of the relationship between depression and inner conflict. The core question is whether people with and without experience of depression demonstrate similar or different activation patterns when processing inner conflict in the brain. With the use of fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scanning of participants with (n=16) and without experience of depression (n=16) contrasts in activation loci and levels will be established. There are indications that depression coincides with over- or under-activation which prevents resolution of inner conflict. This emerging hypothesis is rooted within cognitive dissonance theory (Festinger, 1957) and has not been specifically addressed yet within cognitive neuroscience. The proposed study will make use of a novel method to elicit ecologically valid inner conflict experiences. This project is part of the Cognitive Dissonance Research Programme, an interdisciplinary programme involving contributions from health care, mental health, psychology and neuroscience.(COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
Funding Agency
Dean's Research initiatives Fund 2017/2018
Project Type
fMRI study (Neuroscience)
Person Months
Project Title
 Cognitive Dissonance: foundations and applications
Sept 2014
This project aims to research cognitive inconsistency and dissonance in two ways: 1) A fundamental strand seeks to identify the neurological substrate of how we process inconsistency and dissonance. Funding applications have been made and international collaboration has been pursued. The first output is a publication based on fMRI research 2) An applied strand seeks to research the applications in health care and mental health. A PhD study is currently on its way on Cognitive Dissonance and Depression. Four recent publications in 2014/2015 have focused on applying dissonance theory to health care.(COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME)
Funding Agency
no funding at present
Person Months

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Details Date
CHARM-EU MASTER'S IN GLOBAL CHALLENGES FOR SUSTAINABILITY: CO-CHAIR OF E-PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE (PAC) AND MEMBER BOARD OF EXAMINERS: This prestigious Master's programme ( is accredited and jointly awarded by the five CHARM-EU partner universities: University of Barcelona (Spain), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), Utrecht University (Netherlands), Eötvös Loránd University Budapest (Hungary) and University of Montpellier (France). I am also teaching on the programme and collaborating with Prof. Catherine Comiskey (TCD) who is Chair of the Academic Board of CHARM-EU. The total grant revenue from the Commission (exclusive of Contribution from Beneficiaries [23.76%]) was €5M. For TCD, the total allocation (direct costs) was €1,820,721 of which €432,603 (23.76%) is contributed by TCD. Total amount funded by the Commission is €1,388,118. Sept 2021
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ADVISOR. Then Minister of Health Leo Varadkar responded to publications (De Vries & Timmins; Timmins & De Vries) on Care Erosion and Cognitive Dissonance. Subsequently we were invited to share our insights and had two meetings with senior staff in the Department of Health to advise the department on these issues. We were also invited to present our findings at the Department of Health conference: Nursing and Midwifery Values in Practice., Conference Centre, Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland, Tuesday 16th May, 2017. (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE APPLIED TO HEALTHCARE) 2017
REVIEWER GRANT APPLICATION for Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) id nr 10200012420029: Verhalen over passende palliatieve zorg: ontwikkeling van twee video interventies 11/06/2024
REVIEWER GRANT APPLICATION Wellcome Funding Platform 15/04/2024
EDITORIAL BOARD Springer Nature BMC Nursing 12/08/2024
Reviewer for BMC Psychology: manuscript ID: cd2c9e00-7464-45ee-8419-faa295c7d6d4 (title confidential) 23/04/2024
Reviewer (3x) for Nurse Education in Practice Manuscript Number: YNEPR-D-23-01501R2 NURSING STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS OF UNFINISHED NURSING CARE: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY 12/03/2024
EXTERNAL EXAMINER Waterford Institute of Technology (WT) 2021
Reviewer for Marriage and Family Review (MFR): title: "The protective role of the previous couple"s relationship on the perinatal mental health of mothers and fathers facing the COVID-19 pandemic" for Marriage & Family Review 21/01/2024
Reviewer for International Journal of Transgender Health: manuscript, "Navigating the Gap: Unveiling the Hidden Minority Stressors Faced by Trans and Nonbinary Clients in Gender Affirming Care". 02/01/2024
EDITORIAL BOARD Marriage and Family Review since 2006
Reviewer Basic and Applied Psychology Manuscript "Arousal and valence following a brief induced compliance cognitive dissonance paradigm targeting societal pressure for thinness" 20/05/2023
