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Dr. Christine Mc Garrigle

Senior Research Fellow/Social Epidemiolo (Medical Gerontology)
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Dr. Christine Mc Garrigle

Senior Research Fellow/Social Epidemiolo (Medical Gerontology)


Project Title
 Counting the cost: The contribution of older carers in Ireland and impact of caring on health and well-being of carers
Funding Agency
Family Carers Ireland-Health Research Board
HRCI-HRB Joint funding scheme 2020
Person Months
Project Title
 Psychosocial resilience in ageing populations: Why do some dip and recover and others not?
Funding Agency
Project Title
 Altered lives in a time of crisis: Preparing for recovery from the impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic on the lives of older adults
Funding Agency
Health Research Board
COV19 2020
Project Title
 Harmonizing Cognitive Assessments in Irish, English, and American Longitudinal Studies: Supporting Cross-National Research on the Epidemiology of Dementia HCAP
Funding Agency
National Institutes of Health
Project Title
 Multimodal Cardiovascular Modelling for Predicting and Preventing Disability in TILDA
Funding Agency
Health Research Board
ILP 2017

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Details Date
Reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Aging & Social Policy, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, PLOS Medicine, Journal of Family Studies, Journal of Aging and Health, International Journal of Public Health, BMJ Open, Journal of Applied Gerontology, Journal of Family Studies Current
Member of The Healthy and Positive Ageing Initiative (HaPAI) Steering Group 2015
Invited expert speaker to the Citizens' Assembly, How we best respond to the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population 8-9 July 2017
Invited speaker at the Age and Opportunity Symposium. The Royal Marine Hotel, Dublin 8 October 2015
Invited speaker,This is Not my Beautiful House II,The Bealtaine Festival Seminar, The Lexicon, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin 31 May 2017
Invited Moderator, Measurement and Monitoring to inform effective decision making, Increasing Capacity for Age-friendly Environments in Europe Conference. 25-26 October 2016
Details Date From Date To
Member of the Society for Social Medicine 2013
Member, European Public Health Association 2013
Member, International Epidemiological Association, IEA 2020
Naseer A, Mc Garrigle C, McLoughlin J, O'Connell B., Tooth loss is associated with prevalent diabetes and incident diabetes in a longitudinal study of adults in Ireland., Community dentistry and oral epidemiology, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Laura Orlandini, Enrica Patrizio, Aisling M O'Halloran, Christine A McGarrigle, Roman Romero Ortuno, Rose Anne Kenny, Marco Proietti, Matteo Cesari, Social vulnerability, frailty and self-perceived health: findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 13, (1), 2024, p50 - 56, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Ryan, David J., De Looze, Céline, McGarrigle, Christine A., Scarlett, Siobhan, Kenny, Rose Anne, Examining mental health and autonomic function as putative mediators of the relationship between sleep and trajectories of cognitive function: findings from the Irish longitudinal study on ageing (TILDA), Aging & Mental Health, 2024, p1-8 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ward M, Briggs R, McGarrigle CA, De Looze C, O'Halloran AM, Kenny RA., The bi-directional association between loneliness and depression among older adults from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic., International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 38, (1), 2023, pe5856 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
McGarrigle CA, Ward M, Kenny RA., An investigation of what protective individual- and community-level factors are associated with life satisfaction in middle-aged and older family carers in Ireland., Frontiers in public health, 11, 2023, p1207523 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Donoghue OA, O'Shea M, McGarrigle CA, Lang D, Hoey C, Whitty H, O'Shea D, Kenny RA., Translating Frailty Assessment Methodologies and Research-based Evidence to Clinical Education and Practice., Journal of aging & social policy, 34 , (4), 2022, p537 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
O'Connor DMA, Scarlett S, De Looze C, O'Halloran AM, Laird E, Molloy AM, Clarke R, McGarrigle CA, Kenny RA., Low folate predicts accelerated cognitive decline: 8-year follow-up of 3140 older adults in Ireland., European journal of clinical nutrition, 76, (7), 2022, p950 - 957, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
McGarrigle CA, Ward M, Kenny RA., Negative aging perceptions and cognitive and functional decline: Are you as old as you feel?, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 70, (3), 2022, p777 - 788, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Orr J, Kenny RA, McGarrigle CA., Religiosity and Quality of Life in Older Christian Women in Ireland: A Mixed Methods Analysis., Journal of religion and health, 61, (4), 2022, p2927 - 2944, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
McGarrigle CA, Ward M, De Looze C, O'Halloran A, Kenny RA., Caring in the time of COVID-19, longitudinal trends in well-being and mental health in carers in Ireland: Evidence from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)., Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, 102, 2022, p104719 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI

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Joanne Feeney, Ann Monaghan, Sinead McLoughlin , Celine De Looze, Gabriela Oto, Brian Lawlor , David R. Weir , Rose Anne Kenny, Christine A. McGarrigle, Cohort Profile Update: The Harmonised Cognitive Assessment Protocol Sub-study of The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA-HCAP), International Journal of Epidemiology, 54, (1), 2025, Notes: [doi:], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Christine McGarrigle and Orna Donoghue, Impact of hearing loss and hearing aid use on psychosocial health and well-being and healthcare cover in the older population in Ireland, March, 2023, 1-33, Report, PUBLISHED
Changes to caregiving roles in, editor(s)Kenny, R.A., Scarlett, S., O'Mahoney, P. , The Older Population of Ireland on the Eve of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Dublin, The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity College Dublin, 2021, pp119-138 , [McGarrigle, Christine], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Multimorbidity and Medication Usage in, editor(s)Kenny RA, Scarlett S, O'Mahoney P. , The Older Population of Ireland on the Eve of the COVID-19 Pandemic, The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity College Dublin, 2020, pp51-82 , [Hernandez, Belinda, O'Halloran, Aisling, McGarrigle, Christine, Kenny, Rose Anne, Apte, Sharwari, Scarlett, Siobhan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Patterns in Health Service Utilisation and Healthcare Entitlements in, editor(s)Kenny RA, Scarlett S, O'Mahoney P. , The Older Population of Ireland on the Eve of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Dublin, The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity College Dublin, 2020, pp83-99 , [Roe, Lorna, McGarrigle, Christine, Hernandez, Belinda, O'Halloran, Aisling, Scarlett, Siobhan, Ward, Mark, Kenny, Rose Anne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
The Contributions of the Older Population in, editor(s)Kenny RA, Scarlett S, O'Mahoney P. , The Older Population of Ireland on the Eve of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Dublin, The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity College Dublin, 2020, pp101-125 , [McGarrigle, Christine, Ward, Mark, Scarlett, Siobhan, Kenny, Rose Anne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Kenny, R.A., Hernandez, B., O'Halloran, A., Moriarty, F., McGarrigle, C., TILDA report to inform demographics for over 50s in Ireland for COVID-19 crisis, Dublin, The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity College Dublin, March, 2020, Report, PUBLISHED
McGarrigle, C., Ward, M., Kenny, R.A., The contribution of the over 70s to Irish society: results from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Dublin, The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity College Dublin, March, 2020, Notes: [Stephen Donnelly, Minister of Health in introducing the Health (General Practitioner Service and Alteration of Criteria for Eligibility) Bill 2020 to the Dáil. Report used as evidence to support the implementation of policy measures. ], Report, PUBLISHED
Roe, L., McGarrigle, C., Hernández, B., O'Halloran, A., Scarlett, S., Ward, M., Normand, C., Kenny, R.A., Patterns in healthcare utilisation: Results from Wave 5 of The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing., Dublin, The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity College Dublin, March, 2020, Report, PUBLISHED
Aisling O'Halloran, Christine McGarrigle, Siobhan Scarlett, Lorna Roe, Roman Romero-Ortuno and Rose Anne Kenny, TILDA Report on Population Estimates of Physical Frailty in Ireland to Inform Demographics for Over 50s in Ireland during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Dublin, The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity College Dublin, 2020, Report, PUBLISHED


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