Dempsey, D., Wyse, J., Bayesian variable selection in distributed lag models: a focus on binary quantile and count data regressions, Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation, To appear, 2025,
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Wyse, J., Ng, J., White, A., Fop, M., Jason Wyse, James Ng, Arthur White and Michael Fop's contribution to the Discussion of 'Root and community inference on the latent growth process of a network' by Crane and Xu, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 2024,
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Barrett E. M., Wyse J., Forde C., Did physical activity and associated barriers change during COVID-19 restrictions in Ireland? Repeated cross-sectional study, Health Promotion International, 37, (4), 2022, pdaac127-,
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Zgaga L., Shraim R., Bolger E., Wyse J., Statistical power in vitamin D randomized control trials investigating biomarkers as continuous outcomes, The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2022,
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Benavoli A., Wyse J. and White A., Gaussian Processes to speed up MCMC with automatic exploratory-exploitation effect, PROBPROG, 2021,
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Scott, J., Havyarimana, E., Navarro-Gallinad, A., White, A., Wyse, J., van Geffen, J., van Weele, M., Buettner, A., Wanigasekera, T., Walsh, C., Aslett, L., Kelleher, J.D., Power, J., Ng, J., O"Sullivan, D., Hederman, L., Basu, N., Little, M.A., Zgaga, L., The Association Between Ambient UVB Dose and ANCA-associated Vasculitis Relapse and Onset, Research Square, 2021,
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Batten I., Robinson M. W., White A., Walsh C., Fazekas B., Wyse J., Buettner A., D'Arcy S., Greenan E., Murphy C. C., Wigston Z., Gabhann-Dromgoole J. N., Vital E. M., Little M. A., Bourke N. M., Investigation of type I interferon responses in ANCA-associated vasculitis., Scientific reports, 11, (1), 2021, p8272 ,
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O'Dea M. I., Kelly L. A., McKenna E., Strickland T., Hurley T. P., Butler J., Vavasseur C., El-Khuffash A. F., Miletin J., Fallah L., White A., Wyse J., Molloy E. J., Altered Cytokine Endotoxin Responses in Neonatal Encephalopathy Predict MRI Outcomes., Frontiers in Pediatrics, 9, 2021, p734540 ,
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McHugh C., Hind K., Wyse J., Davey D., Wilson F., Increases in DXA-Derived Visceral Fat Across One Season in Professional Rugby Union Players: Importance of Visceral Fat Monitoring in Athlete Body Composition Assessment, Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 24, (2), 2021, p206 - 213,
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Jaouimaa F., Dempsey D., van Osch S., Kinsella S., Burke K., Wyse J. and Sweeney J., An age-structured SEIR model for COVID--19 incidence in Dublin, Ireland with framework for evaluating health intervention cost, PLOS ONE, 16, (12), 2021,
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