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Dr. Joanne Banks

Associate Professor (Education)
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Dr. Joanne Banks

Associate Professor (Education)

Dr Joanne Banks is a lecturer, researcher, and podcaster in inclusive education at the School of Education in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Recognised internationally as a leading authority in the field, she has over 80 peer-reviewed publications and serves in academic advisory roles that influence Irish education policy. Her research spans inclusive education and educational inequality, with a particular focus on special and inclusive education policy and practice, school exclusion, and student diversity. In addition to her scholarly work, Dr. Banks is the presenter of the Inclusion Dialogue podcast series and the author of influential books, including The Inclusion Dialogue: Debating issues, challenges and tensions with global experts and Conversations and Key Debates in Inclusive and Special Education: Global Insights from `The Inclusion Dialogue". Dr. Banks" work not only advances academic understanding but also actively contributes to the development of more equitable educational and workplace practices both in Ireland and internationally. Joanne welcomes queries from prospective Masters and Ph.D. students who are interested in the following topics: inclusive education, disability and education, educational disadvantage and inequality, mixed methods, and Growing Up in Ireland data analysis.
  Alternative Modes Education   EDUCATION   Educational Administration and Policy   Educational disadvantage in children   Educational Evaluation/Assessment   Inclusive Education   Sociology of Education   Special Education   special educational needs   Universal design for learning
Project Title
 Blended Learning in Schools: A Universal Design Approach
The purpose of this project is to empower teachers to develop pedagogical competencies for establishing effective and engaging learning experiences in a digital space, whether as part of a blended experience or wholly online. With the consortium partners from Ireland, Greece, Belgium, and Spain, representing a mixture of second-level teachers and education researchers, we will address the common aim of harnessing UDL to achieve 'an EU-wide common understanding of how to make distance, online & blended learning effective, inclusive & engaging' (a strategic priority of the EC Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027). The project will address two key areas: inclusion and digital pedagogical competencies, with the main target group being second-level teachers. The approach will be based on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework (, an inclusive approach to teaching and learning that offers all students an equal opportunity to fulfil their potential. This framework offers students different options for accessing, building and internalising learning. It guides teachers to provide multiple means for students to: a) engage with; b) represent; and c) action/express their learning. A key output of this project is to provide a digital overlay to the UDL framework to scaffold teachers' implementation of UDL principles in remote/blended contexts, such as during school closures. The other project outputs will flow from the development of this digital overlay, to provide further layers of supports for teachers to adopt digital learning principles of UDL. These include a self-evaluation tool for teachers to identify aspects of the digital UDL framework with which they require support; an associated learning model to support teachers' creation of digital, UDL activities that include a focus on key skills and competences; Open Educational Resources to scaffold implementation of the framework; and a professional development module which will focus on Area 5 of the DigCompEdu Framework: empowering learners through accessibility and inclusion, differentiation and personalisation. These tools will aim to support teachers and schools to develop inclusive strategies for the digital provision of teaching and learning in their own educational context, with an overarching goal of ensuring high levels of student engagement notwithstanding the mode of content delivery.
Funding Agency
Erasmus Plus
Project Title
 Synergies in Shaping Inclusive Educational Reform in the Global North and South: Policymakers and Academics in Ireland and South Africa
Leading academics from Ireland and South Africa propose to explore the extent to which academia and policymakers share knowledge in inclusive education policy development. The project will involve a three-day visit by a researcher from the University of Cape Town and government official from the Western Cape Education Department, including a research/policy brokerage event with relevant stakeholders from the Global North-South. The network will disseminate its work through a publication, conference and policy brief for both countries. We envisage the project will lead to the development of a COALESCE application focusing on synergies between academic experts and policy-makers in education.
Funding Agency
New Foundations Irish Research Council
Project Type
Project Title
 Pathways to post-secondary settings for students with intellectual disabilities
September 2019
September 2020
Funding Agency
Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund 2019-20 and TCPID
Project Type
Mixed methods research project
Project Title
 Report on the feedback on the QQI Green Paper on Assessment of Learners and Learning
Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) is an independent State agency responsible for promoting quality and accountability in education and training services in Ireland. In March 2018, QQI published a Green Paper on Assessment of Learners and Learning in further education and training, higher education and training and English language education. The Green Paper set out a framework and context for discussing assessment issues with a view to provoking debate about what is being done and what can be improved. The Green Paper focussed on both summative and formative assessment by education providers who are quality assured by QQI. It presented issues of concern in assessment and highlighted a number of ideas about how these issues can be addressed. Between March and December 2018, QQI held a public consultation involving a series of focus groups and workshops in addition to a call for written submissions from a broad range of stakeholders working in the area of assessment. This research provides an analysis of this public consultation using the Green Paper as a framework.
Funding Agency
Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)
Project Type
Qualitative research project
Project Title
 Teaching and Learning practices during COVID: a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) perspective
May 2020
June 2020
This primary objective of this project is to capture teachers' experiences of online teaching and learning and student engagement during the current school closures. The key deliverable from this project is a policy brief on barriers, enablers and effective practices to the Working Group on Continuity of Learning in the Department of Education. Importantly, we are structuring the survey to ensure we capture differences across different school types and regions.
Funding Agency
TCD COVID-19 rapid response initiative and Learnovate
Project Type
Mixed methods research project
Person Months

