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Dr. Andrew Somerville

Fellow Emeritus (Economics)
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Dr. Andrew Somerville

Fellow Emeritus (Economics)


BA (Mod.) in Economics and Political Science (Dubl., 1972). Prizewinner and medallist. MSc (Econ.) in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics (Lond., 1974). MBA (City, 1985). PhD (City, 1991). Lecturer in economics at TCD from 1974, senior lecturer from 1996. FTCD 2005. Head of the Department of Economics 2006-2009.
R. A. Somerville, 'The best poet': William Dunkin and Trinity College Dublin, Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 39, 2024, p149 - 178, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
R. A. Somerville, Oculi omnium: The graces of Trinity College Dublin, Classics Ireland, 29, 2022, p42 - 54, Notes: [The publication year given on the cover of this issue is 2022. It was in fact published in October 2024.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
R.A. Somerville, The early residential buildings of Trinity College Dublin: Architecture, financing, people, 1st, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2021, 1 - 404pp, Book, PUBLISHED
R.A. Somerville, A Bayesian analysis of peer reviewing, Significance, 13, (1), 2016, p32 - 36, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Somerville, R.A., Housing tenure in Ireland, The Economic and Social review, 38, (1), 2007, p107 - 134, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Somerville, R.A., Differentiable technology, the curvature of the profit function, and the response of supply to own-price changes, The Journal of Economic Education, 38, (2), 2007, p222 - 228, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Somerville, R.A., Insurance, consumption and saving: a dynamic analysis in continuous time, American Economic Review, 94, (4), 2004, p1130 - 1140, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Somerville, R.A., Changes in relative consumer prices and the substitution bias of the Laspeyres price index: Ireland, 1985-2001, Economic and Social Review, 35, (1), 2004, p55 - 82, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Somerville, R.A., and Paul G.J. O'Connell, On the endogeneity of the mean-variance efficient frontier, Journal of Economic Education, 33, (4), 2002, p357 - 366, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Somerville R.A., and R.J. Taffler, LDC Credit-risk forecasting and banker judgement, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 28, (3&4), 2001, p447 - 464, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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R.A. Somerville, Rationally Expected Externalities: The Implications for Optimal Waste Discharge and Recycling, 2012, Notes: [Trinity Economics Papers: TEP0112], Working Paper, PUBLISHED


Dr Somerville is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics and is a graduate of Dublin University. Recently, his areas of interest have included finance, microeconomic theory, the measurement of cost-of-living indexes, the Irish housing market, and the economics of insurance. He has published on all these topics, and his papers have appeared in journals in Ireland, Europe and the United States. His current research is on production theory, welfare economics including the economics of externalities, measuring research quality, and Poisson uncertainty in economic modelling.