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Professor Louise Bradley

Professor Of (Physics)
Profile Photo

Professor Louise Bradley

Professor Of (Physics)

Prof. Bradley leads a vibrant research team in the field of photonics, with current research interests mainly in the area of nanophotonics. Her research is directly relevant for development of higher efficiency light emitting devices, solar cells and sensing applications. She has previously made significant contributions to the development of novel devices for optical telecommunications systems. In 1992 she received a BSc (First Class Hons.) in Experimental Physics from University College Dublin. She was awarded Forbairt and Trinity College Dublin scholarships to pursue postgraduate studies at Trinity College Dublin, obtaining a MSc in 1994 and a PhD in 1998. During her PhD she studied nonlinear optical processes in semiconductor microcavity systems. As a Postdoctoral Research Fellow she worked on the development of semiconductor microcavity devices for lighting applications. In 1999, she became a Lecturer in the Institute of Technology, Tallaght, before returning to join the academic staff of the School of Physics in 2000. Subsequently, she was appointed Senior Lecturer and elected to Fellowship of the College in 2009, and promoted to Professor in 2016. Dr. Bradley has won over 3.55 M€ in competitive funding from Science Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland and the Irish Research Council. She has published over 140 scientific papers and collaborates with national and international research teams.
  CAVITY POLARITONS   Condensed matter, optical and dielectric properties   FABRICATION   Laser technology   NANOSTRUCTURES   Nanotechnology   Nonlinear Dynamics   Optical materials   Optics   PHOTOLUMINESCENCE   Photon Science & Technology   Photonic Networks   Photonics   Physics   QUANTUM-WELL   SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES AND MATERIALS   SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS   SEMICONDUCTOR NANOCRYSTALS   SEMICONDUCTOR OPTICAL AMPLIFIERS   Semiconductor optoelectronics   SEMICONDUCTOR QUANTUM WELLS   SEMICONDUCTOR-LASERS   SEMICONDUCTORS   SPECTROSCOPIC CHARACTERIZATION   Telecommunications Research
Project Title
 Dielectric Metasurfaces for Emission Control
Funding Agency
Science Foundation Ireland
Frontiers for the Future Programme
Project Title
 Fibre coupled dielectric metasurfaces as sensing platforms
Funding Agency
Nanophotonics Theme IPIC
Project Type
PhD Studentship
Project Title
 Responsive Photonic Structures
Funding Agency
Chinese Science Council
Project Title
 Coupling transition metal dichalcogenides with dielectric metasurfaces
Funding Agency
PIADS SFI Centre for Doctoral Training
Project Type
PhD studentship funding
Project Title
 All-Dielectric Metasurfaces for Sensing Applications (MESA)
Funding Agency
MSCA EU_cofund with IPIC
Funding for Postdoctoral Research Fellow

