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Dr. Martine Cuypers

Assistant Professor in Greek (Classics)
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Dr. Martine Cuypers

Assistant Professor in Greek (Classics)

Dr Martine Cuypers is Lecturer in Greek at Trinity College Dublin. She holds a Ph.D. from Leiden University and has previously worked as a lecturer and research fellow in Hamburg, Leiden, Groningen, Chicago and Washington DC. Her research focuses on epic and the Greek literature and culture of the Hellenistic period and Empire.
  comparative Indo-European linguistics   Greek epic and post-classical poetry   Greek Literature, History and Culture   Hellenistic history   History of Gender and Sexuality   intertextuality   narratology and linguistics   reception of classical texts in early modern literature   Second Sophistic prose
Skythinos of Teos (13), Diogenes of Kyzikos (474), Athenakon (546), Idomeneus (547), Androitas of Tenedos (599), Andron of Teos (802), Apollodoros (803) in, editor(s)Ian Worthington , Brill's New Jacoby, Second Edition, Leiden, Brill, 2025, [Martine Cuypers], Book Chapter, IN_PRESS  URL
Philistides (11) and Ainesidamos of Tenos (600) in, editor(s)Ian Worthington , Brill's New Jacoby, Second Edition, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 2023, pp6,318 + 3,632 words , [Martine Cuypers], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL  URL
Classics Ireland, 30, (2023), iv, 99 pp.p, Shane Wallace, Martine Cuypers, Notes: [ISSN 0791-9417], Journal, PUBLISHED  URL
Demaratos, Tragoidoumena (12A), Kleitonymos, Tragika (12B), Jason of Byzantion, Tragika (12C), Agathon (801), Diophantos (805) in, editor(s)Ian Worthington , Brill's New Jacoby, Second Edition, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 2022, [Martine Cuypers], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI  DOI  DOI  URL  URL
Classics Ireland, 29, (2022), iv, 101 pp.p, Shane Wallace, Martine Cuypers, Notes: [ISSN 0791-9417], Journal, PUBLISHED  URL
Francesca AngiĆ², Martine Cuypers, Benjamin Acosta-Hughes, Elizabeth Kosmetatou, New poems attributed to Posidippus: a text in progress. Version 14, Classics@, 1, 2021, p1 - 51, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Boukje Verheij, Martine Cuypers, Lucianus, Ware Verhalen, 2nd edition, Amsterdam, Athenaeum, 2019, 1-112pp, Notes: [Dutch translation, with extensive introduction and notes, of Lucian, True Stories [Verae Historiae]], Book, PUBLISHED  URL
Amphitheos(?) of Herakleia (431), Timogenes of Miletos (435), Polygnostos (473), Dionysios of Olbia (804), Glaukos (806) and Demetrios of Odessos (808) in, editor(s)Ian Worthington a.o. , Brill's New Jacoby, Second Edition, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 2019, pp1-20 , [Martine Cuypers], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI  DOI  DOI  DOI  DOI  DOI  URL
Domitius Kallistratos (433) in, editor(s)Ian Worthington , Brill's New Jacoby: Fragments of the Greek Historians, Leiden, Brill, 2018, pp1 - 28, [Martine Cuypers], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL  URL
Dei(l)ochos (471) in, editor(s)Ian Worthington , Brill's New Jacoby: Fragments of the Greek Historians, Leiden, Brill, 2018, pp1 - 43, [Martine Cuypers], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL

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Martine Cuypers, Isidorus and Homer, The Hymns of Isidorus: Poetry, Religion, and Place in the Bi-Cultural World of Ptolemaic Egypt, Paris: Institute of the University of Chicago in Paris, 11-13 July 2023, edited by C.A. Faraone, Sofia Torallas Tovar, Ian Moyer , 2023, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Martine Cuypers, Seascapes and Seashapes: Mapping the Coast in Greek Periplous Literature, Seascapes: Island and Coastal Life in the Aegean and Beyond from Prehistory to the Recent Past, Online, 22 April, 2021, Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies in Athens, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Martine Cuypers, Making Athens Great Again, Behind the Headlines: History, Hope and the Political Speech, Online, 1 March, 2021, Trinity Long Room Hub and international media partners, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Alexandra Madeła, Sean McGrath, Guy Walker, Martine Cuypers, Meaning between the Lines: allegory and hermeneutics in Greek imperial and late antique literature, 6-7 February 2020, 2020, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
Martine Cuypers, Crocodile Tears: A Lament of Helen from an Egyptian Recycle Bin and the Hellenistic Reception of Euripides, University College Cork, 25 March, 2019, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Martine Cuypers, 'Sappho's Hymn to Aphrodite', Minerva: Journal of Classical Translation, Issue 2: War(fair), Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2019, 10 - 11, Translation, PUBLISHED
Martine Cuypers, Oscar McHale, 'Homer's Odyssey', Conversing the Classics, Dublin, Classical Youth Society of Ireland, 2018, - 42 minutes, Broadcast, PUBLISHED
Martine Cuypers, Translating Iphigenia in Aulis, Iphigenia in Ireland, NUI Galway, 28 September, 2018, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
M. Cuypers, J.J.H. Klooster, G.C. Wakker, A Tribute to Annette Harder, Chair of Greek Language and Literature, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 1991-2017, Groningen, University of Groningen, 2017, 1 - 100pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Homer, Iliad 1.1 in, editor(s)Paul Corcoran , Line of Enquiry: Favourite Lines from Classical Literature, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin Press, 2017, pp24-25 , [Martine Cuypers], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED


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