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Professor Andrew Loxley

Professor In (Education)

  Adult & Continuing Education   Continuing Professional Development   Educational Administration and Policy   Higher Education   Image based methodologies & semiotics   Politics of Education   Politics of the welfare state   Social Theory   Sociology Education
 Super Prof-Doc
 Where Next? Mapping and Understanding the Post First Degree Destinations of Mature Disadvantaged Students
 Evaluation study of the DES 1999-2003 Primary Curriculum Support Programme
 Feasibility study into the establishment of a second level school

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Details Date
External doctoral examiner for universities of: Manchester, Glasgow, Birmingham, Sheffield, Western Australia, Queens Belfast, Maynooth and the Open University 2002 onwards
Referee and manuscript reviewer for Sage Publications, Reviewer for International Journal or Educational Research and Method, Reviewer for Studies in Higher Education, Reviewer for International Journal of Inclusive Education, Reviewer for Education Studies, Reviewer for Politics, Reviewer for Sociological Research Online, Reviewer for Sociology, Referee for UK Economic and Social Research Council 1999 Onwards
External examiner MSc in Research Methods (Manchester University - 2018-2022)
External Examiner on Research Examination Board Waterford Institute of Technology 2020-
Board Member of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland 2011-2017
External examiner MA in Advanced Social Care Practice Tralee M.Sc. - Munster Technological University
Editorial Board Member - Sociological Research Online 2012-2015
Board Member of the International Visual Sociology Association 2005-2008
Editorial Board Member for the journal 'Educational Review' 2017-
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
International Visual Sociology Association
Sociological Association of Ireland
Educational Studies Association of Ireland
InVisio - International Network for Visual Studies in Organization
Share, M and Loxley, A, Invisible and uncertain: postdoctoral researcher careers in Irish universities, IRISH EDUCATIONAL STUDIES, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Thomas, G. and Loxley, A., Deconstructing Special Education and Constructing Inclusion: Third Edition, 3, UK, Open University Press, 2022, Book, ACCEPTED
Following the money? Commodification, segregation and shopping", in, editor(s)Tierney, R, Rizvi, F, and Ercikan, K , International Encyclopedia of Education, Fourth Edition, 2022, [Loxley A and Thomas G], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Thomas, G. and Loxley, A. , Groundhog Day for Inclusion, Support for Learning, 22, (2), 2022, Journal Article, ACCEPTED
Irish Travellers and Higher Education in, editor(s)Harrison, N and Atherton, G. , Marginalised Communities in Higher Education: International Perspectives, UK, Routledge, 2021, [ Loxley, A. and Finnegan, F.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Loxley, A. and Farrelly, T., What the Doctors Did Next?, Society for Research in Higher Education Annual Conference, Online, December 6-10, 2021, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Farrelly, T. and Loxley, A., What the Doctors Did Next? Some initial findings, Education Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Online, 2021, 2021, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Hunt, N and Loxley, A, Student perspectives on integration in part-time, flexible Higher Education in Ireland: 'We don't socialise here, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Melanie Ní Dhuinn, Mark Prendergast, Andrew Loxley, "Minster, Can you Spare a Euro? The Financial and Emotional Costs of becoming a Teacher", American Educational Research Association (AERA) Leveraging Education Research in a Post-Truth era: Multi-modal narratives to democratise evidence, Toronto, 5-9 April, 2019, Conference Paper, PRESENTED  TARA - Full Text  URL  URL
Loxley, A, and Kearns, M., Finding a Purpose for the Doctorate? A View from the Supervisors, Studies in Higher Education, 43, (5), 2018, p826 - 840, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Loxley, A., Review of Transforming university education: a manifesto, by Paul Ashwin , Educational Review, 73, (4), 2021, Review, PUBLISHED
Kearns, M. and Loxley, A., Exploring Mature Students' Intentions (Motivations) towards ITE, Diversity in Teaching (DiT) Research Symposium, NUI Galway, Nov 2019, 2019, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Clarke, M., Kenny, A. and Loxley, A., Creating a Supportive Working Environment for Academics in Higher Education: Country Report Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Teachers Union of Ireland & Irish Federation of University Teachers, May, 2015, 138, Report, PUBLISHED
Loxley, A. and Lyons, D., Evaluation of Fáilte Isteach Project, Dublin, School of Education, April , 2013, 123, Report, PUBLISHED
Loxley, A., Review of The Routledge international companion to emotional and behavioural difficulties, Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 13, (2), 2013, Review, PUBLISHED
Loxley, A., Photo Fun? Some issues around the use of images in reflexive photo-participation, Exploring the Visual: Theoretical, Methodological and Practical Perspectives, NUI Maynooth Sociology Department, 25th to 27th January, 2010, NUI Maynooth Sociology Department, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Loxley, A., Review of How to do your research project: a guide for students in education and applied social sciences, by Gary Thomas , Journal of Education for Teaching, 36, (3), 2010, Review, PUBLISHED
Prosser, J. and Loxley, A. , introducing Visual Methodology, UK, Economic and Social Reseach Council, 2008, Book, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
2008 Times Educational Supplement/NASEN Book of the Year Award: academic book category, highly commended for Thomas, G and Loxley, A. (2007 Second Edition) Deconstructing Special Education and Constructing Inclusion, Open University Press: Buckingham. 2008
Times Educational Supplement/NASEN Book of the Year Award: academic book category, highly commended for Thomas, G and Loxley, A. (2001) Deconstructing Special Education and Constructing Inclusion, Open University Press: Buckingham. 2003