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Dr. Craig Meskell

Associate Professor (Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng)
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Dr. Craig Meskell

Associate Professor (Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng)

Dr. Craig Meskell is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in Trinity College, Dublin. His primary degree is in Aeronautical Engineering from QUB. He earned his PhD for work on flow-induced vibration in heat exchanger tube bundles. He has also been a Visiting Professor at McMaster University. His technical expertise is in the area of unsteady fluid mechanics, especially when coupled with noise, vibration or structural interaction. He has worked on a wide range of application, often in the area of power generating and energy conversion applications. Recent and ongoing projects include: flow-induced vibration in nuclear steam generators; flow-induced noise in gas heat exchangers; analysis of wave energy conversion devices; modelling of flow-induced vibration in wind turbines; and energy efficiency through optimized compressed air use in industrial scale manufacturing sites; bridge aerodynamics. Support for his work on energy devices has come from SFI, IRCSET, EI, HEA, SEAI, as well as through industry collaboration.
  Aeroelasticity   Fluid Dynamics   Fluids and vibration   Industrial Processes, Energy Use   Nuclear Reactor Technology   Tidal and Wave Energy   Vibration and Accoustic Engineering   Wind, Wind Energy Engineering
Project Title
 Modelling acoustic resonance in heat exchangers
Oct 2010
Sept 2014
Heat exchangers can exhibit periodic vortex shedding. If the fluid is gas flow, then the vortex shedding may excite an acoustic duct mode and hence cause acoustic resonance. The acoustic sources are distributed and diffuse. The onset, and lock-in behaviour depends on the non-linear interaction between the (linear) acoustic field and the fluid dynamics. This project uses unsteady CFD to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of acoustic sources.
Project Title
 System Identification for a wave energy conversion devices
Oct 2010
Sept 2014
The dynamics a self reacting wave energy converter, especially as it exhibits parametric roll/pitch, are modelled using a non-linear panel method. The response obtained is used to identify a simplified 7 degree of freedom lumped parameter model.
Funding Agency
Wavebob and IRCSET
Project Title
 Flow-induced vibration of nuclear steam generators
Oct 2011
Sept 2015
Nuclear power plant depends on large heat exchangers, called steam generators, to transfer the heat from the reactor to steam, so that electricity can be generated at the turbines. These steam generators are effective bundles of long, thin (and hence flexible) tubes subject to flow perpendicular to their axes. This gives rise to the possibility of flow-induced vibration. In this project we are investigating a recently discovered phenomenon in tube arrays, called bi-stable flow. We are focussing on a tube bundle arrange in a parallel triangular array pattern with a pitch ratio of 1.375 as this is typical of what is used in CANDU reactors.
Funding Agency
Project Title
 Investigation of flow-induced vibration of horizontal axis wind turbines
Oct 2010
Sept 2014
Industrial scale wind turbines must be able to withstand occasional extreme winds. This includes gusts which cause a rapid change in wind direction. This will mean that the blades are now are very high, even reflexive, angles of incidence to the flow, and so may be considered as bluff bodies, rather than streamlined lifting surfaces. In this project, we investigate the possibility of wind turbine blade sections experiencing vortex shedding, and vortex shedding lock-in due to structural motion, at high angles of attack. The simulated data is used to obtain a simple non-linear wake model which is coupled to the motion of the structure.
Funding Agency

