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Professor Robbie Gilligan

Fellow Emeritus (Social Studies)
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Professor Robbie Gilligan

Fellow Emeritus (Social Studies)


Robbie Gilligan is Professor of Social Work and Social Policy at Trinity College Dublin. Registered social worker SW025084. Founding Head of School of Social Work and Social Policy (2005-2011). Associate Director of Children's Research Centre,TCD (2004-2016). Research Fellow (2013-2016) at SFI - Danish National Centre for Social Research. Extraordinary Professor, Optentia Research Programme, North-West University, South Africa (2014-17). Other Career Highlights: * Visiting Professor: Centre for Research and Innovation in Childhood and Youth, Uni. of Sussex, April to June 2018; Dept. of Social Work, Massey Uni., New Zealand, Nov., 2016; Dept. of Social Work, Charles Uni., Prague, Oct. 2011, Dec. 2016, Oct. 2017; Dept. of Social Work, Vytautas Magnus Uni., Kaunas, Lithuania, May 2012 * Visiting Scholar: School of Social Service Administration, Uni. of Chicago, October 2012 * Elected Member of Board (Governing Authority) of TCD (2010 - 14; 2015 - 18) * Elected Fellow of TCD, 2004. * First Holder of Chair of Social Work and Social Policy at TCD, 2001. * Co-founder (w. Dr Sheila Greene, Dept of Psychology) of Children's Research Centre,TCD, 1995. * Founder of multi-disciplinary PG diploma in child protection and welfare, 1990, and MSc in Child Protection and Welfare,1995, TCD. * Director MSc in Child Protection and Welfare,TCD 1995-2016. * PhD Supervision. ten supervised to successful completion: 2019 Eavan Brady,'A Qualitative Life Course Study of the Educational Pathways of Care-experienced Adults' 2018 Louise Yorke '"Maybe I will have a good life in the future?": The lives, experiences and choices of rural girls as they negotiate different pathways to urban secondary schools in Ethiopia' 2018 Derina Johnson 'Living on the borderline: The lived experience of young migrants and refugees growing up on the Thailand-Myanmar border' 2017 Michelle Spirtos 'The lived experience of disability during the transition to adulthood - A study of young people with hemiplegic cerebral palsy' 2016 Dovile Vildaite 'Transnational Experiences of Youth and Family Migration: Intergenerational Perspectives' 2015 Niamh Lally, 'Higher education and transition experiences of students with intellectual disabilities: a promise realized or denied?' 2012 Lindsey Garratt, 'The Body, Masculinities and Racism - Social Relations between migrant and dominant group boys in three inner city primary schools in Dublin' 2012 Jennifer Scholtz, 'Narratives of Mobility, Difference, Belonging and Home: Girls' Experience of Immigration to Ireland' 2009 Margaret Rogers, 'Social and physical ecologies of childhood: A case study of children's perspectives on their neighbourhood' 2007 Muireann Ni Raghallaigh, 'Negotiating changed contexts and challenging circumstances: The experiences of unaccompanied minors living in Ireland' Four PhD students currently under supervision (three co-supervised). * External examiner: Anglia Ruskin,(PhD), Cardiff,(PhD), La Trobe, Victoria (PhD), Queen's, Belfast (PhD; Cert. in Child Protection Studies), RMIT, Melbourne (PhD), Southern Cross, New South Wales (PhD), University College Cork (PhD), Aberdeen (PhD),Adelaide (PhD), Bedfordshire (PhD), Brighton (PhD), Bristol (EdD), Dundee (Cert. in Child Protection Studies), East Anglia, (PhD, MA in International Child Welfare), Glasgow (PhD), Groningen (Cum Laude assessment for PhD), Guelph, Ontario (PhD), Johannesburg (PhD), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (PhD), Melbourne (PhD), Oviedo (PhD), Queensland (PhD), Sheffield (PhD), Stirling (PhD; EdD), Sussex (PhD), Ulster (MA [Adv. Social Work],and PhD), Warwick (PhD), Western Australia (PhD) * Former youth worker, social worker and foster carer. * Research related involvement in Ethiopia, Thailand, Togo. Also work visits to Brazil, China, South Africa, Tanzania, Vietnam and Zambia
  At-Risk Children/Youth   CARERS   Child Welfare   Child welfare, family support,children in care   children in state care   Children/Youth   CHILDREN'S EXPERIENCES   family support   Foster Care   Immigration   Inner-City   International children's research   Irish child welfare policy   MIGRATION   Minorities and Disadvantaged   NEEDS   PERMANENCY   programmes to combat social exclusion among young people   Refugee/Immigrant Services   Social Services Delivery   Social Work   SUPPORT
Project Title
 'Unfolding Lives - How do young adults across diverse contexts negotiate pathways through education, work and meaningful relationships? '
'Unfolding Lives' is a research programme made up of a set of studies exploring how young adults negotiate their way in the worlds of work, education and meaningful relationships. The programme comprises a series of single or multi-country studies across eight countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Ireland, New Zealand, Spain (Catalonia), Sweden and Thailand). Currently, researchers active in the programme are drawn from a number of disciplines: education, occupational therapy, psychology, social pedagogy and social work. In addition to Trinity based researchers, there are also collaborating researchers supporting the work of the programme from Charles University, Prague; Hawassa University, Ethiopia; UAB - Autonomous University of Barcelona; University of Gothenburg; and VUB - Free University of Brussels. Studies in the programme look at the experiences of young adults in a variety of challenging circumstances: migrant young women moving from rural areas to cities in a low income country; the work pathways of young adults who have grown up in state care; the educational pathways of young adults who have grown up in state care; undocumented youth fleeing political uncertainty and security threats at home; young adults adjusting to a more independent life that includes disability; young people adopted late from life in care. These studies span varying countries, social contexts, specific circumstances and disciplinary perspectives and draw evidence from a diverse range of 'living social laboratories'. The programme is innovative for its focus on less studied groups and for seeking nuanced understandings of their shared and divergent experiences across multiple contexts. A particular emphasis of the programme is investigating how young adults remain agentic in challenging circumstances, what influences, supports and hinders the exercise of their agency in given contexts. The results of the studies promise insights that can enhance theoretical understanding, public policy and front-line practice related to youth and young adults.
Project Title
 Care to Work Pathways Research Project
This cross-national project examines successful work entry and adaptation among young adults who have grown up in care. Initial studies have been completed in Ireland and Spain (Catalonia). Replication studies under the umbrella of the Project are in progress in Belgium, the Czech Republic and Sweden.
Project Title
 Gender Disparities and Disability: Identifying barriers for inclusion specific to girls with disabilities in Togo
June 2016
December 2017
Mixed method study led by Prof Carol Newman (Economics) in collaboration with Prof Trevor Spratt (Children's Research Centre), and myself in conjunction with colleagues in University of Lome who have conducted the core of the fieldwork
Funding Agency
Plan International
Project Title
 Young Somali Adults in the Irish Education System
May 2016
This exploratory study is conducted in collaboration with Ryan O'Giobuin
Project Title
 Youth and Poverty - International Development Perspectives
June 2012
This project explores different aspects of the realities of poverty as experienced by young people in a number of developing country settings. It has a particular focus on the experiences of marginalised or vulnerable groups, and especially how these young people negotiate their way through various challenges in their lives. Two PhD studies form part of the project: a study of the educational journeys of rural teenage girls in Ethiopia (Louise Yorke); and a study of young unaccompanied Myanmar 'refugees' in North west Thailand (Derina Johnson). Overall, the project seeks to generate insights about the capacity of young people in challenging circumstances in the majority world, and the nature of relevant forms of support.
Funding Agency
Miscellaneous: Irish Research Council, Oak Foundation, Trinity College Dublin

