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Dr. Ciaran Mc Goldrick

Associate Professor (Computer Science)
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Dr. Ciaran Mc Goldrick

Associate Professor (Computer Science)

An Engineer and Academic, Ciarán Mc Goldrick is an Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin's School of Computer Science and Statistics. His research spans communications, energy, security and scholarship. He focuses on questions such as: How will future devices and systems work, as opposed to how do todays devices operate? Ciarán holds a Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering, with specialisms in Control and Signal and Image Processing. He has been a tenured academic in Trinity College Dublin for more than 17 years, and has also held visiting appointments in UCLA. His research is, and has been, supported by National and International Awards, and he is an also an active advocate for professionalism and excellence in learning and scholarship.
  Communication Sciences   Communication Systems   Communications engineering   Computational mathematics, discrete mathematics   Computer Engineering   Computer Hardware   Computer Science   Computer Simulation/Modeling   Computer Software   Computer Vision   Computer vision and robotics   Computer/Data/Network Security   Control Applications (Computer Sciences)   Control Theory (Computer Sciences)   Cryptography   Cryptography and coding theory   Cryptology   Data protection, storage technology, cryptography   Distributed systems   Electrical Engineering   Electronic commerce,Payment, Signature   Gateways   Harmonic Analysis, Wavelets   Image Processing   Imaging and Computer Vision   Imaging, image processing   Information Technology   Information/Communication Systems   Internet technologies   Local Area Networks   Location Based Services   Microelectronics   MOBILE   Mobile Applications   MOBILE COMMUNICATION   Mobile Communications   Mobile Computing   Mobile Networks   Mobile Positioning   MOBILE RADIO   MOBILE RADIO SYSTEMS   MOBILE-RADIO   Network Positioning   Network technology, Security   Networking   Networks and telecommunications research   Pattern Recognition   Queuing   Satellite, Technology, Systems, Positioning, Communication   Signal Analysis   Signal processing   Software Engineering   Surveillance Systems   Telecommunication Engineering   Telecommunications   Telecommunications Policy   Telecommunications Research   Wireless Communication Systems   Wireless Sensor Networks   Wireless systems, Radio technology
Project Title
ICONN is a unique European Industrial Doctorate initiative to meet the current and future demand for highly skilled offshore wind and wave energy engineers by developing and advancing European capacity in the design, development and performance optimisation for Offshore Wind and Wave Energy installations. The initiative is strongly shaped by active participation from industries, and will develop and enhance European capacity in the offshore renewable energy area at a critical juncture in time when Europe strives to occupy a lead market position globally in this sector. The ICONN EID will i) provide state-of-the art training to Early Stage Researchers jointly with industries in the scientific and engineering disciplines of power take-off (PTO) and structural control, wave mechanics and hydrodynamics, CFD, sensing and system identification; ii) advance expertise, and research capacity, in the techno-economic-environmental factors that impact on the reliability and operational efficiency of offshore renewable energy installations; iii) instil business, management, entrepreneurship and innovation skills pertaining to offshore wind and combined wind-wave energy sector to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation; iv) promote clearly defined scientific dissemination, public outreach and commercialisation/IP agendas. The three scientific work packages, which scaffold the individual research activities, progress from addressing specific challenges and capability deficiencies that impede the effective and efficient deployment of offshore wind and wave infrastructures (floating systems and optimisation of power take-off (PTO) ) through to activities that seek to create, and innovate in, new control algorithms and in operational efficiency domain (fatigue control, new algorithms for control of PTO).
Funding Agency
European Commission
Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks
Project Type
European Industrial Doctorate
Project Title
Training future mechanical, civil, electronic engineers and computer scientists in SYStem Identification, Condition & Health Monitoring for a New Generation of WIND Turbines.
Funding Agency
Euopean Commission
Seventh Framework Programme
Project Type
Marie Curie Initial Training network
Person Months
Project Title
 TinyTorrents - An efficient, scalable, robust, co-operative infrastructure providing global accessibility to local wireless sensornet information
Wireless sensor functionality is predominantly constrained by sensor size and battery life considerations. Existing sensornet frameworks e.g. Deluge, are designed for specific purposes, such as sensor code update. TinyTorrents proposes a unique architectural platform which makes sensor data promptly, transparently and globally available using trackerless, co-operative Peer to Peer concepts. A key element of TinyTorrents will be the modelling and integration of wireless Quality of Service Active Queue Management functionality together with accurate power consumption and transmission characterisation. Sensors will be able to request prioritisation for "important" data subject to prevailing framework constraints.
Funding Agency
Science Foundation Ireland
Research Frontiers Programme
Project Type
Basic Research
Person Months
Project Title
 Wireless Active Queue Management: A Robust, Scalable Approach using Control Theory.
Active Queue Management (AQM) techniques have been successfully incorporated into existing Internet routers to signal dynamically congestion to sources on fixed networks. The increasing proliferation of mobile devices has created a growing awareness of the need for wireless AQM schemes. However, wireless links have intrinsic characteristics that invalidate the underlying assumptions of fixed infrastructure AQM. This project proposes to advance the theoretical understanding of the fundamental issues involved in wireless AQM. This knowledge will then be used to design and implement new, highly efficient Active Queue Management schemes for the wireless environment.
Funding Agency
Science Foundation Ireland
Research Frontiers Programme
Project Type
Basic Research
Person Months

