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Dr. Marcus Collier

Associate Professor (Botany)

I am fascinated by the human-nature interface and I specialise in social-ecological systems thinking. My many research interests include land use and land-use change, resilience thinking and societal transitioning, collaborative management and planning, urban and rural governance. Notable examples of my research include the contentious policy issues of biomass/bioenergy land-use policies and implications, afforestation policies and acidification processes, field boundaries and agri-environmental change, resource use and after-use policies, rewilding, GM crops and biodiversity, marine and coastal governance, (cultural) ecosystem services, and well-being. In recent years I have published extensively on contested issues such as novel ecosystems and nature-based solutions. As an environmental consultant, prior to entering academia, I worked with volunteers and non-governmental agencies to co-create and implement environmental projects through adaptive collaborative processes. I often draw on my practical experience in the co-creation and co-design of environmental projects to shape empirical research methodologies for use in testing new mechanisms for collecting data. This co-production of knowledge (transdisciplinarity) is essential for achieving the proposed Sustainable Development Goals. My PhD research was an exploration of collaborative governance policies and future land use in severely damaged landscapes. For this, I examined (conflicting) stakeholder rationalities and power asymmetries.
  Biodiversity   Biodiversity and Conservation   BIOGEOGRAPHY   Citizen Science   CLIMATE CHANGE   Coastal management and conservation   CONSERVATION   Conservation Biology   ECOLOGY   Ecology, Ecosystems   ecosystem services   ECOSYSTEMS   Education for Sustainable Development   Environmental Conservation   Environmental Geography   Environmental planning and sustainable development   Human Ecology   human geography   INNOVATION   landscape ecology   Marine Ecosystems   natural capital   Natural History   Natural Sciences   Nature conservation policy and practice   NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS   NEW NATURE   NOVEL ECOSYSTEMS   PEATLANDS   Restoration and Preservation   RESTORATION ECOLOGY   REWILDING   Social Innovation   SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS   Sustainable development   Sustainable Urbanism   Urban Ecology   Urban Geography   Wetland Ecosystems   Woodlands ecology
 Connecting Nature
 GoGreen Routes
 PhD Scholarship

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Details Date
Citizens Assembly on Biodiversity 2022
Chair of ERC SH7 Consolidator Award Panel 2021
Honorary scientific advisor to the Burns Bog Conservation Society, Vancouver, Canada 2006 to 2022
External evaluator for ERC Starter Grant (SH2, SH3, and LH1) Panels 2016-2022
Panel expert evaluator for the ERC Consolidator Grant (SH2 panel) 2019
Rapporteur for DG Research and Innovation: EU-Brazil Nature-based Solution dialogue, Brasilia, Brazil as the chosen representative of the European Union. 2018
External expert evaluator for the ERC Starter Grant (SH2 panel) 2018
Rapporteur for DG Research and Innovation: EU-China Nature-based Solutions dialogue, Ningbo, China as the chosen delegate from the European Union. 2016-2020
Panel expert evaluator for ERC Consolidator Grant (SH2 panel) 2017
Evaluator for Horizon 2020 (SC5) 2017
Expert evaluator for Horizon 2020 proposals (Societal Challenge 5) 2016
Expert evaluator for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions 2016-2017
External evaluator for the Government of Armenia (Twining with EU programme) 2016
Panel expert evaluator for the ERC Consolidator Grant (SH3 panel) 2015
Expert evaluator for Horizon 2020 proposals (Societal Challenge 5) 2014
Evaluator for the ERA-NET Cofund (Horizon 2020 / Societal Challenge 6) 2015
External evaluator for the Government of the Netherlands (PhD grants) 2014-2016
Scientific advisor to the Irish Dept. of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government 2005-2009
Scientific advisor to the Irish Government Sub-committee on the Environment (Peatlands) 2008
Scientific advisor to the Irish Farmers Association (Biodiversity agriculture) 2004
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Society for Ecological Restoration 2009 present
Geography Society of Ireland 2008 present
