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Professor Carol Newman

Professor Of (Economics)
Profile Photo

Professor Carol Newman

Professor Of (Economics)

  Agricultural Economics   Agricultural policy analysis   Applied Microeconometrics   CONSUMPTION   DEMAND   Development economics   DOUBLE-HURDLE MODEL   Econometric and statistical analysis   Economic Studies--Developing Countries   Economics   Firm Behaviour   HOME   HOUSEHOLD FOOD CONSUMPTION   Household/Individual Behaviour   Industrial economics, organisation theory   Industrial Production   INFREQUENCY OF PURCHASE MODEL   IRELAND   MEAT EXPENDITURE   Microeconomics   PREFERENCES   STATISTICAL-MODELS
Project Title
September 2015
Nutrition and Treatment Outcome: Development of a Ugandan-Irish HIV/Nutrition Research Cluster
Funding Agency
Irish Aid
Programme of Strategic Cooperation between Irish Aid and Higher Education and Research Institutions
Project Type
October 2012
Project Title
 Vietnamese Access to Resources Household Survey
Rural Household Survey in 12 Provinces in Vietnam
Funding Agency
University of Copenhagen
Project Title
 Learning to Compete: Accelerating Industrial Development in Africa
Learning to Compete seeks to answer a seemingly simple but puzzling question: why is there so little industry in Africa? Industry-including modern services and agro-industry-is often the key to job creation, poverty reduction, and growth. Most Asian economies began their industrialization processes with initial conditions quite similar to many African countries today, yet, while Asia had explosive industrial growth, Africa's shares of global manufacturing value added and exports have fallen. To sustain growth Africa must learn to compete in global markets.
Project Title
 A micro level analysis of the Irish agri-food sector: lessons and recommendations from Denmark and the Netherlands
This project analyses the impact of recent policy changes on various aspects relating to the agri-food sectors in Ireland and other EU countries focussing in particular on Denmark and the Netherlands. Using the Irish National Farm Survey a micro approach is taken that allows specific research questions relating to: 1) productivity and competitiveness; 2) the changing structure of production systems in terms of farm numbers, the role of economies of scale, specialisation and system switching; and 3) the wider rural community to be addressed. The availability of a comparable survey for Denmark and the Netherlands presents a unique opportunity for the Irish experience to be compared to that of similar regions of Europe facing the same set of constraints but with significantly different sectors in terms of structure, organisation and the role of government supports This study will provide valuable lessons for policy by deepening our understanding of the important issues facing the agri-food sector in Ireland at the micro level and observing how the Irish experience compares to that of similar European regions. The project will also explore alternative uses for land post-decupling focussing in particular on opportunities in relation to organic farming and alternative energy sources drawing on the successes of the Danish experience.
Funding Agency
Department of Agriculture and Food
Research Stimulus Fund Project 2007

