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Dr. Paula Mayock

Associate Prof in Youth Research (Social Studies)


Associate Prof in Youth Research (Sch Office - Social Work & Social Policy)

Associate Prof in Youth Research (Children's Research Centre)

Dr. Paula Mayock is an Associate Professor at the School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin. She is a qualitative methodologist with a particular interest in biographical and qualitative longitudinal research methods. Paula is currently Director of the BA in Sociology and Social Policy. Previously, she was Director of Teaching and Learning Postgraduate (2018-2022) and Course Director of the Masters in Applied Social Research (2010-2018). Paula's research focuses primarily on the lives and experiences of marginalised youth, covering areas including homelessness, drug use and drug problems, sexuality, risk behaviour, and mental health. Since 2004, she has worked to build a programme of research on homelessness. She has been the Principal Investigator of three studies of homeless youth, one of them a 6-year qualitative longitudinal study of homeless young people in Dublin. More recently, Paula has undertaken a biographical study of homeless women in Ireland and she is currently Principal Investigator of an all-Ireland study of homeless young people and their families. Paula is the recipient of numerous research awards from statutory and voluntary agencies (e.g. Crisis Pregnancy Agency; Department of Education and Skills; Department of Children and Youth Affairs; Dublin Region Homeless Executive; Focus Ireland, Health Service Executive; Housing Agency; National Office for Suicide Prevention). She is a NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) INVEST Post-doctoral Fellow (2006-07) and an IRC (Irish Research Council) Research Fellow (2009-10). She was also the recipient of an IRC 'New Ideas' Award (2012), which has supported a range of research initiatives aimed on fostering international collaborative research on women's homelessness. She is the founder and Chairperson of the Women's Homelessness in Europe Network (WHEN), which currently has sixteen members representing twelve European countries. Paula is the author of numerous articles, chapters and research reports and is Assistant Editor to the international journal Addiction.
 Homeless Young People and their Families
 Mapping Services for Homeless Women in Dublin
 Women and Homelessness: A Biographical Pathways Analysis
 The Process of Youth Homelessness: A Six-year Qualitative Longitudinal Study
 A Study of Cocaine Use in Northern Ireland

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Details Date
Founder and Co-Director, Women's Homelessness in Europe Network (WHEN) January 2012-present
Assistant Editor, International Journal Addiction 2011 - present
Management Team Member, Growing Up in Ireland (National Longitudinal Study of Children in Ireland) 2013 - 2015
Member, Research Advisory Group, 'Changing Generations': A Study of Intergenerational Solidarity in Ireland (Trinity College Dublin) 2011-2012
International Mentor, Four-country Study of Street Children (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Kosove), European University of Tirana, Albania July 2012-2014
Independent Advisor to Review of the Youth Homelessness Strategy, Department of Children and Youth Affairs & Centre for Effective Services 2012-13
Member, International Expert Reference Group to support the development of the Youth Policy Framework, Department of Children and Youth Affairs May 2011-2015
Member of Board of Directors (Vice Chair for a period of one year), EPIC (Empowering Young People in Care) 2009-2013
Member, Clinical Advisory Group, Coolmine Therapeutic Community 2010-2014
Editorial Board Member, Youth Studies Ireland 2007-2012
Details Date From Date To
Women's Homelessness in Europe Network (WHEN) 2012 Present
European Society for Social Drugs Research (ESSD) 2000 present
Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development (ACJRD) 2009 present
Children's Research Network 2012 Present
Irish Social Policy Association (IAPA) 2010 present
Homelessness and Substance Use in, editor(s)Bretherton, J. & Pleace, N. , The Routledge Handbook of Homelessness, London, Routledge, 2023, pp244 - 255, [Mayock, P. & O'Shaughnessy, B.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Youth in, editor(s)Bretherton, J. & Pleace, N. , The Routledge Handbook of Homelessness, London, Routledge, 2023, pp169 - 179, [Mayock, P. & Parker, S.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Durand, L., Keenan, E., Boland, F., Harnedy, N., Delargy, Í., Scully, M., Mayock, P. ... Cousins, G., Consensus recommendations for opioid agonist treatment following the introduction of emergency clinical guidelines in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic: A national Delphi Study, International Journal of Drug Policy, 106, 2022, p1 - 8, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Stapleton, A. & Mayock, P., Structured ethical reflection as a tool to recognise and address power: A participatory action research study with separated young people in France, Educational Action Research, 2022, p1 - 21, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Finn, M. & Mayock, P., The Housing Experiences of Immigrants in a 'New Immigrant Gateway': An Exploration of Process in an Era of 'Super-Diversity', International Journal of Housing Policy, 22, (3), 2022, p174 - 197, Journal Article, ACCEPTED  DOI
Mayock, P. & Butler, S., "I'm always hiding and ducking and diving": The stigma of growing older on methadone, Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 29, (2), 2022, p139 - 149, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Glynn, N. & Mayock, P., Housing after care: Understanding security and stability in the transition out of care through the lenses of liminality, recognition and precarity, Journal of Youth Studies, 2021, pDOI: 10.1080/13676261.2021.198 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Mayock, P. & Neary, F., Domestic Violence and Family Homelessness, Dublin, Focus Ireland, 2021, Report, PUBLISHED  URL
Bretherton, J. & Mayock, P., Women's Homelessness: European Evidence Review, Brussels, FEANTSA, 2021, Report, PUBLISHED  URL
Mayock, P., & Butler, S. , Pathways to 'recovery' and social reintegration: The experiences of long-term clients of methadone maintenance treatment in an Irish drug treatment setting., International Journal of Drug Policy, 90, 2021, p10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.103092 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL

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Mayock, P., Women's Homlessness and Domestic Violence, Childlinks: The Journal of Barnardos, (3), 2016, p12 - 17, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Mayock, P. & Sheridan, S. , Women and Long-term Homelessness, Homeless in Europe, Summer 2016, 2016, p4 - 5, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Mayock, P. & Sheridan, S., Migrant Women and Homelessness: Key Findings from a Biographical Study of Homeless Women in Ireland, Dublin, School of Social Work and Social Policy & Children's Research Centre, 2012, Report, PUBLISHED
Mayock, P. & Sheridan, S., Women's Homeless 'Journeys': Key Findings from a Biographical Study of Homeless Women in Ireland, Dublin, School of Social Work and Social Policy & Children's Research Centre, 2012, Report, PUBLISHED
McCrystal, P., Mayock, P. & Hannaford, S. , A Study of Cocaine Use in Northern Ireland, 2009, Belfast, Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, 2010, Report, PUBLISHED
Mayock, P., O'Sullivan, E. & Corr, M.L., Young people's pathways through homelessness, Homeless in Europe, Autumn 2010, 2010, p4 - 6, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Mayock, P. & Carr, N., Not Just Homelessness ... A Study of 'Out of Home' Young People in Cork, Cork, Health Service Executive, 2008, Report, PUBLISHED
Mayock, P. , A 'career' in youth homelessness?, Cornerstone - the magazine of the Homeless Agency, 30, 2007, p20 - 22, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Mayock, P., Young people and drugs: the need to target 'high risk' groups, Drug Network News, 2, (1), 2000, p1 - 2, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Sinead Tobin, Young People's Experiences of Foster Placement Breakdown: A Qualitative Study, Masters in Applied Social Research, 2013, Thesis, APPROVED


Award Date
Provost's Project Award 2017
Irish Research Council (formerly IRCHSS) 'New Ideas' Award 2011
Irish Research Council (formerly IRCHSS) Senior Research Fellowship Award 2009
NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA, INVEST POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP Award 2006
Government of Ireland Scholar, Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences 2001
Marginalised youth, youth homelessness, women's homelessness, drug use, adolescent sexuality, LGBT mental health, qualitative research methods, biographical research, qualitative longitudinal research