Reviewer for Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Manuscript "Parenting Behaviors and Self-Efficacies of Typically Developing and Intellectually Disabled children: Perspective from Turkey" . 01/06/2023
Reviewer Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Manuscript "Vicarious dissonance: Pre-registered Meta-Analysis" 22/06/2023
Reviewer for Basic and Applied Social Psychology Re: "Arousal and valence following a brief induced compliance cognitive dissonance paradigm targeting societal pressure for thinness" - HBAS-2023-0108 07/07/2023
Reviewer for Nurse Education Today - Manuscript Number: NET-D-22-02077R1 Does the Compassion Level of Nursing Students Affect Their Spiritual Care Perception? A Cross-Sectional Study 24/07/2023
Reviewer for Nurse Education in Practice Manuscript Number:" YNEPR-D-23-00833 Factors Associated with Critical Reflection Competency Among Clinical Nurse Educators 29/07/2023
Reviewer for Nurse Education in Practice - Manuscript Number: YNEPR-D-23-00833 Factors Associated with Critical Reflection Competency Among Clinical Nurse Educators 12/08/2023
Reviewer Nurse Education Today - Manuscript Number: NET-D-22-02077R2 Does the Compassion Level of Nursing Students Affect Their Spiritual Care Perception? A Cross-Sectional Study 22/08/2023
Reviewer for Psychological Reviewing. Manuscript "Cognitive dissonance is not cognitive" 20/08/2023
Reviewer for Nurse Education in Practice - manuscript YNEPR-D-23-00697R2 11/09/2023
Reviewer Journal of Intellectual Disabilities - reviewing manuscript # JID-22-0131.R1 entitled "Parenting Behaviours and Parental Self-Efficacy: A Comparative Study between Parents of Typically Developing Children and Children with Intellectual Disabilities" 13/09/2023
Reviewer for Journal of Intellectual Disabilities - reviewing manuscript # JID-22-0131.R2 entitled "Parenting Behaviors and Parental Self-Efficacy: A Comparative Study of Parents of Children with Intellectual Disabilities and Typically Developing Children" 12/10/2023
Reviewer Nurse Education in Practice - Manuscript Number: YNEPR-D-23-00697R3 Evaluation of a Blended Training Solution for Critical Care Nurses" Work Environment: Lessons Learned from focus groups in Four European Countries 16/10/2023
Reviewer Nurse Education Today - Manuscript Number: NET-D-23-02050 How Nursing Students" Perceptions of People with Psychiatric Disabilities Change When Using the Strengths Model During Practicums: A Qualitative Research Study 06/10/2023
NURSING AND MIDWIFERY BOARD OF IRELAND (NMBI): NOMINATED BY COLLEGE TO THE BOARD OF NMBI. Formal appointment is currently being progressed by Minister Harris at the Department of Health. Oct 2021
Reviewer Frontiers in Psychology Reviewer Report on the manuscript: Neuromodulation of choice-induced preference changes: the tDCS study of cognitive dissonance [ID: 1104410 06/11/2023
Reviewer Nurse Education Today Manuscript Number:" NET-D-23-02478 Do Nursing Students" Altruism Levels Affect Their Attitudes Toward Medical Errors? 19/12/2023
Reviewer International Journal of Transgender Health Manuscript ID WIJT-2023-0374 26/12/2023
Review YNEPR-D-23-01501 for Nurse Education in Practice 6 Dec 2023
CHARM-EU Masters Representative for TCD on Programme Board 1 Oct 2023
NURSING AND MIDWIFERY BOARD OF IRELAND (NMBI) ADVISOR. When new standards and regulations for nursing and midwifery education were developed, I played a leadership role in the consultation process. My contribution as psychology advisor is acknowledged in the resulting new Standards and Requirements for Nursing Education (p. 138): 2014
GLENCREE CENTRE FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIATION COORDINATOR AND MEMBER OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE L.I.V.E. PROGRAMME (Let's Involve the Victims Experience). Following my role as coordinator of the programme (1998/2000) I was on the Advisory Committee until 2007. In 2007 I proposed and designed on-line International Peace Studies Master's programme to support peace makers across the globe. I would be leading this programme. It was going to be accredited and validated by Griffith College Dublin. Broadband limitations at Glencree prevented the programme from going ahead. 2000
HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE (HSE): COMMITTEE MEMBER DEVELOPMENT OF STRESS MANAGEMENT POLICY for the HSE. This included regular meetings, spanning almost a year and the development of a policy that was eventually adopted by the HSE. As expert on Stress and Trauma I had a leading role in this process. The policy, which has been updated since, can be found here: 2010
MARRIAGE AND FAMILY REVIEW EDITORIAL BOARD: I have been a member of this peer reviewed journal's editorial board for 13 years, I have attended board meetings, contributed to policy, and reviewed papers 2009
SAGE/LEARNING MATTERS PUBLISHER: ADVISOR AND REVIEWER. I have reviewed and advised the publisher on new publications in preparation in the field of Health Psychology 2017
EXTERNAL EXAMINER Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) for PhD (re-examination). Feb 2022