Holscher, K.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Kindlon, D.; Collier, M.J.; Dick, G.; Dziuba"a, A.; Lodder, M.; Osipiuk, A.; Quartier, M.; Schepers, S.; Van De Sijpe, K.; van der Have, C., Embedding co-production of nature-based solutions in urban governance: Emerging co-production capacities in three European cities, Environmental Science and Policy, (152), 2024, p103652 , Notes: [This paper seeks to understand how co-production can become embedded as a collaborative governance practice by which city governments plan, deliver, and steward nature-based solutions. To these ends, the paper analyses how policy officers manifest capacities for co-production in three European cities " Genk (Belgium), Glasgow (United Kingdom), and Poznan " (Poland) " while experimenting with co-production to develop and scale nature- based solutions. Co-production capacities include conditions and activities to (1) create space for co-production, (2) safeguard inclusive and legitimate co-production, and (3) link co-production processes and results to contexts. The results demonstrate how policy officers in the three cities have mobilised and created resources, skills, institutional support, and partnerships to implement diverse processes to co-produce nature-based solutions. While these conditions mark starting changes in urban governance, engaging with and embedding co-production causes tensions between the dynamic and diffuse nature of co-production and existing formal governance settings and processes. Lessons for strengthening the capacities to embed co-production as a collaborative governance practice in nature-based solutions planning, delivery, and stewardship are: (1) embedding a tailor-made approach for inclusive co-production to meaningfully engage diverse actors in place-based settings, (2) embedding open-ended co-production with long-term benefits, and (3) embedding new relations and roles to sustain co- production.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Cooper, C.; Cunningham, N.; Bracken, L.J.; Collier, M.J., Distribution of Nature-based Solutions in cities across Europe, Land Use Policy, 141, 2024, p107160 , Notes: [Nature-based Solutions (NBS) is a conceptual framework that seeks to use properties of nature to co-produce ecosystem services to build climate change resilience and improve quality of life by mitigating the relationship between health inequality and socio-economic adversity. This study investigates how the distribution of these forms of urban nature relate to trends in demographic change and social and economic indicators that influence material aspects of quality of life (QoL) in cities. Using macro-scale spatial mapping and descriptive pattern identification, we examine the relationship of distribution trends in the key characteristics of NBS across European cities and social and material factors that influence QoL. Our findings suggest that less than 6% of NBS aim to address poverty or deprivation and fewer than 25% relate to housing or neighbourhood regeneration. We argue inattention to the complex intersectional relationship of socio-economic disparities, historical structural conditions, and the impact of changes to the structural policy on economic convergence across regions leading to the concept being used to address green-growth imperatives in Western Europe rather than mitigate inequalities across eastern and parts of Southern Europe. Failure to address these considerations in the design and deployment of NBS could lead to cities reinforcing or even worsening inequalities within deprived communities, particularly in these areas.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Rodriguez Castañeda, N.; Pineda-Pinto, M.; Gulsrud, N.M.; Cooper, C.; O"Donnell, M.; Collier, M.J., Exploring the restorative capacity of urban green spaces and their biodiversity through an adapted One Health approach: a scoping review, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 2024, p128489 , Notes: [The One Health framework was proposed by the World Health Organisation to explore human, animal, and environmental health interfaces using a holistic and interdisciplinary approach. Yet, the application of this framework to study urban green spaces has been poorly explored in the literature. As the amount of evidence on urban green spaces for citizens" health and well-being is increasing, the use of a One Health framework may contribute to understanding urban green spaces from a comprehensive, interrelated and multidisciplinary perspective that comprises people, biodiversity and the urban environment. To explore this gap in the literature, this study presents a scoping review which analysed 50 studies through an adapted version of the One Health framework, using the interfaces between human mental health, urban green spaces and urban biodiversity as analytical lenses. The review yielded three main findings: the restorative capacity of urban green spaces as a critical aspect of overall human health, the values of restorative capacity from having contact with urban biodiversity, and how ecological knowledge promotes biodiversity conservation in cities. This paper also discusses opportunities to continue expanding One Health by engaging with interdisciplinary discussions and cross-sectoral collaborations. We conclude with an invitation to explore and extend the One Health framework with respect to augmenting urban green spaces as restorative settings and valuing their capacity to contribute to public awareness of biodiversity and, in turn, contribute to improving human and environmental health in cities.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL  URL
