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Professor Agnes Higgins

Professor in Mental Health (School of Nursing & Midwifery)
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Professor Agnes Higgins

Professor in Mental Health (School of Nursing & Midwifery)

Agnes is a professor in mental health nursing within the School of Nursing and Midwifery where she teaches and supervises across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and leads a team of lecturers and researchers in developing quality evidence to inform mental health education, practice and policy decisions. She is a registered mental health nurse, general nurse and nurse tutor with over thirty five years' clinical and education experience in the areas of mental health, palliative/hospice care and general nursing. She holds a PhD from Trinity, a Master's in Education and Management from Dublin City University, and a primary degree in Nursing Studies from University College Dublin. She was elected Fellow within College in 2014 and Elected Fellow (Ad Eundem) Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 2016. She is a member of many national and international organisations and groups related to mental health, including expert panel member of Horatio, member of the Grounded Theory Institute, and Member of European Network of Training, Education and Research in Mental Health. In 2002 she was awarded the Provost award for teaching excellence. As a leader of multidisciplinary and multi-institutional bids with internationally recognised partners and in line with a key priority of government and national/international mental health policy, her research programme focuses on building a body of work that promotes mental health recovery, drives mental health service reform and improves mental health practice. The central theme underpinning her research is on increasing understanding of service users' and family members' experience of mental health service provision and the development of psychosocial strategies that promote recovery and social inclusion. As an educator, Agnes has a sustained record for quality and innovative teaching and has led the development of a number of courses and modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She led the development of mental health nurses' education in Ireland from a hospital certificate to a recognised academic discipline and as an outcome of her research she has pioneered, at national and EU level, the development of online courses and learning resources in the area of recovery and mental health. Her contribution to teaching also includes the supervision of many PhD and masters students to successful completion. In addition to being a national and international leader in mental health nursing, research and education, she is considered a champion in the area of mental health service user/patient involvement. She has been involved in the development of a number of organisations that have given a critical voice to people who use the mental health services and is a past chairperson of the board of Mental Health Reform, Ireland's leading national patient coalition campaigning to transform mental health supports and services in Ireland. She is currently on the board of Kyrie farm. As a leader in the field, she has a sustained and distinguished record of publishing peer reviewed publications in the top quartile of impact factored journals in the field. To-date, she has published 75 papers in peer-reviewed, high-impact journals, 2 books, 13 book chapters, 34 reports for national bodies, 3 best practice guides for practitioners. Since joining the academic environment at Trinity, Agnes has held key academic leadership positions, including: Head of School (2011-2014), Head of Discipline Mental Health Nursing (2006-2011), Director of Postgraduate Programmes and Director of Academic and Professional Affairs (2000-2003) and Course Co-ordinator (2000-2003). She continues to contribute to the academic community through her involvement in a number of school, faculty and college committees within Trinity and her involvement as examiner, reviewer, editorial board member and member of national and international committees and organisations.
  Childhood and mental health   Clinical learning environment in nursing   Gender and Mental Health   Gender issues, gender studies   Mental health nursing   Mental health promotion   Nursing Education   Psychiatry   Sexuality and sexual health   Therapeutic relationships and communication
Project Title
 A landscape analysis of LGBTI+ people with disabilities,
Funding Agency
Project Type
Quantitative analysis
Project Title
 VISion To Action for promoting mental health and recovery. An Implementation Science approach to "Sharing the Vision" - Ireland's national mental health policy
Funding Agency
Health research Board
Applied Programme Grants scheme (APRO) 2023
Project Title
 Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland
31/2/ 2024
A mixed methods study of mental health and well being of LGBTQI+ people in Ireland
Funding Agency
Belong 2
Person Months
Project Title
 Safe Spaces, a DFTB LGBTQ+ Study on caring for LGBTQ+ children and young people
Online survey of healthcare staff across the world to explore competency in caring for LGBTQ+ children and young people. Team Dr Dani Hall CHI, Agnes Higgins TCD, Michael Barrett UCD, Damien Roland University of Leister
Project Title
 A landscape analysis of older LGBTI+ people in Ireland: Secondary analysis of Being LGBTQI+ data
Funding Agency
Dept of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Affairs

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Details Date
Health Research Board National Committee on developing national mental health research strategy July 2023
Board Member of Kyrie Farm mental health project 2021
External Examiner PhD D Warrender A "fireball of emotion": a qualitative case study exploring the experiences of crisis and crisis intervention for people diagnosed with `borderline personality disorder", their family and friends, and professionals who work with them Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland (examined 2024) 2024
