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Professor Gareth Bennett

Professor In (Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng)
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Professor Gareth Bennett

Professor In (Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng)

Dr Gareth J Bennett, BA, BAI, MSc, PhD, CEng, FTCD, Senior Member AIAA, Fulbright Scholar, is a Professor in the School of Engineering and is a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Ireland. His research interests lie in the domain of sound and vibration with current activities focused on aeroacoustics and metamaterials. He is an elected member of the Aeroacoustics Specialists Committee of the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS-ASC) and is a member of the editorial board for the key journal in his field: International Journal of Aeroacoustics. Dr. Bennett has worked as a research fellow in the national nuclear facility of Portugal, a national fluid dynamics laboratory in Grenoble, France (LEGI) and in the D-School and School of Engineering in Stanford University where he was a funded Visiting Scholar. In 2016 he was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to Notre Dame and NASA Glenn where he researched innovative low noise solutions to reduce aviation noise for a sustainable environment. In 2020 and 2023 he was the technical co-chair representing Europe of the AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conferences (AVIATION FORUM) in both Reno and San Diego, US. He has led research collaborations and published with over 25 international research labs, universities, and industries, including Harvard, Stanford, Bell Labs, Notre Dame, three institutions in China, Sherbrooke, KTH, Le Mans (LAUM), BME Hungary, Roma Tre, TU Delft, Airbus, Leonardo as well as the national aerospace institutes of France (ONERA), Germany (DLR), Italy (CIRA), the Netherlands (NLR) and the USA (NASA). Over 60% of his 120 peer reviewed journal and conference publications are co-authored with international collaborators and 20% are co-authored with international industry partners. To fund his research Dr. Bennett has won EUR 7M (EUR 3M-PI) in grants from e.g. the EU Commission, Enterprise Ireland, the Irish Research Council, the Naughton Foundation, the Fulbright Commission, industry and alumni. Dr Bennett has been the Principal Investigator on six EU framework collaborative research projects, of which he has been full project coordinator of three (14 partners), to conduct fundamental research and to develop solutions for quieter aircraft design. His current EU project: INVENTOR is funded within the H2020 Framework package and seeks to reduce airframe noise. In education, Dr. Bennett has designed and coordinates award winning user centred design modules which foster innovation and community engagement in engineering students and is a recipient of many education awards such as the prestigious Provost's Award for Teaching Excellence, the Dean's Award for Innovation in Teaching, a TCD Sustainability Leadership Award for teaching, a TCD Civic Engagement Officer Award and four national Lecturer Special Recognition Awards in Smarter Travel Education from the National Transport Authority (NTA). Between his MSc and PhD, Prof. Bennett worked in the industrial sector working, initially as a consultant in Vibration analysis, and subsequently as a Senior Mechanical Design Engineer: for an American Multinational- Thermoking, and for an Irish SME-Odenburg. He has supervised 9 PhDs to completion, mentored 6 post-doctoral research fellows and has supervised many, many master's students.
  Acoustic metamaterials   Acoustics   Aerodynamics   Aeroelasticity   Aeronautics   Applied thermodynamics and energy   Computational Fluid Dynamics   Design Engineering   Duct Acoustics   Engineering Education   Fan Noise   Fluid Dynamics   Fluids and vibration   Gas Turbines   Heat Transfer   Industrial Design   Machine Design   Mechanical Engineering   Noise pollution, technology   NOISE REDUCTION   Signal Processing   Turbomachinery   Vibration and Accoustic Engineering
Project Title
1 May 2020
30 April 2024
INnoVative dEsign of iNstalled airframe componenTs for aircraft nOise Reduction. 16 partners including, Airbus, Dassault, DLR, NLR, Safran, Chalmers, Southampton, Aachen, VKI etc. Coordinated by ONERA.
Funding Agency
European Commission H2020 (860538)
H2020-MG-2019. Mobility for Growth.
Project Type
Collaborative Research Action
Project Title
 Novel Low Noise Technology to Reduce Aircraft Environmental Noise: Aerodynamic and aeroacoustic characterization of dual air curtains in a subsonic crossflow
Sept 2019
Oct 2023
Fluid Dynamics and Aeroacoutics research to reduce aviation noise. Student will contribute to my EU H2020 funded 'INVENTOR' project and will collaborate with my Chinese research collaborators in China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center (CARDC)
Funding Agency
Chinese Scholarship Council & TCD
Project Type
4 year PhD
Project Title
Sept 2018
Oct 2022
Dark Acoustic MetaMaterials to Provide a Technological Breakthrough for Broadband Low Frequency Noise Attenuation: Electromagnetism and Acoustics Research at the Frontier Providing Foundational Knowledge to Address the Existing Weight and Size Obstacles to Efficient, Commercialisable Environmental and Occupational Noise Reduction Solutions. Collaborative project with the University of Notre Dame and NASA Glenn.
