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Dr. Bidisha Ghosh

Associate Professor (Civil Struct & Env. Eng.)
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Dr. Bidisha Ghosh

Associate Professor (Civil Struct & Env. Eng.)

  Bayesian Inference   Econometric and statistical analysis   Environmental aspects of transportation   Intelligent Vehicles   Simulation and modelling transportation networks   Time frequency techniques   Traffic Assignment   Traffic Engineering   Transport Modelling   Transportation Engineering   Transportation Engineering (Environmental Imp   Transportation Engineering Design
Project Title
 Experimental and Numerical Characterisation of Low-Cost Roadside Barrier Solutions
The NRA is seeking low-cost roadside barrier solutions for National Secondary Roads suitable for implementation following road realignment projects. The current project proposes to use well-established computational modelling techniques to evaluate the potential for proposed new designs that are based on freely available low-cost natural building materials (e.g. stone wall, earth etc.) and which meet cost, aesthetic and engineering requirements. The proposed designs will simultaneously be evaluated for aesthetics and lifecycle cost and a cost/benefit analysis on the proposed designs will be performed by comparison with existing products. A scaled prototype of the final proposed design will be produced and physically crash tested to predict the likely performance of the proposed new design in a full-scale barrier test. If the scaled prototype physical test indicates a high potential for success, a full-scale barrier test will be performed at TRL in the UK.
Funding Agency
National Roads Authority (€298,000, Co-PI)
NRA Fellowship Programme
Project Title
 Testing, modelling and optimal design of noise barriers for Ireland
Noise barriers must satisfy a number of standards with regards to their acoustic performance in a laboratory environment along with their mechanical performance and general safety requirements. However these test methods are not developed with a view to on-site testing or to determine continued performance of barriers. The proposed project aims to improve current assessment procedures for determining the acoustic performance of road traffic noise reducing devices. This will initially involve an assessment of the current European standard method for determining values for sound reflection and airborne sound insulation for a noise barrier using an in-situ technique. An alternative, relatively cheap and rapid technique for measuring the in-situ performance of noise barriers will then be developed.
Funding Agency
National Roads Authority (€142,000, Co-PI)
NRA Fellowship Programme
Project Title
 ROTHAR: Route planning and network modelling for cyclists
In a road network, cyclists are the group exposed to the maximum amount of risk. Route choice of a cyclist is often based on level of expertise, perceived or actual road risks, personal decisions, weather conditions and a number of other factors. Consequently, cycling tends to be the only significant travel mode where optimised route choice is not based on least-path or least-time. The project will involve collecting a significant amount of data using Smart Phones from selectively chosen volunteer cyclists in Dublin representing a wide cross-section of the entire gamut of cyclists. A repository will be established for the cycling routes and other variables for anonymous but uniquely identified cyclists. Interrelationships and clustering for targeted sub-groups within cyclists will be explored from this data. The research will eventually develop a cycling network map of the city with all possible routes marked and indexed according to their safety, reliability, travel time, energy requirement and other attributes. This map would provide an invaluable tool to cyclists in terms of journey safety and time efficiency. CLARITY has funded €5000 for development of a smart-phone based app.
Project Type
Project Title
 Short-term modelling of traffic variable
Short-term Traffic Flow Forecasting (STFF), the process of predicting future traffic conditions based on historical and real-time observations is an essential aspect of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). This project aims at developing univariate and multivariate STTF algorithms using time-series and neural network algorithms. VARMA model, Structural time-series models, adaptive MLF & RBF models are used to develop new and efficient prediction algorithms using SCATS and MIDAS data. Along with this, vehicular air-pollution levels are also modelled and predicted.
Project Type
Project Title
 Automatic Detection of Damage using Image based Techniques in Underwater Marine Structures
This project proposes to automate damage detection in underwater marine structures using image based techniques. Access to underwater structures is usually limited and an automated detection can potentially very significantly improve the condition monitoring, operational complexity and financial implications related to deterioration of the structures. The project will develop image based techniques particularly suited to underwater conditions and automatically detect damage and related features of interest. Advanced image segmentation and texture analysis techniques will be significantly employed in this project. Isolation of diverse surface features like marine growth, dusty regions and presence of marine life will be established. Additionally, this image based Non-Destructive (ND) approach will explore the appropriateness and limitations of resurrecting archived image and video data of underwater inspections.
Funding Agency
Enterprise Partnership Scheme
Project Type