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Details Date
External Examiner for Undergraduate Degree Programmes in Physics in University College Cork 2022-2025
External Advisory Board for European Double Doctorate Training Network OPTAPHI April 2022
IPIC (Irish Photonics Integration Centre) Executive Management Committee as Nanophotonics Theme Leader 2022
External Assessor for Full Chair Position, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology May 2021
IPIC (SFI Centre for Integrated Photonics), Tyndall, Leadership Committee member April 2018
Reviewer for Thomas Preston Postgraduate Scholarship Award in Physics, University College Dublin since 2020
Reviewer for Irish Fulbright Awards Since 2019
Committee Member of the Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Science Committee, Royal Irish Academy 2018 - 2022
Co-editor of a special issue of Applied Optics dedicated to Optics in Ireland Dec 2018
Internal PhD Examiner in Engineering, Nanomedicine and Physics in Trinity for more than 15 theses 2001
External Examiner for 3 Bachelor Degree Programmes in the School of Physics, Dublin City University 2015-2019
Expert reviewer for national funding agencies in 10 countries across 3 continents including the EPSRC and Royal Society (UK), ANR (France), DoE (US), New Zealand Science Foundation, and Austrian Science Foundation 2001-present
Reviewer for many top-ranked journals including ACS Nano, Nano Letters, Scientific Reports, Nanoscale, Physical Review Letters and Physical Review B, Advanced Materials, Journals of Physical Chemistry, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Quantum Electronics, Photonics Technology Letters, Journal of Lightwave Technology 2001 - present
External Expert in Photonics and Physics on 13 Appointment Committees in UCC, Tyndall, DCU, NUIG and TUD 2001 - present
External Examiner for more than 12 PhD theses in other universities 2001 - present
External Academic Assessor for Dublin Institute of Technology B.Sc. in Physics Technology 2011
Academic External Assessor for new degree programme, B.Sc. in Energy and Environmental Physics in Dublin Institute of Technology 2011
Irish representative at Cost P11: Physics of linear and non-linear photonic crystals 2003-2007
Irish Representative at COST 268, Wavelength scale photonics components for telecommunications 2001
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Medium Medium
Hajian, H. and Zhang, X. and Mccormack, O. and Zhang, Y. and Dobie, J. and Rukhlenko, I.D. and Ozbay, E. and Bradley, A.L., Quasi-bound states in the continuum for electromagnetic induced transparency and strong excitonic coupling, Optics Express, 32, (11), 2024, p19163-19174 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Augustine, A. and Qian, J. and Faraone, T. and Kolagatla, S. and Prochukhan, N. and Morris, M.A. and Bradley, A.L. and Florea, L. and Delaney, C., Direct Laser Writing of Silica Nanoparticle Nanocomposites: Probing Mechanical Reinforcement and Understanding Structural Color from Design Parameters, Small, 2024, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Purcell-Milton, F., Kuznetsova, V.A., Bai, X., (...), Bradley, A.L., Gun"ko, Y.K., Chiroptically active quantum nanonails, Nanoscale Horizons, 9, (6), 2024, p1013-1022 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Hajian, H. and Proffit, M. and Ozbay, E. and Landais, P. and Bradley, A.L., Reprogrammable metasurface design for NIR beam steering and active filtering, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 57, (41), 2024, Notes: [cited By 1], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Qian, J. and Kolagatla, S. and Pacalova, A. and Zhang, X. and Florea, L. and Delaney, C. and Bradley, A.L., TPL-fabricated responsive hydrogel-based micro photonic structures for visible vapor sensing, 12663, (1266304), 2023, Notes: [cited By 0], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Qian, Jing and Kolagatla, Srikanth and Zhang, Xia and Florea, Larisa and Delaney, Colm and Bradley, A. Louise, Novel applications based on dynamic color of photonic structures printed by two-photon lithography, 2023, Notes: [Cited by: 0], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
J. Qian, S. Kolagatla, A. Pacalovas, X. Zhang, L. Florea, A. L. Bradley, and C. Delaney, Responsive spiral photonic structures for visible vapor sensing, pattern transformation and encryption, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, Journal Article, ACCEPTED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Hajian, H. and Rukhlenko, I.D. and Bradley, A.L. and Ozbay, E., High-Figure-of-Merit Biosensing and Enhanced Excitonic Absorption in an MoS2-Integrated Dielectric Metasurface, Micromachines, 14, (2), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Zhang, X. and Zhang, X. and Bradley, A.L., Supercavity modes in stacked identical Mie-resonant metasurfaces, Physical Review B, 108, (19), 2023, Notes: [cited By 2], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Lawless, J. and McCormack, O. and Pepper, J. and McEvoy, N. and Bradley, A.L., Spectral Tuning of a Nanoparticle-on-Mirror System by Graphene Doping and Gap Control with Nitric Acid, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15, (32), 2023, p38901-38909 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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A. L. Bradley, Responsive spiral photonic structures for visible vapor sensing, pattern transformation and encryption, Biophotonics Seminar, IPIC Tyndall, 16/09/2022, 2022, IPIC, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
A. L. Bradley, Plasmon-coupled nano-emitters, Chist-Era , 18th May, 2021, UKRi-EPSRC, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Louise Bradley, Plasmon coupled nanoemitters, Biophotonics Seminar Series, Tyndall, Co. Cork, 12th March 2021, 2021, IPIC, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
A. L. Bradley, Plasmon coupled nanoemitters, UCC Physics Seminar Series, UCC, Co. Cork, 19th April 2021, 2021, Physics, UCC, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Julia Lawless, Calin Hrelescu, Carolyn Elliott, Lisanne Peters, Niall McEvoy and A. Louise Bradley, Exciton-plasmon interaction in the strong coupling regime, 2nd Annual AMBER Conference, Laois, Ireland, 15th January, 2020, AMBER, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
C. Elliott, C. Hrelescu and A. L. Bradley, Multiresonance plasmonic nanostructures, CLEO US, San Jose, USA, 10th May, 2019, 2019, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
A. L. Bradley, Importance of diversity in Physics, Women in STEM, Trinity College Dublin, 2017, TCDSU and Wiser, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
A. L. Bradley, Enhancing Forster non-radiative energy transfer via plasmon interaction, TCD Physoc, Physics, Trinity College Dublin, March, 2017, 2017, TCD Physics Society, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
A. L. Bradley, Women in Physics: a journey to nanoscale optics, Women in Science Week, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2014, 2014, Physoc and Dublin University Gender Equality Society, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
A. L. Bradley, Shedding light in the nanoscale, Presidential address, Trinity College Dublin, October 2013, 2013, Physoc, Invited Talk, PRESENTED