Funding Agency
Naughton Foundation
Naughton Graduate Fellowship
Project Type
4 year PhD
Project Title
Sept 2018
Oct 2022
Novel acoustic metamaterial technology development to absorb low frequency broadband noise.
Funding Agency
Provost's PhD Award
Project Type
4 year PhD
Project Title
 Passive, broadband acoustic noise mitigation using metamaterial technologies.
Jan 2018
Dec 2019
Novel matrial development for sound absorption. Research collaboration with Nokia Bell Labs to develop technology to reduce noise from data servers to reduce noise in data centres.
Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
Enterprise Partnership Scheme (EPSPD/2017/123)
Project Type
Post-doctoral research

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Details Date
Fellow Trinity College Dublin (FTCD) April 2024
The only Irish member of the Aeroacoustics Specialists Committee of the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS-ASC) 2012
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). Management committee member of COST Action "Designs for Noise Reducing Materials and Structures" (DENORMS - CA15125). (2016-2020) 2020
Scientific and Technical Evaluation Committee of Département d'AéroACoustique (DAAC), ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab, Paris, France. 2016
Editorial Board Member: International Journal of Aeroacoustics Since 2018
The University Representative on The State Examinations Commission for Leaving Certificate Examination papers in my teaching area (Design and Communications). (School Level) 2021-2024
Ad hoc reviewer for leading journals in my field, including Journal of Sound and Vibration (JSV), Applied Acoustics, Journal of American Society of Acoustics (JASA), International Journal of Aeroacoustics, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics: AIAAJ & Journal of Aircraft (JoA), IMechE journals, Measurement Science and Technology (Institue of Physics), Physics of Fluids, Physics Letters A, American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME). 2023
External examiner for university PhD theses. e.g. KTH - Stockholm, Federico II - Italy, University of Southampton - UK, Roma Tre - Italy, University of Bristol - UK, University of Notre Dame - USA 2023
Ad-hoc grant proposal evaluator for: ERC - Starter Grant, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (ESPRC, UK), The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO Veni), Fulbright Commission Ireland, Fulbright Commission Egypt, Israel Science Foundation. 2023
Promotions evaluator for Associate Prof and Tenure: University of Hartford (USA), Professor: University of Delft (The Netherlands) 2020
Member of interview panel for: Assistant Prof. UCD (2 occasions) and for Fulbright TechImpact Scholar Awards. 2020
Committee member for TCD with Campus Engage (IUA)
National Disability Authority (NDA-CEUD) Standards Committee member. 2017
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Medium Fluent
Irish Medium Medium Medium
Details Date From Date To
Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Aeroacoustics (IJA-Sage) 2019 Present
Aeroacoustics Specialists Committee of the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS-ASC) 2012 Present
Irish Fulbright Alumni Association and Ireland United States Alumni Association 2015 Present
Chartered Engineer. Engineers Ireland (CEng, MIEI) 2014 Present
Senior Member of the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA) 2007 Present
Comité d'Evaluation Scientifique et Technique du Département Aérodynamique, Aéroélasticité, Acoustique. ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab. Only non-native French speaking member of scientific evaluation committee of French Aerospace. 2018
Campus Engage, Irish Universities Association (IUA), TCD Committee Member. 2018 2020
National Disabilty Authority, Centre of Excellence in Universal Design (NDA-CEUD) Standards Committee Member. 2018 2022
Member of Engineers Ireland (MIEI) 1996 Present
Member of the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration 2005 -
Member of the European Mechanics Society (Euromech) 2009
Founding Member of Conceive Design Implement and Operate organisation (TCD), ( 2012 Present
Zhao, Kun, Li, Yimeng, Pei, Rui, Li, Hongzhou, Bennett, Gareth J., Review of Wavenumber-Frequency Spectrum Models of Turbulent Boundary-Layer Wall Pressure Fluctuations, AIAA Journal, 63, (3), 2025, p1140-1166 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Carroll, Daniel, Pott-Polenske, Michael, Bennett, Gareth J., Air Curtains for Landing Gear Noise Reduction, Aerospace Science and Technology, 161, 2025, p110139 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Wang, Jiayu, Brady, Laura, Bennett, Gareth J., Broadband Duct Noise Reduction Using Multi-chamber Micro-perforated Panel Absorbers, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, June, 2024, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2024, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL  URL
