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Dr. Susan Flynn

Associate Professor (Social Studies)
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Dr. Susan Flynn

Associate Professor (Social Studies)


Dr Susan Flynn is a full-time University Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the School of Social Work and Social Policy at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin. Prior to this, she lectured full-time in social sciences at the Institute of Technology, Sligo. Additionally, Susan has experience teaching at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Susan's PhD examined, through through a phenomenological and biographical narrative interpretative method, the impact of the economic recession on intellectually disabled young people and their families. Within this, an affirmative non-tragedy theoretical lens situated within an overarching critical disability studies perspective, was adopted. More broadly her work has, and continues to, focus upon child and family services. Within this, she has a particular focus on disability, child protection and welfare, and social work and social care. Susan was elected to the prestigious position of Fellow at Trinity in 2024 in recognition of achievement. Susan has over a decade of practice experience in a diverse range of applied social settings including child protection and welfare social work; intellectual disability; residential social care practice; acting managerial work; youth justice work; special education; counselling and advocacy; disability day activation work, and other roles. Susan also has experience as a social science researcher in the industry. Twitter: @susanflynn1912 Orchid ID: CORU registered social worker: SW006473 CORU registered social care worker: SCW002299
Johnson, L.M., Flynn, S., Thomas, C. and Slayter, E., Attention to disability in child protection policies across four liberal welfare regimes., Journal of Public Child Welfare, 19, (1), 2025, p141-167 , Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Flynn, S.,Caffrey, L.,Antosik-Parsons, K.,Whiting, S., Byrne, J. and Conlon, C., New-Materialist Bricolage: Presenting an Ontological Position for Qualitative Internet-Based Research, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 28, (2), 2025, p179 - 192, Notes: [DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2024.2329430], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Flynn, S. and Haocheng, S., How effective is Irish child protection policy for disabled children? A policy content analysis of Children First National Guidance(2017), European Conference on Social Work Research, Munich, Germany, 2025, Notes: [Published abstract is published here:], Poster, PUBLISHED
Critical Disability Studies in, editor(s)Dr Gabriel Bennett and Dr Emma Goodall , The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Disability, 2024, pp1 - 4, [Flynn, S.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Disability and Child Protection in, Palgrave Encyclopedia of Disability, 2024, [Flynn, S.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Disability and Intersectionality in, editor(s)Dr Gabriel Bennett and Dr Emma Goodall , Palgrave Encyclopedia of Disability, Palgrave, 2024, [Flynn S], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Flynn, S. and Whelan, J., A Sociological Reading of Statutory Social Work and Irish Corporate Governmentality: On the Death of Creativity, British Journal of Social Work, 54, (1), 2024, p95 - 104, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Flynn, S., Disability in Narrative Inquiry: A Case of Methodologically Unusable Data from a Participant with Intellectual Disability, Disability Studies Quarterly, 43, (2), 2024, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Flynn, S., Critical Disability Studies and the Affirmative Non-Tragedy Model: Presenting a Theoretical Frame for Disability and Child Protection, Disability and Society, 39, (2), 2024, p269 - 290, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Nematy, A., Flynn, S. and McCarthy-Jones, S., Youtube commentators discourse of paedophilia: A qualitative social media analysis, Sexuality & Culture, 28, 2024, p71 - 95, p , Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Flynn, S., Rurality, intersectionality and childhood disability: Thinking theoretically about the meaning of rural life for disabled children, Childhood and Disability, Webinar event organized by the Childhood, Law & Policy Network and Queen Mary University of London, 25.02.2025, 2025, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Flynn, S., Lakkshme Sundaresan, S., Holt, S., Price, A. & O"Neill, G., Survivors unsilenced: Giving voice to disabled women"s experiences of intimate partner abuse, DkIT River Community of Practice Conference, 17.01.2025, 2025, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Flynn, S., Lakkshme Sundaresan, S., Holt, S., Price, A. & O"Neill, G., Disabled women and intimate partner violence: Critical insights from new research, Women's Aid 50th Anniversary Conference, 25.11.2024, 2025, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Flynn, S., Lakkshme Sundaresan, S., Holt, S., Price, A. & O"Neill, G., Disabled Women"s Experience of Intimate Partner Abuse in Ireland: An Overview of Ground-Breaking Research, National Disability Authority webinar event, 2025, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Flynn, S., Doing Research about Disability: Potential Methodological, Ethical and Practical Challenges, PhD Seminar Series, School of Social Work and Social Policy, 2024, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Flynn, S., Holt, S., O'Neill, G., Price, A., Sundaresan S. (2024), Launching the Findings of a Mixed Method Research Project on Disabled Women's Experiences of Intimate Partner Abuse, Project Launch Event, Dublin, The Mansion House, 24.10.24, 2024, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Flynn, S., Holt, S., O'Neill, G., Price, A., Sundaresan S., Disabled Women"s Experience of Intimate Partner Abuse in Ireland:" for the Irish Probation Service, Probation Service 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Conference, 04.11.2024, 2024, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Conlon, C., Antosik-Parsons, K., Flynn, S., Caffrey, L., Byrne, J. and Whiting, S., Lessons from Pivoting to Online Interviewing: Ethical and Technical Considerations for Qualitative Researchers following the COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Sciences Research Network, 2023, Report, PUBLISHED
Flynn, S., Childhood Disability in the Context of Parental Alienation: Another Layer of Complexity?, Parental Alienation Awareness Newsletter, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Flynn, S. , Review of New Directions Implementation: Lifelong Learning 1 and Lifelong Learning 2, Lancaster, England, 2021, 1-62, Report, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
The ESWRA Award for an Outstanding Publication in European Social Work Research: Nominee 2020
Nominee for a Trinity Excellence in Teaching Award in 2023-24 November 2023
Nominee for an Award for Excellence in Research Student Supervision 2024
Nominee for an Award for Excellence in Research Student Supervision 2025