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Profile Photo

Professor Mary Bourke

Professor In (Geography)
Profile Photo

Professor Mary Bourke

Professor In (Geography)


     Aeolian   Coastal Morphological Changes, Defense Mechanisms   Deserts   Earth Observation   Earth Science   Fluvial   Geochronology   Geographic information systems   GEOMORPHOLOGY   Landslides   Mars   Natural Hazards   Planetary Geomorphology   Rock Breakdown   Sedimentology
Project Title
 Carbon dioxide levitation: A new geomorphic process
Funding Agency
Mars Fundamental Research Program
Project Type
Project Title
 Recent change in Martian Polar dunes
Funding Agency
Marie Curie
Project Type
Project Title
 Inventory of landslides in Co. Mayo and Kerry, Ireland
Funding Agency
Geological Survey of Ireland
Project Title
 Wind Regime, Sediment Transport and the Age of Dune Fields in the North Polar Sand Seas on Mars
Funding Agency
Mars Data Analysis
Project Title
 Rock breakdown on Earth and Mars: Further investigations using a combined field and experimental approach.
Funding Agency
Planetary Geology and Geophysics

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Details Date
President of the Geomorphological Association of Ireland (GAI) 2023
National representative to International Association of Geomorphologists 2013
National Representative to European Geoscience Union (Geomorphology Group) 2013
Institute of Geologists of Ireland (Geomorphology representative) 2015
Geographical Society of Ireland National Committee Member 2019
Royal Irish Academy Geography and Geosciences Committee 2019
National member to the Land4Flood COST action 2018
President (acting) Irish Geomorphology group 2020
Member of the EPA Hydromorphology Working Group 2019
President(founding) of the Irish Geomorphology Group 2013
Chair (founder) of the Planetary Geomorphology Working Group of the International Association of Geomorphology 2007
Executive Committee of the Irish Geomorphology Group 2013
Executive Committee of the British Society for Geomorphology 2001
Managing guest editor for special issue on Geomorphology of Ireland, In Journal of Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2014
Associate Editor of the Journal Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf) 2013
Editorial Advisory Board for Journal of Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2008
Associate Editor Journal of Aeolian Research 2011
Managing guest editor for special issue on Planetary Dunefields, in Journal of Geomorphology 2009
Invited to serve on NASA review panel: Solar System Working Program(USA) 2017
NASA review panel: Maturation of Instruments for Solar System Exploration (MatISSE) 2016
NASA review panel: Mars Data Analysis 2016
European Science Foundation Europlanet research infrastructure program panel. 2016
NASA research panel Scout Mission to Mars 2010
Chair, NASA Mars Data Analysis Geology Panel 2005
Invited as Expert external reviewer by the following international programs: NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship; NASA Solar system workings; Executive government agency of National Science Center, Poland 2017
Invited as Expert external reviewer by the following international programs: NASA Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Observations (PICASSO); NASA Solar System Workings; National Geographic; Executive government agency of National Science Center, Poland. 2016
Invited as Expert external reviewer by the following international programs: NASA Cassini Data Analysis program; Aurora (UK. 2015
Invited as Expert external reviewer by the following international programs: NASA Solar System Workings; National Geographic; NASA Cassini Data Analysis program; Aurora (UK). 2014
Invited as Expert external reviewer by the following international programs: NASA Cassini Data Analysis program; Aurora (UK) 2013
Invited as Expert external reviewer: NASA Mars Fundamental Research Program 2011
Invited as Expert external reviewer by the following international programs: NASA Planetary geology and geophysics; French Research Agency; NASA Mars Fundamental Research. 2010
Invited as Expert external reviewer by the following international programs: NASA Planetary geology and geophysics; NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (Participating Scientist) 2009
Invited as Expert external reviewer by the following international programs: NASA Mars Data Analysis 2007
Invited as Expert external reviewer by the following international programs: NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics. 2006
Invited as Expert external reviewer for the NASA Mars Data Analysis Program 2004
Details Date From Date To
ISROC (Inundation Signatures on Rocky Coastlines, National Science Foundation) 2021 Present
International Association of Geomorphologists 1990 Present
European Geosciences Union 2009 Present
Geomorphological Association of Ireland 2013 Present
American Geophysical Union 1998 Present
Geomorphology Association of Ireland 2012 Present
British Society for Geomorphology 1990 Present
Geographical Society of Ireland 2013 Present
Irish Quaternary Association 2012 Present
International Association of Hydrogeologists 2019 2021