Details Date
Expert for the UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab 2023
Reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation 2024
Reviewer for European Research Council 2020
Member of the Steering Group for Review of the Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2022
Reviewer for Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education (OREE) 2020
Member of the Growing Up in Ireland Scientific Advisory Group 2019
Member of the Mapping Experiences of Pathological Demand Avoidance in Ireland steering group. 2019
Member of the Trinity Access Research Advisory Group. 2020
Reviewer for Irish Educational Studies (Taylor and Francis) 2013
Reviewer for the British Educational Research Journal (Wiley) 2015
Reviewer for the European Journal of Special Needs Education (Taylor and Francis) 2020
Reviewer for Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice (Taylor and Francis) 2015
Reviewer for Learning and Individual Differences (Elsevier) 2016
Reviewer for the International Journal of Inclusive Education (Taylor and Francis) 2016
Details Date From Date To
Member of the World Educational Research Association International Research Network (IRN) 2024 present
Member of Inclusion in Education and Society Research Group 2018 Present
Member of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland 2008 Present
Member of the Disability Research Network. 2018 Present
Eilís Ní Chorchora, Joanne Banks, Aibhín Bray, Plans, Progression and Post-Compulsory Education: Measuring the Success of a School"University Widening Participation Programme in Ireland, Social Sciences, 14, (1), 2025, p17 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
The Representation of Traveller Students Across Different School Contexts in Ireland in, editor(s)Richard Rose and Michael Shevlin , Challenging Assumptions: Voices from Marginalised Communities, London, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024, pp217 - 229, [Smyth, Emer and Banks, Joanne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL
Banks, J., Burke, K., Cooney, R., Haran, M., Healy, R., Kennedy, A., McHugh, D., Neenan, C., Northridge, J., O'Shaughnessy, T., Plunkett, N., Reale, J., Ryder, D., & Tierney, C., ALTITUDE The National Charter for Universal Design in Tertiary Education: Technical Report, AHEAD Educational Press, March, 2024, p1 - 112, Report, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Universal Design for Learning Policy in Tertiary Education in Ireland: Are we Ready to Commit? in, editor(s)Madaus, Joseph W. and Dukes III, Lyman L. , Handbook of Higher Education and Disability, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, pp377-391 , [Healy, Richard, Banks, Joanne, Ryder, Dara], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Funding models of inclusion in an international perspective in, editor(s)Seitz, Simone, Auer, Petra & Bellacicco, Rosa , International perspectives on inclusive education. In the light of educational justice., Toronto, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2023, pp163 - 192, pp163-192 , [Banks, Joanne, Cappello, Silver, Demo, Heidrun, Hausstätter, Rune, Seitz, Simone], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Devitt, Ann, Banks, Joanne, Bray, Aibhin, Murphy, Gavin, Sanchez, Sergio, Sandoval, Marta, Mapping Evidence-Based Practices Within the Universal Design for Learning Framework, Interrogating Consequential Education Research in Pursuit of Truth, Chicago, United States, 13-16th April 2023, edited by American Educational Research Association , 2023, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Banks, Joanne, Forlin, Chris, Chambers, Dianne Joy, Home-schooling in the Republic of Ireland, British Journal of Special Education, 50, (3), 2023, p333 - 424, p333-424 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Bray, Aibhin, Devitt, Ann, Banks, Joanne, Sanchez Fuentes, Sergio, Sandoval, Marta, Riviou, Katerina, Byrne, Darren, Flood, Margaret, Reale, Jean, Terrenzio, Silvia, What next for Universal Design for Learning? A Systematic Literature Review of Technology in UDL Implementations at Second Level, British Journal of Educational Technology, 2023, p1 - 26, p22 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Banks, Joanne, The Inclusion Dialogue: Debating issues, challenges and tension with global experts, London, Routledge Education, 2022, Book, PUBLISHED  URL
Democratising debates on inclusive education in, editor(s)Joanne Banks , The Inclusion Dialogue: Debating issues, challenges and tension with global experts, London, Routledge Education, 2022, [Banks, Joanne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL

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Banks, Joanne, Generating Momentum Across Campuses Using Universal Design for Learning to Create a Common Discourse, 15 March 2021, 2021, Dublin, Frederic Fovet, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PUBLISHED
Tangney, Brendan, Bray, Aibhín, Devitt, Ann, Girvan, Carina, Ní Chorcora, Eilís, Maguire Donohoe, Jen, Banks, Joanne, Sullivan, Keane, Lisa, Byrne, Philip, Smith, Rónán and Hannon, Cliona, Trinity Access - Project Overview, Trinity Access, Trinity College Dublin, December, 2021, Report, PUBLISHED
School of Education 2020-21 Research Webinar: Inclusion Dialogue Podcast Launch, November 26th. in, 2020, [Banks, J], Book Chapter, PRESENTED
Banks, Joanne, 'S1 Ep2: An Interview with Julie Allan, Inclusion Dialogue [Audio Podcast]', Dublin, 2020, -, Broadcast, PUBLISHED
Banks, Joanne, 'Effective communication and support for parents of students with disabilities', 2020, -, Notes: [7k views], Broadcast, PRODUCED
Aston, Des, Banks, Joanne and Shevlin, Michael, Transitions to postschool settings for students with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, IASSIDD, Inclusive Education Special Interest Research Group, International Perspectives on Transitions in Education and Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Online, 16.12.2020, 2020, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Banks, Joanne, Inclusive Education: Lessons from Canada, 2019, School of Education, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PUBLISHED
Banks, Joanne, Belonging in School: The What, Why and How of Inclusive Education, 2019, Trinity Long Room Hub, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PUBLISHED
Banks, Joanne, Green Paper on Assessment of Learners and Learning: Stakeholder Feedback, Dublin, QQI, November, 2019, Report, PUBLISHED
Banks, Joanne, How policies formed after WW2 paved the way for farm income inequalities that still exist today, 2018, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2024
Darcy McGee Beacon Fellowship Host Award 2021
Digital Badge in Universal Design for Teaching & Learning 2020