Bellec, Morgane, Gibson, Lee, Meskell, Craig, Performance of a Closed Cycle Power Takeoff for a Shore-Based Wave Energy Device, Applied Sciences, 13, (11), 2023, p6377 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Morgane Bellec, Ciara Gurhy, Lee Gibson & Craig Meskell, PERFORMANCE OF A CLOSED CYCLE POWER TAKE OFF FOR MUTRIKU BREAKWATER, The 12th International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration., Paris-Saclay, 5-8 July 2022, edited by L. Zimmer , 2022, pp219 - 226, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Alessia Sgobba, Craig Meskell, Impact of Combined Heat and Power on the goal of decarbonizing energy use in Irish manufacturing, Journal of Cleaner Production, 278, 2021, p123325 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Keogh,Daniel B., Meskell, Craig, Bi-stable flow in parallel triangular tube arrays with a pitch-to-diameter ratio of 1.375, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 285, 2015, p98 - 108, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Breakey, D., Meskell, C., Comparison of metrics for the evaluation of similarity in acoustic pressure signals, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 332, (15), 2013, p3605-3609 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Pellegrino, A., Meskell, C., Vortex shedding from a wind turbine blade section at high angles of attack, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 121, 2013, p131-137 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Kevin R. Tarrant & Craig Meskell, Assessment of the parametric roll behaviour of a point absorber wave energy conversion device in irregular waves., VII International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, Nantes, France, 15-17 May, 2017, edited by Michel Visonneau, Patrick Queutey and David Le TouzĂ© , 2017, pp732 - 642, Notes: [], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Breakey, D.E.S., Fitzpatrick, J.A., Meskell, C., Aeroacoustic source analysis using time-resolved PIV in a free jet, Experiments in Fluids, 54, (5), 2013, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Mahon, J., Meskell, C., Estimation of the time delay associated with damping controlled fluidelastic instability in a normal triangular tube array, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 135, (3), 2013, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
P. Eret, C. Harris, G. O'Donnell, C. Meskell, A practical approach to investigating energy consumption of industrial compressed air systems, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 226, (1), 2012, p28 - 36, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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C. Meskell & D. Cox, A three dimensional particle-in-cell solver, Euromech Colloquim 454 LES,CVS and vortex methods, 14-16 April, edited by K. Schneider, M. Farge, and J. Ferziger , 2004, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Cox, D. & Meskell, On a three dimensional vortex particle method for modelling complex flows., 6th Annual Sir Bernard Crossland Symposium, IEI, 2003, pp116 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Sweeney, C & Meskell, C., vortex method using a cloud-in-element technique, 4th Annual Sir Bernard Crossland Symposium, IEI, 2000, pp162-, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Meskell, C. , Frequency analysis in non-linear systems, Frekvensanalys, SVIB, 1997, pp20 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Southern, R. & Meskell, C. , Preliminary Application of Principal Component Analysis to a Microchip Test Process for Mixed Signal/Radio Frequency Components, Advances in Process Analytics and Control Technology, CPACT, 2003, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
W. Chaiworapuek, H.R. Rice, C.Meskell, C. O'Reilly, Numerical simualtion of a subsonic coaxial round jet, Joint Conference of The Association for Compuational Mechanics in Engineering and The Irish Society for Scientific and Engineering Computation, Belfast, April 2006, edited by Cecil G. Armstrong , Queen's University Belfast, 2006, pp63 - 66, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
C. Meskell and B. Selent, Numerical Simulation of Vortex Shedding in Normal Triangular Tube Arrays, Joint Conference of The Association for Compuational Mechanics in Engineering and The Irish Society for Scientific and Engineering Computation, Belfast, April 2006, edited by Cecil G. Armstrong , Queen's University Belfast, 2006, pp67 - 70, Notes: [ISBN: 0853898944], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
R.A.K. Sanches, C. Meskell, Numerical Evaluation of Force Coefficients for Analysis of Flow Induced Vibration in Tube Arrays, Joint Conference of The Association for Compuational Mechanics in Engineering and The Irish Society for Scientific and Engineering Computation, Belfast, April 2006, edited by Cecil G. Armstrong , Queen's University Belfast, 2006, pp79 - 82, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
G.E. O Donnell, C. Meskell, S. Nolan, Technology Innovation for Irish Manufacturing and Energy Competitiveness, 2012, Working Paper, PUBLISHED


Unsteady fluid mechanics in power generation applications; Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing; Fluid induced vibration and noise; fluid mechanics.