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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Dr. Brynne Gilmore

Adjunct Assistant Professor (Psychology)

  Child/Maternal Health   Community Health   Health systems research   Operations Research   PUBLIC HEALTH   REALIST EVALUATION   Realist Synthesis   Strengthening health systems
 Community Engagement for Social, Behavioural, Communication Change in Kenya
 Validating the ICD-11 Trauma Questionnaire for use with Syrian Refugees
 "What enhances community health worker performance in emergency contexts?" An exploratory study in Turkey, Iraq and Lebanon

Details Date
Irish Forum for Global Health, Board Member and Executive Management Committee 2015
Details Date From Date To
Health Systems Global 2014 -
Irish Forum for Global Health 2011 -
Finn M, Gilmore B, Sheaf G and Vallières F., What do we mean by individual capacity strengthening for primary health care in low- and middle-income countries? A systematic scoping review to improve conceptual clarity, Human Resources for Health, 19, (1), 2021, p5 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Brynne Gilmore, Realist evaluations in low- and middle-income countries: reflections and recommendations from the experiences of a foreign researcher, BMJ Global Health, 4, (5), 2019, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Gilmore, B., McAuliffe, E., Power, J. and Vallières, F., Data Analysis and Synthesis Within a Realist Evaluation: Toward More Transparent Methodological Approaches, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 2019, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Power, J., Gilmore, B., Vallières, F., Toomey, E., Mannan, H. and McAuliffe, E. , Adapting Health Interventions for Local Fit when Scaling-up: A Realist Review Protocol. , BMJ Open, 9, (1), 2019, pe022084 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Gilmore, B., Yishak, Y., Mutunga, N.Z., Maina, M.E., Omollo, W., Mugu, C., Gahan., Vallieres, F. , Innovation in Methodology - Thinking Outside the Black Box by Using Realist Evaluations to Study Social Behaviour Change Interventions, Africa Social & Behaviour Change Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, February 19-21, 2019, 2019, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Atieno, B., Sheikh Hassan, S., Clarke, M., Mwangi, C., & Gilmore, B, SBC Programming and the Importance of Gender: Findings from a Gender Analysis within Community Conversations in Marsabit, Africa Social Behaviour Change Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, February 19-21, 2019, 2019, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Gilmore B., Yishak, Y, Sheikh Hassan, S.,Gahan, B., Cadogan, M. & Vallieres, F. , Community conversations for Gender Role Transformation, Global Health Exchange, Dublin, September 12, 2019, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Heraty, L., Gilmore, B., Ngetich, W. & Mwangi, C., Mother's Capability, Opportunity and Motivation in MUAC Screening: Applying the COM-B Model to Explore Behaviour, Global Health Exchange, Dublin, 2019, Poster, PUBLISHED
Ngetich, W., Nancy Mbae, Catherine Mwangi, Frédérique Vallières, Edwin Mbugua Maina, Brynne Gilmore, Screening practices and decision-making of mothers trained on MUAC measurements in Marsabit, Kenya, CORE Group Global Health Practitioner Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, October 14-16, 2019, 2019, Poster, PUBLISHED
Vallières, F., Ceannt, R., Daccache, F., Abou Daher, R., Sleiman, J., Gilmore, B., Byrne, S., Shevlin, M., Murphy, J. and Hyland, P., ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD amongst Syrian refugees in Lebanon: the factor structure and the clinical utility of the International Trauma Questionnaire, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 138, (6), 2018, p547 - 557, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Brynne Gilmore, Academic and NGO partnerships for Maternal and Child Health, Sharing knowledge and lessons learned from Irish Aid funded Maternal and Child Health programmes, RCSI, Sept 12, 2017, Irish Forum for Global Health, World Vision Ireland, Concern Worldwide, Centre for Global health, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Brynne Gilmore, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Low-Income Contexts, Women's Week, March 7, 2017, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Brynne Gilmore, Community Health Committees (COMMs) for Community Capacity for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, Global Health Community of Practice , Webinar, August 22, 2017, World Vision , Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Brynne Gilmore, How do community health committees build capacity for community health systems strengthening?: A realist evaluation in Uganda, 2017, Thesis, PUBLISHED
van Bavel, B., Gilmore, B., Wilkinson, O, 'Student Guidelines for Ethical Fieldwork Overseas', 2016, -, Protocol or guideline, PUBLISHED
Conroy, N. & Gilmore, B, Child Mortality and the Sustainable Development Goals: a challenge and an opportunity, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 186, (2), 2016, p357 - 358, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Gilmore, B. van Bavel, B., Mroue, M., Jones, R., Duffy, CP., Rieger, K., Cantley, N., The Student Outreach Group: A model of Irish Universities' partnerships for global health, Partnerships for Health: The Irish Forum for Global Health Biennial Conference., Dublin, November , 2014, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
McVeigh, J., Gilmore, B. MacLachlan, M., Carr, S., Duttine, A., Mannan, H., McAuliffe, E., Mji, G., Eide, A.H., Hem, K., Neeru, G, . Recommendations for the health-rehabilitation in less-resourced settings: a realist review, 1st Annual CARES Conference, London, UK, October, 2014, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
McClean, C., Gilmore, B., van Bavel, B., MacDonald, S., Muroe, M., Jones, R., Duffy, C, Annual Making Time Global Health Debate: Partnership Challenges and Opportunities, Partnerships for Health: The Irish Forum for Global Health Biennial Conference, Dublin, November, 2014, Poster, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Trinity College Dublin 1252 Postgraduate Research Studentship 2014
Marie-Curie Individual Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2017