GRIFFITH COLLEGE DUBLIN: EXTERNAL ADVISOR AND REVIEWER FOR VALIDATION AND ACCREDITATION OF POSTGRAD PROGRAMMES. This included the accreditation process by University of Nottingham of a Postgraduate Diploma (HDip) in Music Education and a Postgraduate Diploma (HDip) in Speech and Drama Education 2012
EXTERNAL EXAMINER Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT): External Examiner for PhD Sept 2020
Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference Review Committee (THEconf2022) 2021
Sage Publisher/ Learning Matters, London, UK: Reviewer of books due for publication: Health Psychology text (new edition) (05/05/2020) 2020
Sage Publisher/ Learning Matters, London, UK: Reviewer of books due for publication: Health Psychology text (09/12/2019) 2019
Frontiers of Psychology: peer reviewed journal reviewer (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME) 2019
Nurse Education Today: peer reviewed journal reviewer (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME) 2016
Nursing Education in Practice: peer reviewed journal reviewer (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME) 2016
Department of Education: external advisor for interview of representative of the Department in Brussels. My role was to evaluate the Language Skills of the candidate. Normally this role is performed by someone in the Germanics Department, but due to their being unavailable I was asked to provide this service. 2017
International Journal of Nursing Sciences and Clinical Practices (IJNSCP): two reviews July 2020
International Dental Journal: review of peer-reviewed paper and two resubmissions: manuscript # IDJ-Apr-20-OA-0193 entitled: The Influence of Dissonance Induction and Assessment Reactivity in Improving Adherence to Covid-19 Precautionary Measures: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME) April 2020
Sage Publisher - Reviewer Anisman Health Psychology textbook August 2020
Frontiers in Psychology, section Organizational Psychology Reviewer paper, Theme: Cognitive Dissonance Article type: Original Research Title: Social Media Performance: From the Perspective of Social Media Apathetic Behavior (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME) Oct 2020
Cortex: Reviewer Theme: Cognitive Dissonance Manuscript number: CORTEX-D-20-00245R1 Article title: Cognitive dissonance resolution depends on executive functions and frontal lobe integrity Journal title: Cortex (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME) Nov 2020
Nurse Education Today Reviewer original submission and resubmission: Manuscript Number: NET-D-20-00503 'Portable Simulation Training to Develop Communication Skills in the Care of People Living with Dementia in Care Homes: A Mixed Methods Evaluation of Feasibility and Acceptability' Dec 2020
Dementia Reviewer, theme: Psychology of Nursing reviewing manuscript # DEM-20-0440 entitled "From Mindsets to Emotions and Behaviors in Care Situations: Linking Care Professionals' Dementia Mindsets with Person-Centered Care" for Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice Dec 2020
Cortex Reviewer, submission and two resubmissions Manuscript number: CORTEX-D-20-00245R2 Article title: Cognitive dissonance resolution depends on executive functions and frontal lobe integrity Journal title: Cortex (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME) Jan 2021
Frontiers in Psychology: Organisational Psychology: Theme Cognitive Dissonance In Interactive Review Original Research Social Media Performance: From the Perspective of Social Media Apathetic Behavior (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME) Jan 2021
Reviewer Dementia (Journal) Feb 2021
Reviewer Nurse Education in Practice (NEP) June 2021
Reviewer Nurse Education in Practice (NEP) July 2021
Reviewer European Journal of Social Psychology (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEME) July 2021
Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference Review Committee (THEconf2021) 2020
Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference Review Committee (THEconf2020) 2019
CHARM-EU Yearly online Conference 13 Jan 2022
Nederlands Instituut voor Psychologen (NIP) National online conference 29 June 2021
Reviewer Frontiers of Psychology Feb 2022
Reviewer Impact of specific personality traits on psychosocial adjustment in people with intellectual disability" for Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. ID JID-21-0128 March 2022
Reviewer Marriage and Family Review Jan 2022
Review JPIC-Jun-2022-035 Review for Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care (Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care | NAPICU) 21/06/2022
Reviewer for Nursing Education in Practice: YNEPR-D-22-00812 10/10/2022
Reviewer for Marriage and Family Review:Manuscript ID WMFR-2021-0076.R2 12/08/2022
Reviewer for Marriage and Family Review. review of Manuscript ID WMFR-2021-0076.R3 27/10/2022
Reviewer for Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing (AJAN) title: REFLECTIVE PRACTICE GROUPS FOR NURSES 27/10/2022
Reviewer Frontiers in Psychology ID 1132584 04/01/2023
Reviewer for Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin PSPB-22-467 14/12/2022
