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Professor Padraig Carmody

Professor In Geography (Geography)

Pádraig Carmody lectures in Development Geography at TCD, from which he holds both a B.A. in Geography and History and M.Sc in Geography. He completed his Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Minnesota in 1998, where he was a MacArthur Scholar. Subsequently he taught at the University of Vermont, Dublin City University and St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra. He also worked as a policy and research analyst for the Combat Poverty Agency in 2002-3 and has also taught at the University of Cologne. His research centres on the political economy of globalization in Africa. He is Director of the Masters in Development Practice at Trinity and was lead author on the only successful grant proposal in Europe to the MacArthur Foundation in the first round to get seed funding for the programme. He was also the Trinity Director of CHARM-EU from 2020-2024. He has consulted for the Office of the President of South Africa, amongst others and is currently a Senior Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg. He is a former editor of Irish Geography and sits on the boards of Political Geography, The Journal of the Tanzanian Geographical Association, Hungarian Journal of African Studies, Irish Studies in International Affairs, Politics and Development in Contemporary Africa (Zed Books) and Geoforum, where he was previously editor-in-chief. He was also an Associate Editor of the journal Transnational Corporations, published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and is currently Chair of the Standing Committee on International Affairs of the Royal Irish Academy. He is a former Chair of the Development Studies Association of Ireland.
  Africa   African Economics   African International Relations   African Politics   Agricultural Economics   Agricultural policy analysis   Anthropogenic Impact on ecosystems   Area & Population Studies/Services   Business Economics, Studies   Chinese Investment in Africa   Comparitive political economy   Conflict/Dispute Resolution   Contemporary social theory   Conversation and discourse analysis   Democracy   Developing/Underdeveloped Nations   Development economics   Development in Africa   Development studies   East (Far East) Asia   Eastern Africa   Ecology and Population   Economic Competitiveness   Economic geography   Economic history, theory   Economic policy making   Economic Stabilization   Economic Studies--Developing Countries   Economic Theory   Economics   Economics of public policy   Economics of Research and Development   Economics of Telecommunications   Economics of the Environment   Environmental planning and sustainable development   Ethiopia   Finance   Foreign direct investment   Gender and work   Genocide   Globalisation   Globalization   History of economic thought   HIV/ AIDS in Africa   Hunger   Imigration policy, Colonial policy, political culture and national identity   Income distribution   Industrial Cooperation   Industrial economics, organisation theory   Industrial Production   Industrial relations   Information technology in education   Information technology, e-commerce   Information technology, Science   Innovation   Innovation and growth   International Affairs   International business   International Economics   International economics, finance, trade and development   International Planning/Policy   International relations theory   International Relations/Diplomacy   International Rights   International Topics   International/Global Development   Internet technologies   Knowledge Based Society   Labor Economics   Labor Market/Unemployment   Labour economics   Macroeconomics   Macroeconomics, open economy, international   Malawi   Microeconomics   Mobile Communications   Non-Aligned/Third World Nations   Political Economics/Economy   Political Economy   Political Geography   Poverty and the Poor   Public Affairs   Regional Economics   Social Movements   Social Organization   Social Stratification/Mobility   Social Structure   Socio economic issues   Socioeconomics   Sociology of development, population society, development   South Africa   Southeast Asia   Southern Africa   Sub-Saharan Africa   Sustainable Development   Tanzania   Tariff Policy   Terrorism   Trade   Transport economics   Urban and regional economics   Urban economic restructuring, regional planning   Urban Economics   WTO trade negotiations   Zambia   Zimbabwe (Rhodesia)
 "Land Grab: Processes of indigenous community resistance to large extractive projects and their struggles for autonomy in Chile and Peru"