Pineda-Pinto, M.; Kennedy, C.; Nulty, F.; Collier, M.J., Leverage points for improving urban biodiversity conservation in the Anthropocene: A novel ecosystem lens for social-ecological transformation, Environmental Science and Policy, 162, 2024, p103926 , Notes: [Environmental governance faces persistent challenges worldwide, with traditional conservation and restoration policies often proving ineffective against ongoing environmental degradation and biodiversity loss. This is driven largely by complex regulatory procedures and an outdated understanding of ecosystem dynamics and change which often fail to effectively engage stakeholders or acknowledge the emergence and value of disturbed or novel ecosystems. This paper advocates for a paradigm shift in conventional environmental policy in the Global North to embrace ecological novelty and reevaluate conservation strategies, particularly within urban contexts. Drawing on case studies from Ireland, Australia, and the United States, it examines existing environmental legislation and identifies critical leverage points for transformative change utilizing a systems thinking and multispecies justice perspective. The findings highlight cross-cutting themes, similarities and differences across regions. We conclude with recommendations for alternative approaches to biodiversity conservation that account for the global redistribution of species and the prevalence of novel ecosystems. This may enable policymakers, practitioners and other stakeholders to envision more flexible, nimble, and adaptive policy frameworks that strive toward mutual flourishing and address the evolving challenges of the Anthropocene.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Pineda-Pinto, M.; Collier, M.J.; Cooper, C.; O"Donnell, M.; Nulty, F.; Rodriguez Castañeda, N., Exploring urban novel ecosystems: understandings, insights and recommendations for future research and practice, Futures, 2024, p103487 , Notes: [Novel ecosystems are those that have been altered by human activities and have afterwards experienced abandonment or human disuse, allowing for a new assemblage of species to establish. In urban areas, these ecosystems, are commonly found in post-industrial sites, vacant lots, and other unmanaged spaces. The informality of these ecosystems, assumptions of their low ecological value, and associations with negative attributes continue to prevent recognition of their social-ecological value. Although research in the last decade has started to show the potential of novel ecosystems to address several challenges such as biodiversity loss, there remains a need to understand what areas of research are needed to progress our understanding of these ecosystems in urban areas. This paper uses a modified Delphi methodology, in which a panel of knowledge-holders provided their understandings and insights of urban novel ecosystems. Through this process, we distilled key questions for future research and practice that should drive the investigation of these wild ecosystems for improved decision-making. This study sets out recommendations on how to progress the research questions as part of urban transformative agendas in which urban novel ecosystems offer new possibilities for climate experimentation, social-ecological stewardship and biodiversity conservation.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Molloy, A.; Collier, M.J.; Buckley, Y.M., Identification and assessment of best practice in nature-based solutions for climate action and ecosystem restoration in Ireland, Final, Working paper #26, commissioned by the Climate Change Advisory Council, Ireland., 26, March, 2024, 39, Report, PUBLISHED  URL  URL
Galle, N.; Brinton, W.; Vos, R.; Duarte, F.; Collier, M.J.; Ratti, C.; Pilla, F., Spatial variability of urban forest topsoil properties: towards representative and robust sampling design, Open Research Europe, 2023, p00 - 00, Notes: [The use of EC testing as a baseline measure to determine spatial variation in the topsoil is proposed, to alleviate the financial implications of more expensive BSR testing. Factors of topsoil disturbance and soil access restrictions at sites with severe rootside walk conflicts and the overall generalizability of the results are also discussed.