Mc Keown, L.E., Diniega, S., Bourke, M.C. and Schwamb, M.E.,, Morphometric trends and implications for the formation of araneiform clusters, Eartha and Planetary Science Letters, 607, (118049), 2023, p , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Raska, P., N. Bezak, C. S. S. Ferreira, Z. Kalantari, K. Banasik, M. Bertola, M. C. Bourke, A. Cerdà, P. Davids, M. M. de Brito, R. Evans, D. Finger, R. Halbac-Cotoara-Zamfir, M. Housh, A. Hysa, J. Jakubínský, M. K. Kapović Solomun, M. Kaufmann, S. Keesstra, E. Keles, S. Kohnová, M. Pezzagno, K. Potočki, S. Rufat, S. Seifollahi-Aghmiuni, A. Schindelegger, M. raj, G. Stankunavicius, J. Stolte, R. Stričevic, J. Szolgay, V. Zupanc, L. Slavíková and T. Hartmann, Identifying barriers for nature-based solutions in flood risk management: an interdisciplinary overview using the expert community approach, Journal of Environmental Management, 310, 2022, p44739-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Islam, M. T., Bradley, A. V., Sowter, A., Andersen, R., Marshall, C., Long, M., Bourke, M. C., Connolly, J., and Large, D. J., , Use of APSIS-InSAR measures of the range of vertical surface motion to improve hazard assessment of peat landslides, Mires and Peat, 2022, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Shore Platforms in, Devoy, R. J., Cummins, V., Brunt, B., Bartlett, D. J., and Kandrot, S. , The Coastal Atlas of Ireland, Cork University Press, 2021, pp205 - 207, [Cullen, N., and Bourke, M. C.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Mc Keown L., McElwaine J.N., Bourke M.C., Sylvest M.E., Patel M.R., The formation of araneiforms by carbon dioxide venting and vigorous sublimation dynamics under martian atmospheric pressure, Scientific Reports, 11, (1), 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Farrell, E., Bourke, M. C., Henry, T., Kindermann, G., Lynch, K., Morley, T., O'Dwyer, B., O'Sullivan, J., and Turner, J., From Source to Sink: Responses of a Coastal Catchment to Large-scale Changes (Golden Strand Catchment, Achill Island, County Mayo), 376, EPA, 2021, 102, Report, PUBLISHED  URL
Collier, M.J.; Bourke, M.C., The case for mainstreaming nature-based solutions into integrated catchment management in Ireland, Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 102B, (2), 2020, p107 - 113, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL  URL
Verma, Ankit Kumar; Bourke, Mary C.; Viles, Heather A.; Osinski Gordon R; Rodriguez-Blanco, Juan Diego, The effect of impact-generated heterogeneities and discontinuities on the subsequent weathering of impactites: insights from laboratory experiments, Earth and Space Science Open Archive, 2020, p10.1002/essoar.10505291.1 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Planetary Aeolian Geomorphology in, editor(s)Livingstone, I, Warren, A. , Aeolian geomorphology a new introduction., Wiley, 2019, pp261 - 286, [Bourke, M.C., Balme, M.R., Lewis, S.R., Lorenz, R., Parteli, E.J.R.,], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Verma, A. K. and M. C. Bourke , A method based on structure-from-motion photogrammetry to generate sub-millimetre-resolution digital elevation models for investigating rock breakdown features, Earth Surface Dynamics, 7, (1), 2019, p45 - 66, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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J. Byrne, J. Connelly, J. Su, V. Krylov, M. Bourke, D. Moloney & R. Dahyot, Trinity College Dublin Drone Survey Dataset, 2017, School of Computer Science & Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, 2017, Dataset, PUBLISHED
Bourke, M.C. and Pilla, F., Nash, C., Cullen, N., Innovative approaches to coastal landslide identification and mapping, Geological Survey of Ireland, 2016, Report, PUBLISHED
Bourke, M.C., Flood, R., Goffo, F., Cullen, N, Nash, C. Naylor, L., Investigation of Ireland's Shore Platforms: Location, type and coastal protection., Geological Survey of Ireland, 2016, Report, PUBLISHED
Bourke, M.C., Blows and flows on Martian dunes: An untold story of sediment transport, Fermore Meeting on Comparative Planetology, London, 2014, Geological Society of London, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bourke, M.C., Dynamic aeolian sediment transport, 45th Annual Binghampton Symposium on Planetary Geomorphology, USA, 2014, University of Tennassee, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bourke, M.C., Seasonal changes on aeolian dunes: the role of cryo-aeolian processes, Geological Society of America, USA, 2014, GSA, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bourke, M.C. Pila, F. , Inventory of landslides in County Kerry and County Mayo, Ireland, Geological Survey of Ireland, 2014, p1 - 61, Report, PUBLISHED
Pila, F. Bourke, M.C., Guidat, T., GIS landslide susceptibility model of County Kerry and County Mayo, Ireland, Geological Survey of Ireland, 2014, 1, 74, Report, PUBLISHED
Bourke, M.C., Sand furrows: a new geomorphic feature on Martian Dunes, European Geosciences Union, Vienna, 2013, EGU, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bourke, M.C., Human exploration field activities, Concepts for Activities in the Field for Exploration Experts meeting, Royal Astronomical Society, London, 2012, European Space Agency, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Excellence in Research Student Supervision Award 2023
Trinity Innovation Award: Societal Impact. Presented to the Academic whose research has had a significant impact for Trinity, society and industry 2021
Knowledge Transfer Ireland: Industry Engagement Impact Award (Finalist) 2021
Trinity Innovation Awards: Societal Impact (Finalist) 2019
Favourite Woman in Science (Nomination by TCD Science Students) 2019
Favourite Woman in Science (Nomination by TCD Science Students) 2018
Favourite Woman in Science (Nomination by TCD Science Students) 2017
Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin 2016
Master in Arts (jure officii) 2016
Elsevier 'Top Cited Author's in Geomorphology (2006-2011) 2011
Visiting Senior Research Associate, School of Geography, University of Oxford 2003-2014
Adjunct Associate Professor, UCD 2012-2016
International Research Fellowship, University New South Wales, Canberra, Australia 2007
Academic Research Award, University of Oxford 2002
Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Earth and Planetary Studies, Smithsonian 2000-2004
Best graduate paper, Australian New Zealand Geography Conference. 1997
Robert Hill Memorial Prize for 'Outstanding and Innovative Research in the Earth Sciences', Australian National University. 1995
J.M. Bowler award for best graduate paper, Australian Quaternary Association. 1994