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Details Date
Chair of the Irish Transportation Research Network (ITRN) 2017 - present
Member of Editorial Advisory Board: Transportation Research Part C 2012 - present
Member of the Transportation Research Board (Washington D.C.) Committee on Statistical Methods, (ABJ80) 2014-2017, 2017-2020
IEEE Smart Cities Smart Mobility Technical Committee 2018 - present
Organising Committee and founding member of the Irish Transportation Research Network (ITRN) 2009 - present
Member of TCD Future Cities Steering Committee 2016 - present
International Member of the Transportation Research Board (Washington D.C.) Committee on Statistical Methods, (ABJ80) 2011 - 2014
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
Bengali Fluent Fluent Fluent
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Hindi Basic Basic Fluent
Urdu Basic Basic Medium
Details Date From Date To
COST Action TU0903: Methods and tools for supporting the use, calibration and validation of traffic simulation models (MULTITUDE) 2009 2013
COST ACTION TU0702: Real-time Monitoring, Surveillance and Control of Road Networks under Adverse Weather Conditions 2011 2012
Irish Transport Research Network 2010
TRB Committee on Statistical Methods, ABJ80 2011 2020
Ruchita Ingle, Saheba Bhatnagar, Bidisha Ghosh, Laurence Gill, Shane Regan, John Connolly and Matthew Saunders, Development of Hybrid Models to Estimate Gross Primary Productivity at a Near-Natural Peatland Using Sentinel 2 Data and a Light Use Efficiency Model, Remote Sensing, 15, 2023, p1673-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Dhivya Bharathi, Juan Manuel González Sopeña, Siobhan Clarke, Bidisha Ghosh, Travel time prediction utilizing hybrid deep learning models, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Gill L., Bhatnagar S., Bijkerk E., Regan S., Somlai C., Naughton O., Ghosh B., Waldren S., Coxon C., Johnston P., EcoMetrics - Environmental Supporting Conditions for Groundwater-dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems, Wexford, Ireland, Environmental Protection Agency, 2022, 1 - 54pp, Book, PUBLISHED  URL
Bhatnagar S., Gill L.W., Waldren S., Sharkey N., Naughton O., Johnston P., Coxon C., Morrissey P., Ghosh B., Ecohydrological metrics for vegetation communities in turloughs (ephemeral karstic wetlands), Ecohydrology, 14, 2021, pe2316 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
J.M. González-Sopeña, V. Pakrashi, and B. Ghosh, Multi-step ahead wind power forecasting for Ireland using an ensemble of VMD-ELM models, 2020 31st Irish Signals and Systems Conference, June, 2020, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Wenliang Qiu, Vikram Pakrashi and Bidisha Ghosh, Underwater Fishing Net Health State Estimation, EWSHM2020, Palermo, Italy, 2020, Conference Paper, IN_PRESS
O'Byrne M., Ghosh B., Schoefs F., Pakrashi V., Applications of virtual data in subsea inspections, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8, (5), 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Galvin, Myles and Lenihan, Benjamin and Popovici, Emanuel and Doorley, Ronan and Pakrashi, Vikram and Ghosh, Bidisha, Estimating Environmental Exposure of Cyclists in Cork using Limited Sensing Capabilities, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning, 2020, p1--31 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Bhatnagar, Saheba, Gill, Laurence, Regan, Shane, Naughton, Owen, Johnston, Paul, Waldren, Steve, Ghosh, Bidisha, MAPPING VEGETATION COMMUNITIES INSIDE WETLANDS USING SENTINEL-2 IMAGERY IN IRELAND, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 88, 2020, p102083 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Doorley, Ronan, Pakrashi, Vikram, Szeto, W. Y., Ghosh, Bidisha, Designing cycle networks to maximize health, environmental, and travel time impacts: An optimization-based approach, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 14, (5), 2020, p361-374 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Bidisha Ghosh, Cycling: Impacts, Measurements and Network Integration, Seminar Series, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani , 2020, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bidisha Ghosh, Women Engineers in Academia, Alumni Seminar Series, Jadavpur University, June, 2020, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bidisha Ghosh, Eco-driving: trends & potential impacts for Irish heavy-duty vehicles , Decarbonising Road Freight Workshop, Dublin Convention Centre, February, 2020, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bidisha Ghosh, Potential Health, Economic & Environmental Impact of Traffic Emissions, Seminar Series, IIT Madras, Chennai, 2019, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bidisha Ghosh, Impacts of organized Car Sharing Services: a case study of Ireland, RIDER-Jean Monnet Project: Seminar, Palermo, Italy, October, 2019, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bidisha Ghosh, Economic and environmental impacts of organized Car Sharing Services: a case study of Ireland, RIDER-Jean Monnet Project: Seminar, Palermo, Italy, October, 2019, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bidisha Ghosh, Health, Economic & Environmental Impact of Traffic Emissions, Seminar Series, IIT Madras, December , 2019, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bidisha Ghosh, Image-Based Underwater Damage Assessment , Seminar Series, Madras Christian College, December , 2019, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bidisha Ghosh, Intelligent Transportation System in 21st Century, Seminar Series, IIT Guwahati, December , 2018, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bidisha Ghosh, 'Traffic Data & Intelligent Transportation Systems', EXPOIngeniería2018, Medellin, Colombia, October, 2018, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED


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