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Dr. Stefan Hutzler

Associate Professor (Physics)

 Avalanches and 1/f noise
 Hydrodynamics of wet foams
 Application of statistical physics to risk analysis in finance and sociology
 Development of advanced foams in microgravity
 Research into foams and emulsions in fluidic networks

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Details Date From Date To
Chartered Physicist, Member of the Institute of Physics 1995 PRESENT
Jing, Z, Chen F, Ryan-Purcell J and Hutzler S, Equilibrium shape of a bubble in a liquid-filled horizontal capillary, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 172, 2024, p104729-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
de Lima, PDS, Lyons, A, Irannezhad, A, de Araujo, JM, Hutzler, S and Ferreira, MS, Self-assembled clusters of magnetically tilted dipoles, Physical Review E, 110, (6), 2024, p064134-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
A Mughal, S Hutzler and D Weaire, Equilibrium states of confined ions in two dimensions, Philosophicl Magazine, 103, 2023, p595 - 609, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Mughal A, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Coulomb Calligraphy, Forma, 38, 2023, p1 - 5, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
A. Mughal, J. Winkelmann, D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Stability maps for columnar structures, Philosophical Magazine, 103, (14), 2023, p1328 - 1344, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
S. Hutzler, J. Ryan-Purcell, A. Mughal and D. Weaire, A continuum description of the buckling of a line of spheres in a transverse harmonic confining potential, Royal Society Open Science, 10, (7), 2023, p230293-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Irannezhad A, Baragry A, Weaire D, Mughal A and Hutzler S, Packing soft spheres: experimental demonstrations with hydrogels, European Journal of Physics, 44, 2023, p065501-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Physics in a small bedroom in, editor(s)M.Emmer, M. Abate , Imagine Math 8, Springer, 2022, [D Weaire, S Hutzler, A Irannezhad and K Cox], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
D. Weaire, A. Mughal, J. Ryan-Purcell and S. Hutzler, Description of the buckling of a chain of hard spheres in terms of Jacobi functions, Physica D, 433, 2022, p133177-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
A Irannezhad, D Weaire, A Mughal, J Ryan-Purcell, S Hutzler, Buckling of a tilted line of confined hard spheres, Philosophical Magazine, 102, 2022, p2506 - 2524, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL

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S Hutzler, F Elias, M Moebius, S Tcholakova, Foreword, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 534, 2017, p1 - 1, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Bergin SD, Weaire D and Hutzler S, The Drop heard round the World, Physics World, May 2014, 2014, p26 - 29, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Hutzler S, Fractal Ireland, Science Spin, 58, (May/June), 2013, p19-20 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Hutzler S., Preface (for Proceedings of International Workshop on Packing Problems), Philosophical Magazine, 93, 2013, p3939 - 3939, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
S. Hutzler, Foams -- Think bubbles, Chemistry&Industry, December 2013, 2013, p49 - 49, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
F Newell, R Murtagh, S Hutzler, A role for Gestalt principles of organisation in shaping preferences for non-natural spatial and dynamic patterns, Perception, European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen, Germany, 25-29 August 2013, 42 , (ECVP Abstract Suppl.), 2013, pp113 - 113, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
Weaire D, Hutzler S and Langlois VJ, Foam rheology in two dimensions, The XVth International Congress on Rheology, Monterrey, USA, American Institute of Physics, 2008, pp833 - 835, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Banhart J, Garcia-Moreno F, Hutzler S, Langevin D, Liggieri L, Miller R, Saint-Jalmes A and Weaire D, Foams and emulsions in space, Europhysics News, 39, 2008, p26 - 28, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Saadatfar M, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Foams, Trinity College Dublin: interconnect, Scientific Computing and Visualisation Newsletter, (2), 2008, p8 - 9, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Andersson M, Banhart J, Caps H, Durian D, Garcia-Moreno F, Hutzler S, Kronberg B, Langevin D, Pitois O, Saadatfar M, Saint-Jalmes A, Vandewalle N, Vignes-Adler M, Weaire D, Foam Research in Microgravity, Journal of The Japan Society of Microgravity Application, 25, 2008, p241 - 244, Journal Article, PUBLISHED


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AREA OF SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY: Physics. Computational and Statistical Physics, in particular physics of foams and granular materials, sociophysics. DOMAIN OF SPECIALIZATION: My research is in the area of soft condensed matter, granular matter, and econo- and sociophysics. In collaboration with Professor Denis Weaire, I have contributed to a better understanding of liquid foams, which constitute a model system of soft matter, through both experiments and simulations (e.g. discovery and monitoring of a solitary wave in foam drainage, avalanches of bubble rearrangements in foams under shear and convective bubble motion in foams under forced drainage). The book "The Physics of Foams" co-written together with D. Weaire (OUP 1999, paperback 2001) and featuring a large amount of original work, has received excellent reviews in the scientific press and has turned into a standard reference in research papers on the physics of foams. Present research interests A further theme of my research are analogies of foams and granular matter concerning packing problems and dilatancy (expansion of a packing of grains under shear). My contribution to econophysics concerns a study of wealth distributions in societies. An agent based model reproduces the long power law tails (Pareto tails) that are typical for such distributions.