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Award Date
Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2009
Basic Forbairt Research Award for Fundamental Physics 1992
Trinity College Dublin Postgraduate Scholarship 1992
Nominated for Excellence in Teaching Award 2013
Nominated for Favourite Woman in Trinity Science - Dublin University General Science Society 2017, 2018 and 2019
Selected for highlight in the SPIE 2017 Women in Optics Planner 2017
Over the past 25 years I have carried out research in a wide range of topics spanning the field of Photonics. In the early part of my career, I led research on microcavity physics and devices for optical communications. I pioneered research on nonlinear in microcavities in particular for microcavity-enhanced two-photon absorption based detector for optical telecommunications systems. This work led to numerous publications and two patents, and was highlighted in Nature Photonics. In parallel I developed systems for investigating nonlinear dynamics in semiconductor optical amplifiers. During this project I demonstrated the lowest noise-figure to date for a bulk SOA using novel a multi-section device to control the carrier distribution along the length of the device in collaboration with researchers in Dublin City University. At that time nanophotonics and plasmonics were only in their infancy but I could see that there was enormous potential for new physics and devices based on the control and understanding of light-matter interaction at the nanoscale. I pioneered a research programme in nanophotonics and plasmonics in Physics in Trinity. I led the development of experimental capability to fabricate, and characterise nanoscale structures. This led to long-term collaborations with leading chemistry and growth groups (Gaponik (TU Dresden), Rogach (City University, Hong Kong and Gun"ko (Chemistry, TCD)), and Parbrook (Tyndall Institute). I was the first to report experimental plasmonic enhancement of energy transfer between quantum dots. In subsequent research I revealed the role of different parameters in controlling the energy transfer signatures. Importantly I demonstrated that plasmon-enhanced energy transfer can be applied in hybrid material systems technologically of interest for improved light emission and light-harvesting devices. More recently I have pioneered research on dynamic plasmonic systems. I reported the largest resonance tuning to date using vanadium dioxide, and demonstrated for the first time that tuning the plasmonic resonance can compensate for thermal quenching of emission at elevated temperatures. My work on electrically driven reprogrammable VO2 metasurfaces demonstrates many significant features such as broadband operation, wide tuning range, inverse design and binary control, opening up many exciting possibilities for tunable metasurfaces. In further work I demonstrated for the first time that room-temperature strong light matter interaction can be achieved in dielectric metasurfaces coupled with transition metal dichalogenides. My paper on metasurface enhanced absorbance in MoS2 was the editor selection for that issue. These publications highlight my expertise across numerical simulation, design, fabrication and characterization. I have secured funding for the next 4 years to further explore metasurfaces for novel light emitting devices and sensing applications. I was invited to join the Irish Photonics Integration Centre in 2018 and I am the nanophotonics theme leader. Due to my expertise in design and characterise I am invited to collaborate on projects investigating novel materials for photonics applications. I recently designed photonic structures for colour responsive vapour sensing, pattern transformation and pattern encryption using 3D printed responsive hydrogel. A further collaboration with Alcon, a multinational company developing next generation intraocular lenses is also getting underway.