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Grey, T.; Xidous, D.; O'Neill, D.; Collier, M.J., Growing Older Urbanism: exploring the nexus between ageing, the built environment, and urban ecosystems, Urban Transformations, 5, 2023, p8 , Notes: [Background Some of the main urban issues we currently face include ageing populations, the impact of the built environment, and the treatment of urban ecosystems. Yet the dynamic relationships and synergies between these issues, and how they are influenced by urban growth and evolution, receive little attention. Research focus We explore the nexus between people, the urban built environment, and ecosystems as they grow, age, change, and evolve and propose an integrated approach to examine the relationships, synergies, and challenges that may emerge over time within urban neighbourhoods. We argue that this should draw on the lived-experience and wisdom of older people as part of an intergenerational approach underpinned by local, traditional, and ecological knowledge. We propose Growing Older Urbanism as an ecological, co-evolutionary, and complex-adaptive-systems-based framework to explore the nexus between ageing, the built environment, and urban ecosystems and to reveal the synergies and antagonisms that might exist between these three elements. This framework is designed to be used for various types of urban neighbourhoods, and by a diverse range of stakeholders. As part of this approach, we provide a preliminary visual canvas to illustrate how the framework might be used within a selected neighbourhood over an agreed timespan. Conclusion This paper presents some early thinking around the Growing Older Urbanism concept, while also outlining questions and a proposed transdisciplinary research programme to further develop the framework. We argue that understanding the relationship between ageing and the co-evolution of people, place, and ecosystems may teach us about our past, present, and future, and help us grow towards inclusive and sustainable communities.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Pineda-Pinto, M.; Kennedy, C.; Collier, M.J.; Cooper, C.; O'Donnell, M.; Nulty, F.; Rodriguez Castaneda, N., Finding justice in wild, novel ecosystems: a review through a multispecies lens, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 83, 2023, p127902 , Notes: [Though most cities, particularly in the Global North, have been intensely modified by human activities certain locations still exist in varied forms of abandonment or disinvestment, often allowing for new species assemblages to flourish. These urban novel ecosystems or informal wild spaces are often perceived as in-between or overlooked, calling into question their value and social-ecological role, while also creating tensions amongst different groups and stakeholders who share different visions for their use and management. Within these tensions, issues of justice and equity can be more pronounced and surface historic legacies of environmental contamination, inequitable development, and extraction. Despite this, very little is known about the social-ecological role informal wild spaces play in urban areas, and how best to interrogate and understand the equity and justice dimensions they elicit. To fill this gap in knowledge, this paper critically examines the literature on urban novel ecosystems in relation to justice, with a particular interest in multispecies justice. Through this analysis, gaps in the literature are exposed, while also arguing the informality, neglect and contestation of wild urban spaces provides opportunities to explore issues of access, benefits and harms, particularly in light of global climate and ecological crises. A systematic approach is utilized to search the literature, identifying 45 papers which are thematically analyzed under a justice lens. The study identifies three themes that thread throughout the literature: distributional injustices relate to perceptions and attitudes, which give rise or arise from injustices; the regeneration discourse focuses on a 'new nature', which is based on social-ecological displacement and devaluation; and the potential of urban wild spaces to generate new multispecies sensibilities. The paper concludes by discussing trends, gaps, and emerging discourses, and proposing a multispecies justice approach for urban planning through the learnings and engagement with urban wild, novel ecosystems.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Collier, M.J.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Connop, S.; Dick, G.; Dumitru, A.; Dziubała, A.; Fletcher, I.; Georgiou, P.; Hölscher, K.; Kooijman, E.; Lodder, M.; Madajczyk, N.; McQuaid, S.; Nash, C.; Osipiuk, A.; Quartier, M.; Reil, A.; Rhodes, M-L.; Rizzi, D.; Vandergert, P.; Van De Sijpe, K.; Vos, P.; Xidous, D., An integrated process for planning, delivery, and stewardship of urban nature-based solutions: the Connecting Nature Framework, Nature-Based Solutions, 3, 2023, p100060 , Notes: [Mainstreaming nature-based solutions in cities has grown in scale and magnitude in recent times but is still considered to be the main challenge for transitioning our cities and their communities to be more climate resilient and liveable: environmentally, economically, and socially. Furthermore, taking nature-based solutions to the next level, and scaling them out to all urban contexts to achieve a greater impact, is proving to be slow and often conflicts with other