Details Date
Editorial Board: African Geographical Review 2009-
Editorial Board, Political Geography 2010
Steering Committee, Development Studies Association of Ireland 2013
Editorial Board, Journal of the Tanzanian Geographical Society 2018
Standing Committee on International Affairs, Royal Irish Academy 2018
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Basic Medium
Irish Medium Medium Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Geographical Society of Ireland 2003 Date
Development Studies Association of Ireland 2013 Date
Developing Areas Research Group of the Institute of British Geographers 2004 Date
Society of African Journal Editors 2019 Date
Glenn Galloway, Karen Brown. Pádraig Carmody, Lucia Rodriguez and Larry Swatuk, Transforming Education for Sustainable Development: Global Perspectives from Classroom to Practice, London, Routledge, 2025, Book, SUBMITTED
From virtual democracy to authocracy or regime diversity in Africa? in, editor(s)Corrado Tornimbeni,Timothy Scarnecchia, , Is Democracy Dead in Africa? An Historical Critique of Democracy and Development from the 1990s to the 2020s., London, James Currey, 2025, [Pádraig Carmody], Book Chapter, ACCEPTED  TARA - Full Text
Carmody, P. and Murphy, J.T., Handbook of African economic development, 2024, 1-606pp, Notes: [cited By 0], Book, PUBLISHED  DOI
Carmody, P. and Murphy, J.T., Foreign investment and aid in Africa: History, trends, theories, and prospects, 2024, 132-151pp, Notes: [cited By 0], Book, PUBLISHED
African economic development: Challenges and successes (a look at the data) in, 2024, pp30-40 , [Murphy, J.T. and Carmody, P.], Notes: [cited By 0], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Development theories, perspectives, and debates with a focus on Africa in, Cheltenham, 2024, pp14-29 , [Carmody, P. and Murphy, J.T.], Notes: [cited By 0], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Godfrey Hampwaye, Pádraig Carmody, and Phoebe Ramaloko, China-Zambia Engagements: Is there change, what has changed and why?, Journal of Contemporary East Asian Studies, 12, (1), 2024, p179-198 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Ricardo Reboredo and Pádraig Carmody, Between Energy and Politics: Ruin, Renewal, and the Contours of State Power in Post-Apartheid South Africa, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Pádraig Carmody, 'Digital Provide' or Product Consumption Diffusion Cycle? The Diffusion Impact and Potential of Digital Technology in the Global South, Information Technology for Development., 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Carmody, P., â€~Digital provide†or product consumption diffusion cycle? The diffusion impact and potential of digital technology in the Global South, Information Technology for Development, 2024, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Foreword in, editor(s)Jean Chrysostome, K. Kiyala, Ndivhuho Tshikovhi, Dumisani Ngwenya and Prof. Fulufhelo Netswera , BRICS Expansion: Peace, Security and Sustainable Development, Springer Nature Palgrave Macmillan, 2025, [Pádraig Carmody], Book Chapter, ACCEPTED
Benjamin Barton and Pádraig Carmody, Testbed or Thoroughfare? Africa"s Place in China"s Evolving Grand Strategy, Journal of Contemporary China, 2025, Journal Article, ACCEPTED
Geography and Development Theory in, editor(s)Barney Warf , Encylopaedia of Human Geography., Cham, Springer, 2024, [Pádraig Carmody], Book Chapter, ACCEPTED
International Organizations in, editor(s)Colin Flint , Encyclopedia of Geopolitics, London, Edward Elgar, 2024, [Pádraig Carmody], Book Chapter, ACCEPTED
Land Grabs in, editor(s)Emil Dauncey, Vandana Desai, Robert B. Potter , Companion to Development Studies, 4th edition, London, Taylor and Francis, 2024, pp453 - 456, [Pádraig Carmody and Adwoa Ofori], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Pádraig Carmody, Shifting Geopolitics in Africa, Nokoko, 11, 2024, p61-67 , Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Pádraig Carmody, BRICS' Enlargement: Power Expansion or Contraction in a Changing World Order?, EconPol Forum,, 2024, p10 - 13, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Pádraig Carmody, The New Scramble for Africa, Risikobild 2024: Vernetzte Sicherheit, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Pádraig Carmody and Paul Cicantell, The 2024 Presidential Election in the US: What Might the Future Hold for Global Politics and Economics?, EconPol Forum, 2024, Journal Article, ACCEPTED
Powering Transport or Transporting Power? The Spatial Political Economy of Chinese Railways in Africa in, editor(s)Tim Zajontz, Pádraig Carmody, Mandira Bangwandeen and Tony Leysens , Africa's Railway Renaissance: The Role and Impact of China, London and New York, Routledge. New Regionalisms Series, 2023, [Kefa Otiso and Pádraig Carmody], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
John F. Kennedy Memorial Fund Fellowship, $5,000 approx. 1992-3