Reviewer Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Manuscript ID JID-22-0131 08/04/2023
Reviewer Nursing Education Today Manuscript Number: NET-D-22-02077 15/04/2023
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
Dutch Fluent Fluent Fluent
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Medium Medium
German Fluent Medium Medium
Details Date From Date To
European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) 2019 present
Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI)- regulatory body for psychologists in the Republic of Ireland 2006 present
Nederlands Instituut voor Psychologen (NIP) (Netherlands Institute for Psychologists) - regulatory body for psychologists in the Netherlands 1987 present
PsySR - Psychologists for Social Responsibility. This organisation based in the USA promotes Advocacy and Social Justice among Psychologists and applies psychological knowledge to promote peace, social justice, human rights, and sustainability. Its mission on its website reads: "Building Cultures of Peace with Social Justice" ( 2005 2006
N2N (Neurons to Neighborhoods) - this society in Los Angeles (USA) aims to bring neuroscientific evidence to the community in a practical way through conferences and community advocacy 2001 2002
Springer Nature, online, Springer, [Springer Nature includes several journals including BMC nursing], 2024-2024, Editorial Board, PUBLISHED
McCarthy, E., Gallagher, L. & de Vries, J., Women's perspectives on the role and impact of Breastfeeding Support Groups in Ireland, Midwifery, 104181, 2024, p15 , Notes: [10.1016/j.midw.2024.104181], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Kirwan L., Apriyanti E., Sheaf G., DeVries J. & Coyne I. ,, Experiences of care for adolescents with mental health difficulties in acute paediatric services: A systematic review, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2024, Notes: [manuscript number JCN-2024-3059], Journal Article, SUBMITTED
Roberts, Stephen L; Ryan, Meg; De Vries, Jan; Jagoe, Caroline; Loughrey, David; McCarthy, Noel; Wallace, Dónal, Introducing equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) to Global Health curriculum in two universities: a pilot project., Global Health Promotion, 2024, Journal Article, SUBMITTED
Basa, Muluken, de Vries, Jan, McDonagh, David, Comiskey, Catherine, The impact of COVID-19 on non-communicable disease patients in sub-Saharan African countries: systematic review, PLOS ONE, 2024, p15 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Tortora L., de Vries J., Bokde A., Interpersonal and Institutional Betrayal: A Trust Game, Molecules to Mind Trinity Neuroscience Research Day, Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, 05-03-2024, 2024, pp15 , Poster, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Higgins, A., Downes, C., O'Sullivan, K., de Vries, J., Molloy, R., Monahan, M., Keogh, B., Doyle, L., Begley, T., Corocan, P., The National Study on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of the LGBTQI+ Communities in Ireland: Key Findings Report, Key Findings, Trinity Collee Dublin, April, 2024, p1 - 22, Notes: [This report presents findings of the Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland study. The largest study of its kind to date. It is a follow-up of the LGBTIreland study (2016). This research has been funded by the HSE and its findings are eagerly awaited by the Irish Government in order to develop relevant policy.], Report, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Attachment, Cognitive Dissonance and Reciprocation in Intellectual Disability Care Provision in, Intellectual Disabilities: Health and Social Care Across the Lifespan , 2023, [Jan De Vries & Eimear McGlinchey ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
McDonagh, D., de Vries, J. & Comiskey, C., The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on People in Opiate Agonist Treatment: the importance of feeling unloved, European Addiction Journal, 29, 2023, p313 - 322, Notes: [DOI: 10.1159/000532005], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL  URL
De Vries, J., Downes, C., Sharek, D., Doyle, L., Murphy, R., Begley, T., McCann, E., Sheerin, F., Smyth, S. & Higgins, A., Voices of Irish Transgender people on mental health and mental healthcare, Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 2023, Notes: [ Open access], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL

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Jan de Vries, Stress and Trauma theory and application for railway personnel, Stress and Trauma theory 1-day workshop II, Stress and Trauma for railway personel, Heuston Station Iarnrod Eirann Headquarters, 30/11/2023, 2023, Irish Rail (Iarnrod Eirann),, 1 Feb 2024, 2024, Irish Rail, 1 - 58pp, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