transitioning initiatives such as energy generation, mobility and transport initiatives, and infilling to combat sprawl. So, the task is neither easy nor straightforward; there are many barriers to this novel transition, especially when it comes to collaborative approaches to implementing nature-based solutions with diverse urban communities and within city authorities themselves. This paper reports on a new process that is systematically co-produced and captured as a framework for planning nature-based solutions that emerged during the Connecting Nature project. The Connecting Nature Framework is a three-stage, iterative process that involves seven key activity areas for mainstreaming nature-based solutions: technical solutions, governance, financing and business models, nature-based enterprises, co-production, reflexive monitoring, and impact assessment. The tested and applied framework is designed to address and overcome barriers to the implementation of nature-based solutions in cities via a co-created, iterative, and reflective approach. The planning process guided by the proposed framework has already yielded promising results with some of the cities of the project, though further usage and its adoption by other cities is needed to explore its potential in different contexts especially in the Global South. The paper concludes with suggestions on how this may be realised.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL

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Collier, M.J., The National Wetland Wilderness Park: a blueprint for peatland afteruse, ENVIRON 2006: 16th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, University College Dublin, Ireland, 27th-29th January , 2006, pp1 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Collier, M.J., Re-colonisation of a hedgerow after hedgelaying: using bird's nests as indicators, Environ 2005: 15th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, Sligo Institute of Technology, 28-30 January, 2005, pp1 , Notes: [Abstract: The Rural Environment Protection Scheme (REPS) has many measures for farmland conservation. Measure 5 deals with field boundaries and advises farmers that the one way to rejuvenate an overgrown "leggy" hedgerow (Option 5A) is to use a 'traditional' form of management known as hedgelaying. Hedgelaying is suggested as a method for rejuvenating a hedgerow whilst also making them stockproof. Among countryside managers a commonly held belief is that hedgelaying is an excellent way to conserve and augment hedgerow biodiversity and hence the reason why the REPS suggests it. This is because the woody element of the hedgerow is rejuvenated, the existing (genetic) stock is maintained, species variety is conserved and the overall life of the hedge is prolonged. However, there are very few data relevant to Ireland to support these claims and much of the ecological values assigned to hedgerows in Ireland are based on studies carried out in other juristictions. This six year study was carried out subsequent to a series of hedgelaying training courses in 1998 and it shows that when a hedgerow is laid, bird species rapidly colonise the hedge and that the number of nests declines annually. This is shown by the number of nests present annually and so may serve as an indicator of the value of hedgelaying for birds. Comparison is made with the only other study carried out in these islands which was nearly 30 years ago in England.], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Collier, M.J., Introduction to wildlife gardening, World Biodiversity Day, National Botanic Gardens, Dublin, 21st May , 2005, pp1 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Collier, M.J., An ecological evaluation of field boundary stone walls in Ireland, Environ 2005: 15th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, Sligo Institute of Technology, 28-30 January, 2005, pp1 , Notes: [The ecological values of field boundaries in Ireland are poorly understood and many of the currently accepted values are based on extrapolated data from detailed boundary research in the UK, France and elsewhere. Though these locations have similar ecological characteristics as Ireland, and possibly a greater post-glacial biodiversity, it ought not to be concluded that Irish field boundaries have identical or even similar functions. Much of the data in Ireland relate to field boundary landscape characteristics and/or mis-management as opposed to ecological research based on field data. The limited research that has been carried out in the Irish Republic is on hedgerows and field margins. Some research has yielded data in relation to specific taxonomic groups yet it may be claimed that though much emphasis has been placed on the value of hedgerows there are little data to support this. The data that are available for stone wall boundaries are even less developed than those for hedgerow boundaries. This could be because a stone wall might not viewed