Philipp Heim, Sachidulal Biswas, Hugo Lopez, Robert Gericke, Brendan Twamley, Aidan R. McDonald, A CoII-Hydroxide Complex That Converts Directly to a CoII-Acetamide during Catalytic Nitrile Hydration, Inorganic Chemistry, 63, (17), 2024, p7896-7902 ,
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Lorna Doyle, Adriana Magherusan, Shuangning Xu, Kayleigh Murphy, Erik R. Farquhar, Florian Molton, Carole Duboc, Lawrence Que, Jr., Aidan R. McDonald, Class Ib Ribonucleotide Reductases: Activation of a Peroxido-MnIIMnIII to Generate a Reactive Oxo-MnIIIMnIV Oxidant, Inorganic Chemistry, 63, (4), 2024, p2194-2203 ,
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Doyle, L.M. and Bienenmann, R.L.M. and Gericke, R. and Xu, S. and Farquhar, E.R. and Que, L. and McDonald, A.R., Preparation and characterization of MnIIMnIII complexes with relevance to class Ib ribonucleotide reductases, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 257, (112583), 2024,
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Philipp Heim and Giuseppe Spedalotto and Marta Lovisari and Robert Gericke and John O{\textquotesingle, Synthesis and Characterization of a Masked Terminal Nickel-Oxide Complex, Chemistry {\textendash, 2023,
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Aleksandra M. Krajewska, Aislan Esmeraldo Paiva, Michael Morris, Aidan R. McDonald, Synthesis, Characterisation, and Functionalisation of Charged Two"Dimensional MoS2, Chemistry " A European Journal, 29, (57), 2023,
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Marta Lovisari, Oscar Reid Kelly, Aidan R. McDonald, Hydrocarbon Oxidation by a Porphyrin"""Cation Radical Complex, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 62, (31), 2023,
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Chakadola Panda, Onyinyechukwuka Anny-Nzekwue, Lorna M. Doyle, Robert Gericke, Aidan R. McDonald, Evidence for a High-Valent Iron-Fluoride That Mediates Oxidative C(sp3)-H Fluorination, JACS Au, 3, (3), 2023, p919-928 ,
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Philipp Heim, Robert Gericke, Giuseppe Spedalotto, Marta Lovisari, Erik R. Farquhar, Aidan R. McDonald, Aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbon hydroxylation via a formally NiIV"O oxidant, Dalton Transactions, 52, (9), 2023, p2663-2671 ,
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Chakadola Panda, Lorna M. Doyle, Robert Gericke, Aidan R. McDonald, Rapid Iron(III)"Fluoride"Mediated Hydrogen Atom Transfer, Angewandte Chemie, 2021,
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