External Examiner MSc Research in Mental Health; University of Malta 2023
External Examiner Catherine Conchar Identity, power and authenticity: a qualitative case study exploring the experiences of staff with lived experience of mental health problems within a UK mental health trust. Submitted for award of PhD University of Nottingham 8th December
Member of the National Evaluation Advisory Group for Connecting for Life(National Suicide Strategy) 2017 ongoing
National steering group for implementation of EOLAS programmes within HSE 2023 ongoing
Advisor to Mental Health Reform research committee. (National Coalition) 2022 ongoing
Editorial Board for Grounded Theory Review (International Journal) 2020 and ongoing
External Examining Julie Wells The exploration of the determinants influencing the use and provision of services for older people with Functional Mental Illness. Thesis submitted for PhD Robert Gordon University Aberdeen 2023
External Examiner Grainne Martin Anxious anticipation and parental alcohol abuse a grounded theory study. Thesis submitted in part fulfillment for Doctor of Psychotherapy Dublin City University 2023
Examination. Jason Hickey. A grounded theory of recovery among people with mental illness in Qatar. Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) University of Manchester 2018
Chairperson of Board of Mental Health Reform. (National Coalition) 2016
National HSE Group for developing standards for mental health recovery education in Ireland 2019-2020
Expert panel member of Horatio (Representative Organisation for Mental Health Nurses in Europe) 2016-ongoing
Committee member of European Network Training, Education and Research Mental Health 2013- ongoing
National steering group for implementing policy recommendations from Mental Health Nurses in Ireland report (HSE) 2017
National steering group for implementing and evaluating on recovery oriented services in Irish mental health services (HSE) 2016-2018
Cyprus University of Technology, External Reviewer for Promotion 2019
Founding member, inaugural Chairperson of the Executive of the Irish Institute of Mental Health Nursing and current executive member 2009
International Steering Group on Open Dialogue in Mental Health 2016 ongoing
HSE National Group with responsibility for developing a Service Model for people who identify asTransgender 2016-2018
External Examiner MSc Mental Health Interventions Middlesex University, London 2009-2012
Reviewer for: Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing/Journal of Mental Health/International Journal of Mental Health Nursing/Journal of Advanced Nursing/Journal of Clinical Nursing/Nurse Education in Practice/Nurse Education Today/The Grounded Theory Review/International Journal of Nursing Studies/ Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology/BMC Health Services Research/BMC Psychiatry/BMC research/BMC/Midwifery/Irish Journal of Psychological medicine/Epilepsy and Behaviour/International Journal of Qualitative Studies 2003
External Examiner BSc in Nursing, University of Limerick 2007-2008
Department of Health and Children's research committee, which developed the National Research Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery Research in Ireland. 2001
National Council for Education Awards Accreditation Committee for the Diploma in Nursing (psychiatric) in Waterford Institute of Technology 1997
National Council for Education Awards Accreditation Committee for the Diploma in Nursing (psychiatric) in Letterkenny Institute of Technology 1997
External Examiner Diploma in Nursing (Psychiatry), Trinity College Dublin. 1997-2000
External Examiner BSc in Nursing, Waterford Institute of Technology 2004-2008
External Examiner Higher Diploma in Mental Health Nursing Dublin City University 2008-2010
External examiner for PhD Transfer/continuation School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Dublin 2008/2012
External Member of Review Panel for School of Health Science, Nottingham University 2010
Faculty of Nursing at Al-Ahliyya Amman University Jordan, External Reviewer for promotion 2019
External Reviewer for promotion, University College Cork, Dublin City University, University College Cork 2010-15
Visiting Professor University of Ulster 2014-2018
National Steering Group for Implementing strategy for mental health nursing in Ireland 2018 and ongoing
Steering group member of Trinity Centre of Practice and Health care Innovation 2018 and ongoing
Steering group member of Trinity Centre for Maternity Care Research 2018 and ongoing
LGBTIreland - Embedding LGBT Champions Programme into the Irish healthcare / social care services /systems for older people. 2020 and ongoing
Research steering groups HEA Innovation and Transformation Project: Student Support Services' Retention and Engagement 2019 and ongoing
Research steering group TCD Public, Patient Involvement (PPI) in Research 2017-2020
Research steering HSE PRIMERA research implementing child centred intervention 2016-2018
Research steering group HSE IMROc project: Implementation of Recovery into practice 2013-2016
Reseach steering group The development and evaluation of a pilot training programme for health and social care professional providing palliative and oncology care to Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual people. Funded by the Irish Hospice Foundation, The Irish Cancer Society and Health Service Executive 2010-2011
Research steering Nurse Prescribing: Issues for Palliative Care Nurses working in a community setting. Funded by the Irish Association for Palliative care and the Department of Health. 2002-2203
Research steering group Role and Function of the Psychiatric Nurse. Funded by the Department of Health 1996-1997
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Executive member of Irish Institute of Mental Health Nursing 2009 2022
International Grounded Theory Institute 2002 Present
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (Tutors Division) 1993 Present
Member of the International Philosophy of Nursing Society 2006 2012
Member and active participant of the Irish Hospice Foundation Research Committee 1998 2009