as a 'living' habitat as hedgerows often are. Research on the ecology of stone walls globally is also surprisingly poor with much of the data relating to secondary (inferred) sources (Dover et al. 2000). Only two publications are exclusively concerned with stone wall ecology. Segal (1969) and later Darlington (1981) have produced seminal volumes on the ecology of urban walls and walls of old buildings. Both books refer in passing to field boundary walls but do not explore this area. In general, ecological references are few and most are unsubstantiated and even hearsay. In a trawl of the available literature it was found that no publications dealing exclusively with the ecological characteristics of field boundary stone walls, such as those that may be found throughout the Irish countryside, existed. This is quite surprising as boundary stone walls are recognised as a specialised habitat (Fossitt 2000) and are generally assumed to be of value to wildlife - in exposed areas particularly.], Poster, PUBLISHED
Collier, M.J., Stone walls in the Burren, The Review of REPS and Burren Farming, Carron, Co. Clare, Ireland, 10th December, 2004, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Collier, M.J., Proposal for the description and classification of wallrows in the Irish Landscape, ENVIRON 2004: 14th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, University of Limerick, Ireland, 30thJanuary-1st Febr, 2004, Notes: [Abstract: Field boundaries are a key feature of the Irish landscape and the most common of these are earthbanks, hedgerows, stone walls and fences. While carrying out a trial field boundary assessment survey form for the Field Boundary Evaluation and Grading System (Tearmann, 2003 in press), which focussed exclusively on hedgerows and dry stone walls, it was discovered that there is an undescribed classification of field boundary in Ireland. In areas where stone wall field boundaries are prevalent in the landscape it was noted that, in nearly every location, there has been some spontaneous scrub regeneration in close proximity to the wall. This regeneration is usually linear in nature, paralleling the wall itself, and often contains woody shrubs species commonly found in scrubland or in hedgerows. It is proposed that these features receive a separate classification, wallrow, and that research be undertaken into establishing their morphology, the factors contributing to their formation and their ecological role in the landscape. The purpose of this poster is to stimulate discussion on the topic, seek more information on these landscape features and to establish an opinion on whether wallrows may be ecologically important. A case in favour of separate classification is set out.], Poster, PUBLISHED
Collier. M.J.; McCabe, O. & Farrell, E.P., PNtrap Project: Using trees and woody shrubs to intercept excess nutrient in farm and forestry runoff, 7th IWA International Conference Diffuse Pollution and Basin Management, UCD, Dublin and Johnstown, Co. Wexford, 17th-22nd August, 2003, pp1 , Notes: [Water protection has long been a cornerstone of EU environmental policy. It is the sector with the most comprehensive coverage in EU environmental regulations (Kallis & Butler 2001). Water catchment nutrient management is poorly developed in Ireland and runoff nutrient entering watercourses is increasing (Tunney et al 2001). This has a serious and detrimental effect on water quality as well as ecological processes. In European countries such as the Netherlands, France, Sweden and Italy, national and local governments have implemented substantial programmes aimed at combating excessive nutrient loss to watercourses from agricultural, silvicultural and waste treatment activities. It has been demonstrated that many trees have the ability to intercept and absorb large volumes of nutrients (Hefting & de Klein 1998). Buffer plantations of, often, willow (Salix spp.) and other species may be established in order to effectively and efficiently intercept surface runoff of nitrate (N) and phosphate (P). In addition, such buffer plantations could themselves produce an annual crop requiring little management and low-priced technology to harvest. Yet, the science behind the application has not been established in Ireland. The PNtrap project is currently under development in the Forest Ecosystem Research Group in the Department of Environmental Resource Management, UCD. The aim of this innovative project is to investigate the nutrient interception and absorption properties (N and P) of broadleaved trees, especially native species and varieties, and the beneficial effect that this may have for watercourse management in relation to farm and forestry runoff. The objective is to develop trial plots and test scenarios in order to identify the optimum tree and woody shrub species. The PNtrap project will commence in late 2003 and will run for a minimum of three years. Though the primary aim of the project is to establish a scientific basis for the utilisation of trees and woody shrubs to intercept nutrient entering watercourses, it is hoped that this will reveal if woody buffer zones are capable of protecting water catchments from N and P enrichment in Ireland.], Poster, PUBLISHED