Details Date
Associate Editor, European Economic Review 2020 to Present
UNU-WIDER Non-resident Senior Research Fellow 2010 to present
Consultant to the World Bank 2013 to Present
Board Member and member of Finance Sub-committee, Partnership for Economic Policy January 2020 to Present
Board Member, Economics and Social Studies Ireland 2016 to Present
Resource Person, African Economics Research Consortium 2016 to Present
Board Member Development Southern Africa (Interdisciplinary Journal) 2020 to present
Board Member, Irish Economics Association Council 2016 to 2021
Board member of the Irish Social Science Data Archive and official Representative for TCD on the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research 2004
Evaluator for the Research Council of Norway May 2021
Evaluator for Swedish Research Council, Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences 2014-2018
Committee Member of the Royal Irish Academy Social Sciences Committee 2012-2015
Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) Postgraduate Renewals Committee 2009-2013
External Examiner for PhD candidates: University of Cambridge, University of Copenhagen, University of Trento, University of Sussex, University College Dublin, University of Cape Town, The Australian National University 2010 to present
Refereeing for: Journal of Political Economy, European Economic Review. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Development Studies, Review of Development Economics, Journal of African Economies, South African Journal of Economics, World Development, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Land Economics, Food Policy, Southern Economic Journal, Journal of Applied Economics, Economics of Education Review, Journal of Economic Psychology, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economic, Geoforum, Economic and Social Review, Agricultural Economics, Economic Issues, Asia Pacific Management Review, African Journal of Agricultural Research, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Food Quality and Preference, Sustainable Science.
Details Date From Date To
Member of the American Economics Association 2011 Present
Member of the European Economics Association 2011 Present
Member of the Royal Economic Society 2011 Present
Member of Irish Economics Association 2002 Present
Manufacturing in Africa in, editor(s)Pádraig Carmody and James T. Murphy , Handbook of African Economic Development, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, pp218 - 232, [Newman, Carol], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Carol Newman, Tara Mitchell, Marcus Holmlund and Chloe Fernandez, Group incentives for the public good: A field experiment on improving the urban environment, The World Bank Economic Review, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ayalew, H., Chamberlain, J., Newman, C., Abay, K., Kosmowski, F. and Sida, T., Revisiting the size-productivity relationship with imperfect measures of production and plot size, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 106, (2), 2024, p595 - 609, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Newman, C., Rand, J. and Tarp, F., Imports, supply chains and firm productivity, World Development, 172, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Hailemariam Ayalew, Jordan Chamberlin and Carol Newman, Site-specific agronomic information and technology adoption: A field experiment from Ethiopia, Journal of Development Economics, 156, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Patrick Lubega, Frances Nakakawa, Gaia Narciso, Carol Newman, Archileo Kaaya, Cissy Kityo, and Gaston Tumuhimbise, Body and mind: Experimental evidence from women living with HIV, Journal of Development Economics, 150, 2021, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Capital allocation, credit access, and firm growth in, editor(s)Rand, J. and Tarp, F. , Micro, small and medium enterprises in Vietnam, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp41 - 62, [Kinghan, C., Newman, C. and O'Toole, C.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
Understanding agricultural development and change: Learning from Vietnam [Special issue], Food Policy, 94, (2020), Newman, C., Singhal, S. and Tarp, F., [eds.], Journal, PUBLISHED  DOI
Newman, C. and Tarp, F., Shocks and Agricultural Investment Decisions, Food Policy, 94, (July ), 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Newman, C., Rand, J., Tarp, F. and Trifkovic, N, Corporate Social Responsibility in a Competitive Business Environment, Journal of Development Studies, 56, (8), 2020, p1455 - 1472, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI

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Narciso, G., Newman, C. and Tarp, F., Using role models to inspire marginalized groups: A cautionary tale., 2024, Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Allemand, M., Kirchberger, M., Milusheva, S., Newman, C., Roberts, B. and Thorne V., Conscientiousness and labour market returns: Evidence from a field experiment in West Africa. Trinity Economic Papers, TEP No. 0123., 2023, Notes: [Trinity Economic Papers TEP Working Paper No. 0123], Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Kilumellume, M., Morando, B., Newman, C. and Rand, J. , Spillovers from extractive industries. UNU-WIDER Working Paper 2022/10. , 2022, Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Kilumelume, M., Morando, B., Newman, C. and Rand, J., Tariffs, productivity, and resource misallocation. UNU-WIDER Working Paper 174/2021, 2021, Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Morando, B. and Newman, C., Capital misallocation, agricultural subsidies and productivity: A European perspective. Trinity Economic Papers TEP 0221., 2021, Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Hlatshwayo, A., Kreuser, F., Newman, C. and Rand, J., Worker mobility and productivity spillovers: An emerging market perspective., 2020, Notes: [SA-TIED Working Paper 88], Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Ayalew, H., Chamberlain, J. and Newman, C. , Site-specific agronomic information and technology adoption: A field experiment from Ethiopia, 2020, Notes: [Trinity Economic Papers TEP-0620], Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Newman, C., Rand, J. and Tsebe, M. , Resource misallocation and total factor productivity: Manufacturing firms in South Africa, 2019, Notes: [WIDER Working Paper 2019/46], Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Newman, C., Mitchell, T., Holmlund, M.and Fernandez, C., Group incentives for the public good: a field experiment on improving the urban environment., 2019, Notes: [Trinity Economic Papers, TEP1019], Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Narciso, G., Newman, C. and Tarp, F., Information, identification or neither? Experimental evidence on role models in Viet Nam., 2018, Notes: [WIDER Working Paper 2018/185], Working Paper, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Teagasc Walsh Scholar Alum Award 2021
Fellow of Trinity College Dublin April 2013
Certificate of Special Commendation - Provost Teaching Award 2012
European Next Generation Leaders Korea Program - Irish Representative 2012
Teagasc Young Researcher of the Year Award 2001
National Food Centre Young Researcher of the Year Award 2000
Agricultural Economics Society of Ireland Young Researcher of the Year Award 2000
Awarded Walsh Fellowship by Teagasc for Ph.D. research 1998-2001
Awarded Trinity Postgraduate Award 1998