Finn M, Gilmore B, Sheaf G and Vallières F., What do we mean by individual capacity strengthening for primary health care in low- and middle-income countries? A systematic scoping review to improve conceptual clarity, Human Resources for Health, 19, (1), 2021, p5 ,
Journal Article,
Brynne Gilmore, Realist evaluations in low- and middle-income countries: reflections and recommendations from the experiences of a foreign researcher, BMJ Global Health, 4, (5), 2019,
Journal Article,
Gilmore, B., McAuliffe, E., Power, J. and Vallières, F., Data Analysis and Synthesis Within a Realist Evaluation: Toward More Transparent Methodological Approaches, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 2019,
Journal Article,
Power, J., Gilmore, B., Vallières, F., Toomey, E., Mannan, H. and McAuliffe, E. , Adapting Health Interventions for Local Fit when Scaling-up: A Realist Review Protocol. , BMJ Open, 9, (1), 2019, pe022084 ,
Journal Article,
Gilmore, B., Yishak, Y., Mutunga, N.Z., Maina, M.E., Omollo, W., Mugu, C., Gahan., Vallieres, F. , Innovation in Methodology - Thinking Outside the Black Box by Using Realist Evaluations to Study Social Behaviour Change Interventions, Africa Social & Behaviour Change Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, February 19-21, 2019, 2019,
Oral Presentation,
Atieno, B., Sheikh Hassan, S., Clarke, M., Mwangi, C., & Gilmore, B, SBC Programming and the Importance of Gender: Findings from a Gender Analysis within Community Conversations in Marsabit, Africa Social Behaviour Change Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, February 19-21, 2019, 2019,
Oral Presentation,
Gilmore B., Yishak, Y, Sheikh Hassan, S.,Gahan, B., Cadogan, M. & Vallieres, F. , Community conversations for Gender Role Transformation, Global Health Exchange, Dublin, September 12, 2019,
Oral Presentation,
Heraty, L., Gilmore, B., Ngetich, W. & Mwangi, C., Mother's Capability, Opportunity and Motivation in MUAC Screening: Applying the COM-B Model to Explore Behaviour, Global Health Exchange, Dublin, 2019,
Ngetich, W., Nancy Mbae, Catherine Mwangi, Frédérique Vallières, Edwin Mbugua Maina, Brynne Gilmore, Screening practices and decision-making of mothers trained on MUAC measurements in Marsabit, Kenya, CORE Group Global Health Practitioner Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, October 14-16, 2019, 2019,
Vallières, F., Ceannt, R., Daccache, F., Abou Daher, R., Sleiman, J., Gilmore, B., Byrne, S., Shevlin, M., Murphy, J. and Hyland, P., ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD amongst Syrian refugees in Lebanon: the factor structure and the clinical utility of the International Trauma Questionnaire, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 138, (6), 2018, p547 - 557,
Journal Article,