Collier, M.J., Developing a field boundary evaluation and grading system in Ireland, ENVIRON 2003: 13th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, NUI Galway, 8th-10th January, 2003, Poster, PUBLISHED
Collier, M.J., Using trees and woody shrubs to intercept excess nutrient in farm and forestry runoff, 7th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Basin Management, Johnstown, Co. Wexford, 17th-22nd August, 2003, Notes: [Abstract: The aim of the PNtrap Project is to investigate the nutrient interception and absorption properties (N and P) of broadleaf trees and shrubs (especially native species and varieties) and the beneficial effects that they may have on watercourses. The objective is to develop trial plots and test scenarios in order to identify the optimum tree and woody shrub species. Survey work is currently under way in Co. Mayo with the assistance of the local office of Teagasc and South West Mayo LEADER Company. The project will involve the establishment of research plots on lands that adjoin water bodies. These research plots will be located on lands that have a high eutrophic potential.], Poster, PUBLISHED
Collier, M.J., Hedgelaying, Ruralité, faune sauvage et développement durable: Le bocage, enjeux de territoire pour demain, Rennes, France, 16th-17th October , 2002, pp1 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Trinity Fellow 2023
European Research Council Consolidator Award 2021
Government of Ireland Champion of EU Research Award; awarded by President M.D. Higgins 2011
Irish Research Council New Ideas Award 2011
University College Dublin: Graduate Research and Innovation Prize 2007
University of Aberdeen: Transdisciplinary Masterclass Award 2006
University College Dublin: Postgraduate Publication Prize 2004
My research investigates the complex and dynamic interface between ecosystems and a transitioning society, which I feel is highly suited to the E3 arena in TCD. My research focuses on the arenas of natural capital and urban resilience, where I investigate perceptions, values, and relationships between landscape characterises, land-use change, governance, and societal expectations. In support of the E3 project, there are three thematic areas of inquiry that have run throughout my career as a researcher, evaluator, and research manager that have relevance. These are: Environmental sciences My research here has focused on complex social-ecological systems, with particular interest in: 1. novel ecosystems and their societal implications; 2. socio-cultural ecosystem services and valuing nature; 3. social-ecological resilience in anthropogenic landscapes; 4. environmental and landscape management; 5. cultural ecosystem services and land-use change; and 6. restoration/rehabilitation ecology. Sustainability science My research in the sustainability science arena looks at: 1. transitioning to sustainability through co-creation for normative behaviour change; 2. sustainability science and transdisciplinarity (theory and practice); 3. social capital networks and their intersection with natural capital; 4. green infrastructure, multifunctionality, and nature-based solutions; 5. collaborative governance and the co-production of knowledge; and 6. sustainable urbanisation in a globalised context. Environmental geography My research here seeks to advance current theory and debates, exploring transdisciplinary approaches to crowd-sourced data gathering and analysis. This involves co-creation, co-design, and co-production of knowledge, and disseminating results to and within communities of interest. For example: 1. the Anthropocene and human/nature inter-relationships; 2. power asymmetries, conflict, and governance in the urban; environmental arena; 3. collaborative processes (citizen-led) and innovation; 4. urban-rural geographies (from production to post-production to multi-functionality); 5. complementary methodological research (qualitative and quantitative). There are several avenues in transdisciplinary research that I am currently pursuing. I have identified these as key areas of potential influence in global discourses as well as being aligned with key areas of emerging funding: 1. nature-based solutions via the co-production of knowledge, using sustainability science and crowdsourced data for communicating and transforming normative behaviour; 2. climate adaptation and the role of the 'futurescapes'; 3. emerging discourses on the utility of green infrastructure and ecosystem services; 4. exploring and quantifying novel and emerging ecosystems: the human/ecological interface in abandoned urban areas; and 5. pathways towards a science of transition: mapping crowdsourced socio-cultural values.