Bennett, Gareth J., Carroll, Daniel, Pott-Pollenske, Michael, Air Curtains as Flow Control Low Noise Technologies for Landing Gear Noise Reduction, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, June, 2024, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2024, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL  URL
Huang, Longlong, Zhao, Kun, Bennett, Gareth J., Numerical Study of the Trajectory, Penetration, and Interaction of Single and Tandem Jets in a Crossflow Using LES, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 37, (1), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Schram, Christophe, Bennett, Gareth J., Aeroacoustics research in Europe: The CEAS-ASC report on 2022 highlights, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 568, 2024, p117895 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Wang, Jiayu, Bennett, Gareth J., Ultra-broadband sound absorption in a compact multi-chamber micro-perforated panel absorber with varying depths, AIP Advances, 14, (1), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Ross, Eoghan P., Figueroa-Ibrahim, Kelvin M., Morris, Scott C., Sutliff, Daniel L., Bennett, Gareth J., Evaluating an Additive Manufactured Acoustic Metamaterial Using the Advanced Noise Control Fan, AIAA Journal, 2024, p1-17 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Wang, Jiayu, Bennett, Gareth J., Humbert, Thomas, Auregan, Yves, Åbom, Mats, Boden, Hans, Low-frequency Broadband Noise Absorption of Multi-chamber Micro-perforated Pane Absorbers in Normal and Grazing Acoustic Incidence, AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum, San Diego, CA, USA, 2023-06-12, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2023, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL  URL
Ross, Eoghan P., Figueroa-Ibrahim, Kelvin M., Sutliff, Daniel L., Morris, Scott, Bennett, Gareth J., Evaluation of an Additive-Manufactured Acoustic Metamaterial as an Nacelle Liner using the Active Noise Control Fan, AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum, San Diego, CA, USA, 2023-06-12, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2023, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL  URL

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Dr. Gareth J. Bennett, Community Informed Universal Design for the Benefit of the Community A pilot "Service Learning" module in TCD School of Engineering , NIDays, Graphical System Design Conference, Professional Development Conference for Engineers, Scientists and Educators, The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, 20/11/2012, 2012, National Instruments, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Gareth J. Bennett, Ian Davis, TEENI-Turboshaft Engine Exhaust Noise Identification, TCD-UCD Engineering Design Innovation Research Event , Trinity College, Foster Place, Dublin 2, 27th April 2010, edited by Prof. Brian Broderick, Prof. Michael Gilchrist , 2010, Poster, PUBLISHED
Gareth J. Bennett, Design Projects in Undergraduate Engineering , TCD-UCD Engineering Design Innovation Research Event, Trinity College Dublin, Foster Place, Dublin 2, April 27 2010, edited by Prof. Brian Broderick, Prof. Michael Gilchrist , 2010, Poster, PUBLISHED
Ciaran Simms, Gareth J. Bennett, Garret O'Donnell, Eamonn McKnight, Ali McCorkell, Development of a gait training device for children with cerebral palsy, TCD-UCD Engineering Design Innovation Research Event, Trinity College Dublin, Foster Place, Dublin 2, April 27 2010, edited by Prof. Brian Broderick, Prof. Michael Gilchrist , 2010, Poster, PUBLISHED
Gareth J. Bennett, Christine Bohan, "Taking a practical approach to very ancient weaponry". Special report on Science, Engineering and Technology. The Irish Times, 2008, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Dravet A., Bennett G., Fitzpatrick J., CFM56-5B Full Scale Powerplant Static Test, Combustion Noise Test Data-Appraisal Report. European Project Deliverable, SILENCER, E.U., April, 2007, (D2.2-2.5-04), Report, PUBLISHED
Gareth J. Bennett, John Fitzpatrick, 10th CEAS-ASC Workshop "Jet Noise Prediction methodologies-Recent Developments", 28/29 September 2006, 2006, Trinity College Dublin, John Fitzpatrick, Craig Meskell, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PUBLISHED
Bennett G., Fitzpatrick J., Data Appraisal Report, Combustor Noise LPT Propagation Assessment Report. European Project Deliverable, SILENCER, EU, October, 2006, (D2.2-4.5-03), Report, PUBLISHED
Bennett G., Maitre T., Pellone C., Modelisation Instationnaire Subcavitante (Unsteady numerical modelling in non-cavitating flow), Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels, October, 1997, (D.R.E.T. No 96.34.093), Report, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Fulbright Scholar (University of Notre Dame and NASA Glenn). International Research Award. 2016
Provost's Award for Teaching Excellence (TCD). TCD Teaching Award. 2009
Provost's PhD Project Award. TCD Research Award. 2018
Stanford University: Visiting Research Scholar. Centre for Design Research, Stanford Mechanical Engineering. International Research Award. 2012
Aviation R&D Award. National Award Sponsored by the Irish Aviation Authority. National Research Award. 2015
