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Professor David Collings

Professor of Sustainable Business (2021) (School Office Trinity Business School)
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Professor David Collings

Professor of Sustainable Business (2021) (School Office Trinity Business School)

David Collings holds the Chair of Sustainable Business at Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin. He previously held faculty positions at Dublin City University, University of Sheffield and National University of Ireland, Galway and visiting positions at King's College London, Nanyang Business School in Singapore and Cornell University as a Fulbright Scholar. David is an elected Member of the Royal Irish Academy and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. He a former Chair of the HR Division of the Academy of Management. He is a leading international expert on talent management, global mobility and sustainable work. His work has been published in leading international outlets including Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Management and Personnel Psychology, practitioner outlets such as Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review and he has edited 12 books. A recent Stanford-led study ranked him in the top 2% of scholars globally based on citations impact. David has been named as one of the most influential thinkers in the field of HR years by HR Magazine on five occasions. His work has been cited in media outlets including the BBC, Forbes, Financial Times, and the Wall Street Journal. He is an Associate Editor at the Journal of Management and former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of World Business, Human Resource Management Journal, and the Irish Journal of Management. He sits or has sat on the editorial boards of multiple journals including Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management and Journal of Management Studies.
Details Date From Date To
Fellow, Trinity College Dublin March 2024
Member, Royal Irish Academy March, 2020
Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences 2019
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 2021
Nicky Dries, Joost Luyckx, Ute Stephan and David G. Collings, The Future of Work: A Research Agenda, Journal of Management, 2025, Journal Article, ACCEPTED  DOI  URL
Nyberg, A.J., Schleicher, D.J., Bell, B., Boon, C., Cappell, P., Collings, D.G., Dalle Molle, J.E., Feuerriegel, S., Gerhart, B., Jeong, Y., Korsgaard, A., Minbaeva, D., Ployhart, R. Tambe, P., Weller, I., Wright, P. & Yakubovich, V., A Brave New World of HR Research: Identifying Grand Challenges of the GenAI Revolution, Journal of Management, 2025, Journal Article, ACCEPTED
Paula M. Caligiuri, David G. Collings, Helen De Cieri, Mila B. Lazarova, Global Talent Management: A Critical Review and Research Agenda for the New Organizational Reality, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 11, 2024, p393-421 - p393"421 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Philip Rogiers & David G. Collings, The End of Jobs? Paradoxes of Job Deconstruction in Organizations, Academy of Management Perspectives, 38, (2), 2024, p177 - 196, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ryan P. Terry, Jeffrey E. McGee, Deniz Gevrek and David G. Collings, Just Calling Balls and Strikes: The Impact of Business Travel on Cognitive Performance, Academy of Management Discoveries, 2024, Journal Article, ACCEPTED  DOI
Kehoe, R.R., Collings, D.G. & Cascio, W.F., Simply the Best? Star Performers and High Potential Employees: Critical Reflections and a Path Forward for Research and Practice, Personnel Psychology, 76, (2), 2023, p585-615 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Yseult Freeney, Lisa van der Werff, David G. Collings, I Left Venus and Came Back to Mars: Temporal Focus Congruence in Dyadic Relationships Following Maternity Leave, Organization Science, 33, (5), 2022, p1773-1793 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
JR Keller and Rebecca R. Kehoe and Matthew Bidwell and David Collings and Adam Myer, In With the Old? Examining When Boomerang Employees Outperform New Hires, Academy of Management Journal, 64, (6), 2021, p1654--1684 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
David G. Collings, John McMackin, Anthony J. Nyberg, Patrick M. Wright, Strategic Human Resource Management and COVID"19: Emerging Challenges and Research Opportunities, Journal of Management Studies, 58, (5), 2021, p1378--1382 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kieran M. Conroy, David G. Collings, Johanna Clancy, Sowing the seeds of subsidiary influence: Social navigating and political maneuvering of subsidiary actors, Global Strategy Journal, 2019, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Human resource management, Sustainable work, future of work, talent management, global mobility, international HRM.