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Professor David Grayson

Profile Photo

Professor David Grayson



  Catalysis   Hetrocyclic chemistry   Mechanisms of reactions   Medicinal Chemistry   Organic chemistry   Organometallic chemistry   Spectroscopy   Sulfone chemistry
Project Title
 · Synthesis of macrocyclic lactones (Lawrence Cook)

Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Medium Basic
German Medium Medium Basic
Details Date From Date To
CChem FRSC 1982
Jerome Fakhry and David H. Grayson, One-pot synthesis of α-phenylsulfinyl ketones by reaction of phenyl benzenethiosulfinate with enolate anions, and synthesis of sulfoxides and sulfides by its reaction with Grignard reagents., Tetrahedron, 74, (5), 2018, p556 - 563, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Synthesis of guanidines and some of their biological applications in, editor(s)Philipp Selig , Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry: Guanidines as Reagents and Catalysts, Switzerland, Springer, 2017, pp1 - 52, [J. W. Shaw, D. H. Grayson, I. Rozas], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Shaw J.W, Barbance L, Grayson D.H, Rozas I, Using N-substituted-2-amino-4,6-dimethoxypyrimidines in the synthesis of aliphatic guanidines, Tetrahedron Letters, 56, (35), 2015, p4990 - 4992, Notes: [Export Date: 13 August 2015], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Eichler M.C, Grayson D.H, Ozonolysis of some 8-alkoxyquinolines, and synthesis of a precursor to the non-sedating antihistamine Claritin, Arkivoc, 2014, (6), 2014, p38 - 53, Notes: [Export Date: 24 February 2016], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Lewis F.W, Grayson D.H, An improved synthesis of 10-isobornylsultone, Tetrahedron Asymmetry, 25, (15), 2014, p1150 - 1152, Notes: [Cited By :1 Export Date: 24 February 2016], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Gallagher E.T, Grayson D.H, Reactions of aldehydes with organozinc reagents derived from (E)-3-bromo- And ( E)-3-iodo-1-phenylsulfonylprop-1-ene, Arkivoc, 2014, (5), 2014, p420 - 429, Notes: [Export Date: 24 February 2016], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Shaw, J.W. Grayson, D.H. Rozas, I., Cleavage of 2-(Arylamino)-4,6-dimethoxypyrimidines to yield arylguanidines, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, (17), 2014, p3565 - 3569, Notes: [Export Date: 4 March 2015], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
J. Shaw, I. Rozas, D.H. Grayson, Synthesis of cyclic guanidines: 2-arylamino-1,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidines, Arkivoc, ii, 2014, p161-174 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Eichler M.C, Grayson D.H, Huddleston J, O'Neill J.P, Stobbe-like condensation reactions of the anion of diethyl (2-carboethoxy)benzylphosphonate with some aromatic and heterocyclic aldehydes, 2014, -, Notes: [Export Date: 24 February 2016 Article in Press], Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Frank W. Lewis and David H. Grayson, The diastereoselective Meth-Cohn epoxidation of camphor-derived vinyl sulfones, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 23, (9), 2012, p643 - 649, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Development of new methods for organic synthesis; synthesis of complex natural products, especially medium-ring and macrocyclic lactones; cycloaddition chemistry of vinylic sulfones; chemistry of sulfonyl-stabilised anions; chiral auxiliaries and reagents derived from monoterpenoids; heterocyclic chemistry, especially the chemistry of 4-dimethylaminopyridine N-oxide and some homochiral derivatives.