Dean's Award for Innovation in Teaching. TCD Teaching Award. 2015
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Seal of Excellence. EU Research Award. 2018
Registrar's Civic Engagement Award Nominee. TCD Teaching Award. 2018
Sir Bernard Crossland Best Paper Award (with student). National Research Award. 2015
National Award for Excellence in Teaching (NAIRTL): Trinity Nominee 2012. National Teaching Award. 2012
Inter-Trade Ireland best project award for the design of a walking aid for patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis (Co-PI with Dr. Ciaran Simms PI). National Research Award. 2011
Nominated for Irish Times Innovation Award for the design of a walking aid for patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis (Co-PI with Dr. Ciaran Simms PI). National Research Award. 2011
Research Bursory: Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels (L.E.G.I.), (National Fluid Mechanics Research Laboratory), Grenoble, France. International Research Award. 1996-1997
Research Bursory: Instituto Tecnológico E Nuclear (I.T.N.), (Government Nuclear and Technological Research Institute), Lisbon, Portugal. International Research Award. 1994-1995
Civic Engagement Officer Award. TCD Teaching Award. 2012
Lecturer Special Recognition Award. Smarter Travel. National Transport Authority (NTA). National Teaching Award. 2019
Lecturer Special Recognition Award. Smarter Travel. National Transport Authority (NTA). National Teaching Award. 2022
Lecturer Special Recognition Award. Smarter Travel. National Transport Authority (NTA). National Teaching Award. 2023
Sustainability Leadership Award. TCD Teaching Award. 2023
My research directly addresses the challenge of achieving a sustainable and healthy planet which is a key research goal in Trinity's strategic plan. My primary research area is aeroacoustics within the domain of aeronautics. My core research objective is to produce greener aircraft with lower emissions and lower environmental noise pollution. I am internationally recognised as the leading researcher in Ireland in Aeroacoustics as demonstrated by my leadership roles in the field internationally: 1. I am the only Irish representative on the Aeroacoustics Specialists Committee of the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS-ASC), the EU technical committee which brings academic and industry interests together to shape the direction of aeroacoustics research in Europe. 2. I co-chaired the AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics annual conference twice in 2020 (Nevada) and 2023 (San Diego) flagship international conference for the CEAS and its American counterpart the AIAA. My technical co-chairs were leading American research scientists, e.g. Doug Nark from NASA. 3. I am on the editorial board for the key journal in my field: International Journal of Aeroacoustics 4. Over the last 15 years I have been PI on six large scale EU Framework funded collaborative projects with academic and industry partners: TEENI (FP7), WENEMOR (FP7), ALLEGRA (FP7), ARTIC (FP7), X-Noise EV (FP7) and INVENTOR (H2020). I was full project coordinator for three of these (WENEMOR, ALLEGRA, ARTIC), managing a total budget of €5.4M and 15 partners from universities, research institutes and industry. 5. I was the national focal point for aeroacoustics in the EU funded Coordination and Support action X-Noise EV. 6. I have led research collaborations and published with over 25 international research labs, universities, and industries, including Harvard, Stanford, Bell Labs, Notre Dame, three institutions in China, Sherbrooke, KTH, Le Mans (LAUM), BME Hungary, Roma Tre, TU Delft, Airbus, Leonardo as well as the national aerospace institutes of France (ONERA), Germany (DLR), Italy (CIRA), the Netherlands (NLR) and the USA (NASA). Over 60% of my 117 peer reviewed publications are co-authored with international collaborators and 20% are co-authored with international industry partners. My research spans the full breadth from fundamental discovery to applied research and has direct impact on reducing the negative effects of environmental aircraft noise on human populations. My collaborative research with industry in particular has achieved maximum test readiness levels (TRL) in EU funding. In these projects I led the co-development of low noise technologies for engine, landing gear and wings which have been validated and implemented by industry partners (including NASA, Airbus, Dassault, Safran, Rolls Royce, Leonardo) resulting in the reduction of environmental aircraft noise. To fund my research I have brought a total of €3 million to TCD in grants from for example the EU Commission, Enterprise Ireland, the Irish Research Council, the Naughton Foundation, the Fulbright Commission, industry and alumni. My publication record is extensive (h-index 23) with 55 journal articles, 66 peer-reviewed conference papers, 2 book chapters, one special issue in the key journal in the field (International Journal of Aeroacoustics) and a co-edited book of proceedings.