de Vries, J., Downes, C., O'Sullivan, K., Molloy, R., Monahan, M., Keogh, B., Doyle, L., Begley, T., Corcoran, P., & Higgins, A., Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland: The National Study on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of the LGBTQI+ Communities in Ireland, Research Club Presentation, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Dublin, Ireland, 04/07/2024, 2024, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, 1 - 21pp, Notes: [presentation has been published on Government Department Website], Invited Talk, PRESENTED
de Vries, Jan, What have we learned from the Troubles that can help provide a roadmap to peace in Gaza?, Irish Independent (Newspaper), 11 June 2024, 2024, p1 , Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Weusten, S., de Vries, J., Het Duizend-dingendoekje van de psychologie, Skepter, 1, (3), 2024, p6 - 11, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Jan de Vries, Stress and Trauma theory and application for railway personell, Stress and Trauma for railway personel, Heuston Station Iarnrod Eirann Headquarters, 30/11/2023, 2023, Irish Rail (Iarnrod Eirann), 1 - 58pp, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
De Vries, Jan, LGBTQIA+ Mental health: Minority Stress and Cognitive Dissonance, EDI (Equality Diversity and Inclusivity) Seminar 1: LGBTQI+ Global Health, Trinity College Dublin, TBSI rooms B2.72, B2.73 and B2.74, 19/09/2023, 2023, University of London and Trinity College, 1 - 29pp, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Joe Humphreys, `Terrorists are not born that way. They learn to hate" What can the lessons of psychology teach us about the Israel-Hamas war and the path to peace?, 2023, - 1, Notes: [ Article appeared on 31/10/2023 in the Irish Times; I was interviewed for the article and reviewed it], Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
De Vries, J., Smith, R., Skopek, J., Coughlan, P., Arikan, G. & Byrne, M., WE VALUE YOUR OPINION OF QUALITY IN TRINITY, Appendix to ISER, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Sept, 2021, p1 - 49, Notes: [This report is relevant to ascertaining quality of education at Trinity College Dublin and is therefore related to educational policy.], Report, PUBLISHED
de Vries, J,, Critical Reflection in Health Care., CPC LEADERSHIP Embracing the Challenges, The Richmond Education and Event Centre, Dublin, 17 May, 2018, INMO Professional development Centre, 1 - 23pp, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Monahan M, Holme I, Stacey G, Morrissey J, De Vries J, McKenna H, Nash M, Higgins A., Report of the Scoping Exercise on the Introduction of Graduate Entry Mental Health Nursing in Ireland, Dublin, DoH, 2017, Report, COMPLETED


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Award Date
Dean of Health Sciences Innovation in Teaching Award 2023/2024 May 2024
Dean of Health Sciences Innovation in Teaching Award 2021/2022 May 2022
Nominated for Award for Excellence in Research Student Supervision March 2022
MA awarded by TCD after 5 year's service 09/11/2012
Nominated for TCD Teaching Award several years
My research focus is on COGNITIVE DISSONANCE (INNER CONFLICT): FOUNDATIONS AND APPLICATIONS TO HEALTH, MENTAL HEALTH AND HEALTHCARE. A short video (1.23 min) on my research can be accessed through this link: At present I am PI and Co-Pi in two large funded programmes. The first, NETHATE (HORIZON 2020) is interdisciplinary, involving 15 projects in 11 European universities. In the project I lead, the focus is on identifying the role of dissonance in hatred. Using surveys, interviews and fMRI study we are exploring the experience of hate, betrayal and dissonance. The second is the Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland study (HSE funded), a follow-up of the LGBTIreland study of the mental health in LGBTI communities. As Co-PI my focus is on dissonance in gender identities and their relationship with mental health. Other collaborations, for instance with researchers in the Dissonance Spring group (France) are leading to publications and further application research. My interest in Cognitive Dissonance has its origin in my work at the Glencree Centre for Reconciliation with victims/survivors of 'the Troubles' in Northern Ireland. While this work was rooted in my expertise in stress and trauma, it turned out that an important obstacle to cross-community dialogue was the inner conflict experienced by those involved. This core obstacle to peace making required investigation urgently. Initially, I took a FUNDAMENTAL approach and developed a neuroscience experiment (fMRI) in which dissonance was induced. We found DISSONANCE generate specific activation in the brain and generated all-round arousal in preparing to restore peace of mind. Over the years, my role as Psychologist in SNM dictated that I should develop psychological aspects of research across all nursing disciplines and midwifery. This led to collaborations in a rich array of topics within healthcare and mental health. Currently all projects I am involved in share a focus on the APPLICATION of the dissonance mechanism. Recently completed and ongoing PhD projects are applied to care erosion in hospitals, depression, drug use, self-harm and reconciliation. The domains vary, but dissonance is at its core.