Details Date
Co-Chair : Horizon Europe. MSCA-DN Programme. STEM panel. 2023-present
Multiple recurrent external expertise roles and representations. Vice Chair, Auditor, Approver, Evaluator : European Commission Horizon Europe ITN, PF, HADEA, RIA programmes, including call definition, award, funding and validation. 2020-present
Conference Committee Roles e.g. Frontiers in Education, Mobile AD-Hoc and Sensor Networks, DAMAS 2015
External Expert Certifier, QQI/HETAC. New degree and graduate programmes in DBS, NCI, IT Carlow, etc. 2008-2015
External Examiner, Bachelors Degree in Electronic Engineering, IT Sligo 2004-2007
Interview Panels - TCD, UCD, MU, ITS 2009-2024
DAMAS Conference, Local Chair 2013
General Chair, Greener Conference 2019
IEEE/ACM/AAAI task force to revise and update Computer Science curricula internationally(CS202x project) 2021
Multiple recurrent external expertise roles and representations. Vice Chair, Auditor, Approver, Evaluator : European Commission H2020-MSCA-ITN, PF, HADEA, RIA programmes, including call definition, award, funding and validation 2015-2023
External Expert. Hetac Panel of Expert Evaluators - MSc programmes. 2011-2016
Invited External Expert, QQI. Definition of National Common Award Standards in IT 2013-2016
PhD External Examiner - Ireland and UK 2014
International Expert Reviewer - including funding bodies in Ireland, Belgium, Slovakia, USA, Canada. 2006-2024
Session Chair - WONS 2017
Select peer reviewing for key, impactful conferences and journals, e.g. IEEE Communications Letters, ACM SIGCSE, Elsevier Computer Communications, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Elsevier Computer Networks, Elsevier AdHoc Networks, IEEE Frontiers in Education, ACM Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education 2002
Steering Committee, IEEE Ireland. Co-founder 2013
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Medium Basic
Irish Fluent Medium Medium
Details Date From Date To
Member: Engineers Ireland/Institution of Engineers of Ireland (IEI) 1992 Present
Senior Member: Association for Computing Machinery (SMACM) - Member from 1998 2004 Present
Senior Member: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (SMIEEE) - Member from 1992 2002 Present
John Burke, Biswajit Basu, Ciaran Mc Goldrick, Reduced Gate Count for Quantum State Preparation of 2D Data, IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Bellevue, WA, USA, 17-22 September 2023, 2, IEEE, 2023, Notes: [], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Materials Research Proceedings:Floating Offshore Energy Devices GREENER, 20, (2022), Ciarán Mc Goldrick, Meriel Huggard, Biswajit Basu, [eds.], Journal, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Ciaran McGoldrick, Meriel Huggard, Reconfigurable context reactive blended networking and communication courses, ACM SIGCOMMEDU Workshop, Online, August , 2020, pp1-4 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Additively Homomorphic IBE from Higher Residuosity in, 2019, pp496-515 , [Clear, M. and McGoldrick, C.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran, 'A Note on Attribute-Based Group Homomorphic Encryption', 2019, - 1-18, Notes: [], Protocol or guideline, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Joy, Josh and Gray, Dylan and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Gerla, Mario, 'XYZ Privacy', 2018, - 1-17, Notes: [ v5 21/2/2018], Digital research resource production, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Joy, Joshua; Grey, Dylan; Mc Goldrick, Ciaran; Gerla, Mario, K Privacy: Towards improving privacy strength while preserving utility, Ad Hoc Networks, 80, (11), 2018, p16 - 30, Notes: [Elsevier], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran, Attribute-Based Group Homomorphic Encryption and Additively Homomorphic IBE, 2018, p494 -515 , Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Fan, Roulin; Mc Goldrick, Ciaran; Gerla, Mario, An SDN architecture for under water search and surveillance, Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), 2017 13th Annual Conference on, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, 21-24 Feb 2016, IEEE, 2017, pp96 - 99 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Pibiri, Gianluigi; Mc Goldrick, Ciaran; Huggard, Meriel, Ensuring quality services on WiFi networks for offloaded cellular traffic, 13th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, 21-24 Feb 2017, IEEE, 2017, pp136-143 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI

Page 1 of 8
Sean Rowan, Michael Clear, Mario Gerla, Meriel Huggard, Ciarán Mc Goldrick, Securing vehicle to vehicle communications using blockchain through visible light and acoustic side-channels, 2017, Notes: [Publication date 2017/4/9 Journal arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.02553], Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Meriel Huggard, Sensor Research, US-Ireland F&D Partnership - Sensor Workshop, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dublin, 20-21 February 2007, 2007, Poster, PUBLISHED
Meriel Huggard, Ciaran Mc Goldrick, Avoiding Technology Trauma: Interrelated Initiatives at TCD , Second Irish Universities Quality Board Conference, Galway, Ireland, 6 - 7 Feb. 2004, 2004, Poster, PUBLISHED


Award Date
One of "Ireland's Champions of EU Research" for exhibiting outstanding leadership in Horizon 2020 programme. June 2017
Invited Visiting Professor (University of California Los Angeles) 2015-2017
Getting mobile, energy constrained, wireless devices and systems to meaningfully communicate, and to reliably and securely transmit and route data to each other, can be extremely difficult. Devices have to be in physical communication range, need to know how to autonomously discover each other, negotiate and agree on common purpose and goals. I have been active in constrained communications and the Internet of Things for more than two decades[9-12,15,19,62] and have contributed some fundamental open source platforms and systems[10,48,51,55] that remain in active use today. I have targeted fundamental communication and online control challenges in autonomous vehicles (terrestrial, drones and underwater) and for offshore wind and wave energy devices[9,12,15,21,27,31,35]. My research in cryptography was catalysed by the need to robustly secure these new online control and actuation metaphors I created. Homomorphic Encryption (HE) primitives enable operations to be carried out on encrypted data (ciphertext), generating an encrypted result which, when decrypted, is equivalent to the result of performing the same operations on the original text. My attribute based formulations uniquely enable selectivity in the access and operations on the ciphertext[2-8,28]. This approach removes the need for expensive interactions with centralised key infrastructures and, implicitly, ameliorates privacy and data compromise concerns[20,24]. Recently I have extended focus to quantum cryptography, informed by my HE work, and also to investigating how and where fundamental transforms, and their generalisations, find expression and purpose in a quantum information science setting. A desire to understand how students learn, and how to best communicate complex networking and cryptography concepts, inspires and informs my research in STEM Education[16-18,22,33,45,47,58-61]. This has resulted in my research-led modules and course conceptualisations being adopted internationally e.g. in Stanford and UCLA. It complements my more technical research activities and is an integral part of me being an academic, and indeed to being a Fellow - to "foster scholarship, research and teaching". My standing, and internationally adopted contributions and innovations, has led to an invited Visiting Professor position in UCLA (then a top 10 Computer Science Department globally), Vice Chair roles on EC funding award programmes, and regular expert, speaker and international funding review invitations. I am a recipient of an Irish "Champion of EU Research" award. Beyond this strong recognition of my international standing, my activities are highly aligned with TCD's research themes, core values and intrinsic purpose, and more broadly with Irish and EC strategic priorities in research and scholarship. I have been PI on two EC MSCA grants and coordinated one; I have also been funded by both Enterprise Ireland and SFI. My grant involvement to date has been ~€5.6M, of which I am directly responsible for winning ~€1.73M. My h-index is 16, and my works have attracted over 1000 citations. I have published 1 edited volume, 5 book chapters, 11 journal papers, and >50 peer reviewed conference papers. Much of my more recent work is substantive and significant in Computer Science terms, with small author sets, high rigour, intricate complexity and clear originality and contribution.