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Dr. Sean Barrett

Fellow Emeritus (Economics)
Profile Photo

Dr. Sean Barrett

Fellow Emeritus (Economics)


Details Date
Editorial board of the Journal of Air Transport Management.
Director of Irish Tourist Board 1984/9
Details Date From Date To
National Economic and Social Council(government of Ireland nominee)
Culleton Review Group on Industrial Policy 1992 1992
Review Group on Harbour Legislation and Pilotage 1992 1992
Brennan Commission on Financial Management and Control Systems in the Health Service 2003 2003
Member of the Electronics Communications Appeals Panel 2005 Present
Member of organising committee of annual Kenmare economic policy conference since its foundation 1977 Present
Board member of the Alfred Beit Foundation
Ryanair and the Low Cost Revolution in, editor(s)John F. O'Connell & George Williams , Air Transport in the 21st Century: Key Strategic Developments, Cranfield, Ashgate, 2011, pp113-128 , [Barrett, S.D.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Sean D. Barrett, The EU/IMF Rescue Programme for Ireland 2010-13, Economic Affairs, 31, (2), 2011, p53-57 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
The emergence of the low cost carrier sector in, editor(s)Graham, A., Papatheodorou, A., and Forsyth, P. , Aviation and Tourism; Implications for Leisure Travel, Ashgate, 2010, [Barrett, S.D.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Barrett, S., Regulatory Capture, Property Rights and Taxi Deregulation, A Case Study, Round Table 133, Paris, OECD/ECMT Transport Research Centre, 2007, Book, PUBLISHED
Barrett, S.D., Regulating Europe's Skies, Routledge, 2007, Book, PUBLISHED
Transforming Air Transport in Ireland in, editor(s)Clifton, J., Comin, F., and Diaz-Fuentes, D. , Transforming Public Enterprise in Europe and North America, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, [Barrett, S.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
The Sustainability of the Ryanair model in, editor(s)Lawton, T. , Strategic Management in Aviation, Ashgate, 2007, [Barrett, S.D.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Implications for Physical and Social Infrastructure in, editor(s)Mulreany, M. , Looking Ahead, Public Service 2022, Dublin, Institute of Public Administration, 2007, [Barrett, S.D.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
John Kells Ingram, Maguire, J., Dictionary of Irish Biography, Royal Irish Academy, 2007, [Barrett, S.D.], Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, PUBLISHED

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Barrett, S.D., The Ryanair Takeover Bid for Aer Lingus- A New Role for LCCs or for Competition Policy, German Aviation Research Society workshop on Competition in the Airline and Airport Industry, Hamburg, February 14th , 2007, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Barrett, S.D., Conference session chairman, 2nd National Summit on Infrastructure, March 14th, 2007, Dublin, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
Barrett, S.D., FitzGerald G., Education in Ireland, Progressive Democrats conference, February 17th, 2007, National University of Ireland, Wexford, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
Barrett, S.D., RTE radio Morning Ireland, 2 programmes on risk equalisation in health insurance, 2007, -, Miscellaneous, PRESENTED
Barrett, S.D., The pay increase application of Irish university heads, 2007, -, Miscellaneous, PRESENTED
Barrett, S.D., The Outlook for the Irish Economy, Farmers' Journal conference on n-Farm Off-Farm Investment Decisions, Mullingar, November, 2006, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Barrett, S.D., Transforming Public Enterprises: Networks, Integration and Transnationalisation, XIV International Economic History Congress, Session 119, Helsinki, August, 2006, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Barrett, S.D., The Celtic Tiger- Origins and Prospects, Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers, Annual Convention, Adare, May, 2006, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Barrett, S.D., What are the Ongoing Investment Needs of the Country?, National Infrastructure Summit, Dublin. Irish Management Institute, May, 2006, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Barrett, S.D., Transport 21, Mullingar; Irish Auctioneers and Valuers Institute, Professional Development Meeting, Summer, 25, (3), Institute in The Property Valuer, 2006, pp4 - 7, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Fellow of Trinity College ,Dublin.