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Dr. Colm Oboyle

Assistant Professor (School of Nursing & Midwifery)

Colm trained as a nurse in Belfast City Hospital after completing a BSc in Botany and Genetics at Queens University Belfast. He worked as a nurse in James' Hospital Dublin in various general medical and surgical areas before returning to Belfast to undertake Midwifery education at the Northern Ireland college of Midwifery and in the Jubilee Maternity Hospital. There he worked in all midwifery areas but mostly in Delivery Suite. He completed an MSc in Midwifery before travelling to work in Malawi (SE Africa) as nurse /midwife teacher. He gained considerable teaching experience and midwifery experience in normal, twin and breech delivery. On return from Africa, Colm took up a midwifery teacher position in the Rotunda Hospital where he worked for 4 years and completed a PG Diploma in Clinical Health Science Education. In September 2004 he was seconded to TCD as lecturer in Midwifery where he is now Assistant Professor of Midwifery. He has taught on and co-ordinated various courses including the Bachelor of Midwifery Studies, BSc Midwifery, PG Dip Midwifery and Masters in Midwifery Practice and Leadership. In 2006 he won HRB funding for his doctoral study into Independent midwifery and home birth in Ireland and he graduated in 2010. From 2006 until 2012 Colm undertook to provide support for women seeking home births in the Dublin area. Colm's continuing postdoctoral interest is in capacity building for community midwifery and home birth in Irleand.
  BIRTH   Education/Instruction (Health/Safety/Medical)   Ethnography   Gender issues, gender studies   MATERNITY/STANDARDS/UTILIZATION   Medical Sociology   Midwifery   MIDWIFERY EDUCATION   MIDWIVES   Systems of childbirth organisation
 Provision of evidence to inform the future education, role and function of Maternity Care Assistants in Ireland'
 An Ethnography of Independent Midwifery in Ireland
 A mixed method exploration of the unmet demand for home birth in Ireland.
 A minimum outcome set for Maternity Care
 'Exploring women's views of labour pain: a collaborative research approach'

Details Date
Member of the panel of experts to advise on the development of an audit tool for the HSE home birth service provided by self-employed community midwives (UCD HSE Fealy et al 2016 Unpublished) 2016
National Steering Committee on Home Birth (NSCHB) which each have helped establish HSE home birth services through memoranda of understanding with Self Employed Community Midwives (SECMs). May 2010 - 2012
Domiciliary Births Group (which published 'Delivering on Choice' 2008) 2007-2008
Details Date From Date To
Community Midwives Association (CMA) 2009 present
Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) Midwives' Section (Secretary 2008 - 2012) 2006 2015
Reviewer Journal of Organisational Ethnography 2012 present
Reviewer Biomed central BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2012 present
Reviewer International Journal of Childbirth 2013 present
Daly D., Brady., V Oboyle C., Cusack C., Clive A., Power F. and Eustace-Cook J., Evidence to inform the development of innovative midwifery led postnatal services for women in the SouthEast region of Ireland, NMPDU, November , 2022, p1 - 100, Notes: [This project was commissioned by the Nursing & Midwifery Planning & Development Unit HSE SouthEast to provide evidence to inform the development of innovative midwifery-led postnatal services for women in the SouthEast region of Ireland. ], Report, SUBMITTED
Colm OBoyle, The context and consequences of professional indemnification of home birth midwifery in Ireland., International Journal of Childbirth , 4, (1), 2014, p39 - 54, Notes: [DOI:10.1891/2156-5287.4.1.39 ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Colm OBoyle, 'Being with' while retaining and asserting professional midwifery power and authority in home birth. , Journal of Organisational Ethnography , 3, (2), 2014, p204 - 223, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Writing of one's own culture An auto-ethnography of home birth midwifery in Ireland in, editor(s)Fiona Dykes and Renée Flacking , Ethnographic Research in Maternal and Child Health, Oxford, Routledge , 2015, pp53 - 72, [OBoyle, C], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
OBoyle, C, Deliberately unassisted birth in Ireland: Understanding choice in Irish Maternity Services, British Journal of Midwifery, 24, (3), 2016, p181 - 187, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
OBoyle, Colm , 'Just waiting to be hauled over the coals': Home birth midwifery in Ireland, Midwifery, 29, (8), 2013, p988 - 995, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Colm OBoyle, An Ethnography of Independent Midwifery in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, 2009, Thesis, PRESENTED  TARA - Full Text
Eileen Kenny, Colm OBoyle, An exploration of the unmet demand for home birth in Ireland., International Journal of Childbirth, 5, (1), 2015, p20 - 32, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Begley CM, OBoyle C, Carroll M, Devane D. , Educating advanced midwife practitioners: a collaborative venture, Journal of Nursing Management , 15, (6), 2007, p574 - 584, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Gallagher L, Lawler D, Brady V, OBoyle C, Deasy A, Muldoon K, An evaluation of the appropriateness and effectiveness of structured reflection for midwifery students in Ireland, Nurse Education in Practice, 22, 2017, p7 - 14, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Colm OBoyle, Home sweet home birth, WIN: World of Irish Nursing and Midwifery, Journal of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation, 21, (4), 2013, p45 - 45, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
OBoyle, C, HSE's stranglehold on birth choice has reduced home option to near extinction, 2013, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
OBoyle, C, Tell me about: Birthin' Babies, TCD School of Nursing and Midwifery Public Lecture Series 2012-2013, TCD School of Nursing and Midwifery , March , 2013, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
OBoyle, C, Bridging the Gap. Delivering on Choices & the Memo of Understanding , Essence of Midwifery Conference , Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital , May, 2010, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
OBoyle, C, Kenny, E, Unmet demands for Homebirths, Homebirth. Back to the Future. Home Birth Symposium, National Maternity Hospital, Gibson Hotel, Dublin , 25th November 2013 , 2013, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED


Award Date
Outstanding Paper Award 2015, Emerald Literati Network, for 2014 Journal of Organisational Ethnography 3 (2) paper "Being with" ... 2014 3 (2) 2015
Home Birth, Domiciliary midiwfery, Midwifery, Midwifery Education, Maternity Care Assistants, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Labour ward and Delivery, Coping in Labour, Self - Efficacy, control, Midwifery and Obstetric care outcomes.