Doyle, L., Keogh, B., Higgins, A., Morrissey, J., Brennan, M., Holme, I., Reilly, R., & Carr, C., Prisoners' Experiences of Training and Working as a Peer Mental Health Mentor in an Irish Prison., International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 2025, p1-11 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Supporting the Expression of Sexuality and Intimacy in a Palliative Care Context 2nd edn. in, editor(s)Duncan Macleod, R., and Van Den Block, L. , Textbook of Palliative Care, Springer, 2024, pp801 - 826, [Higgins, A., Daly, L. and Hynes, G.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL
Murphy M, Fulham-McQullian H, Higgins A, Brenner M, An exploration of the role, impact and determinants to the implementation and integration of a Cancer Support Specialist Service, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024), Trinity College Dublin, March 5th-7th 2024, 2024, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Boland M, Higgins A, Beecher C, .... Cadogan C, Identifying priorities for future research on reducing and stopping psychiatric medication: results of a James Lind alliance priority setting partnership, BMJ Open, 14, (11), 2024, pe088266 - p14 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Nugent A, Donohue G, Higgins A, Nurses' experience of managing vulnerability when working with seriously ill children, Nursing Children and Young People, 36, (5), 2024, p8 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Bright AM, Higgins A, Grealish AM, How effective are digital/e-health interventions for supporting prisioners with mental health? An integrative review, International Journal of Prison Health, 20, (1), 2024, p75 - 87, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Higgins, A., Downes, C., O'Sullivan, K., de Vries, J., Molloy, R., Monahan, M., Keogh, B., Doyle, L., Begley, T., Corocan, P., The National Study on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of the LGBTQI+ Communities in Ireland: Key Findings Report, Key Findings, Trinity Collee Dublin, April, 2024, p1 - 22, Notes: [This report presents findings of the Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland study. The largest study of its kind to date. It is a follow-up of the LGBTIreland study (2016). This research has been funded by the HSE and its findings are eagerly awaited by the Irish Government in order to develop relevant policy.], Report, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Sexuality of the Couple in Postpartum and Early Parenthood (1st Year). in, editor(s)Geuens, S., Polona MivÅ¡ek, A., Gianotten, W. (eds) . , Midwifery and Sexuality, Cham, Springer, 2023, pp85 - 98, [O"Malley, D., Higgins, A., Smith, V. ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL
Chapter 14: Sexual aspects of problems postpartum and in the first year of young parenthood in, editor(s)Geuens S, Mivsek AP, Gianotten WL , Midwifery and Sexuality, Worldwide, Springer International Publishing, 2023, pp1-368 , [O,Malley D, Smith V, Higgins A ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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de Vries, J., Downes, C., O'Sullivan, K., Molloy, R., Monahan, M., Keogh, B., Doyle, L., Begley, T., Corcoran, P., & Higgins, A., Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland: The National Study on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of the LGBTQI+ Communities in Ireland, Research Club Presentation, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Dublin, Ireland, 04/07/2024, 2024, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, 1 - 21pp, Notes: [presentation has been published on Government Department Website], Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Keogh, B., Carr, C., Doyle, L., Brady, AM. and Higgins, A., Traveller Community Engagement with Local Mental Health Services in Dublin North City and County, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, June, 2024, p1 - 32, Report, PUBLISHED
Keogh B, Carr C, Doyle L, Higgins A, Morrissey J, Sheaf J, & Jowett A J, An Exploration of Conversion Therapy Practices in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, February, 2023, Report, PUBLISHED
Higgins A, Co-production in mental health research: ideology versus reality , Sjonaukinn 2021, School of Health Sciences University of Akureyri, Iceland , 20th May 2021, 2021, University of Akureyri, Iceland , Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Kenny M, Duffy K, Hilliard C, O'Rourke M, Fortune G, Smith O, Hynes G, Higgins A , 'It can be difficult to find the right words': Parents' needs when breaking news and communicating to children with cancer and their siblings, Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 2021, Journal Article, IN_PRESS
Higgins A, Barry J, Monahan M, Monahan C, Murphy R, 'EOLAS the Road we travelled. Photographic exhibition featuring the work of service users and family members ', Recovery College, Dundalk Institute of Technology, 2020, -, Exhibition, PUBLISHED
Higgins A, Barry J, Monahan M, Monahan C, Murphy R, 'EOLAS the Road we travelled. Photographic exhibition featuring the work of service users and family members ', McAuley Place Naas, Co Kildare, 2020, -, Exhibition, PUBLISHED
Higgins A, Nature of perinatal Anxiety - The MAMMI Study, 2020, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Higgins A, Seeking help for perinatal anxiety- Video 2 - The MAMMI Study, 2020, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Higgins A, Developing a perinatal mental wellness plan - Video 3 The MAMMI Study, 2020, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Horatio Fellowship for contribution to mental health nursing in Europe 2023
Elected Fellow (Ad Eundem) Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 2016
Elected to Trinty Fellowship 2014
Master in Arts jure officii (MA jo) Trinity College Dublin 2010
Fellow of the European Academy of Nursing Science 2009
Health Research Board Fellowship 2003
Provost Award for Teaching Excellence, Trinity College Dublin 2002
Scholarship Awards, University Examination, University College Dublin 1991
Scholarship Awards, University Examination, University College Dublin 1992