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Details Date
Member of the Advisory Group Care Leavers Moving to Independent Life (CALEAMI) longitudinal study in Catalunya run jointly by FEPA (Federation of Entities with Projects and Assisted Homes - Federación de Entidades con Proyectos y Pisos Asistidos) together with the Autonomous University of Barcelona Research Group on Children and Adolescents in Risk (Grup de Recerca en Infància i Adolescència en Risc Social - IARS) May 2018 -
Member of the Project Advisory Group for the ESRC funded study "The Effectiveness of an Enhanced Book-Gifting Intervention for Improving Reading Outcomes for Children in Care" led jointly by Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation at Queen's University Belfast and the REES Centre, University of Oxford 2018 - 2020
Member of the Advisory Committee for the Centre for Comparative Studies of Children in Family, School for Higher Education, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal 2017
Member of the International Advisory Board of the Institute for Inspiring Children's Futures, Strathclyde University, Glasgow 2017
Member of the Board of Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital, Dublin October 2016
Member of Adult Advisory Group of Economic and Social Research Council (UK) funded study 'Here to Stay? Identity, citizenship and belonging among settled Eastern European migrant children and young people in the UK' (2016 - ) September 2016
Academic Member of the Professional Advisory Network for the Economic and Social Research Council (UK) funded fourth phase (The teens and early adulthood) of the Northern Ireland Care Pathways and Outcomes study ( 2016-19
Member of the Seminar Scientific Committee of the InED - Centre for Research and Innovation in Education, of School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal, for its International Seminar in the field of foster care, entitled «Foster care in Europe: outcomes and evidence», September 23rd, 2016 September 2016
Member of the Editorial Board of Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies 2016 -
Member of Editorial Board for 'Social Work Forum' (journal published by Dept. of Social Work, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) 2015-2018
Member of the Editorial Board of 'Child Abuse and Neglect' (Elsevier) 2013 -
Member of the Editorial Board of 'International Journal of Child and Family Welfare' (Garant, Antwerp) 2013 -
Member of the Editorial Board of 'Children and Society' (Wiley) 2012
Member of the International Advisory Board, Leuven Centre for Irish Studies, K.U. Leuven, Belgium 2011-
President of Childwatch International Research Network, 2010-2013 2010-2013
Vice President of Childwatch International Research Network 2005-10
Member of the Editorial Board of 'Child Indicators Research' (Springer) 2007 -
Member of the Editorial Team of e-'Journal of Student Wellbeing' (University of South Australia) 2007 -
Member of the International Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood for Young People Leaving Public Care 2005 -
Board Member of the European Scientific Association of Residential and Family Care 2004 -
Member of the Editorial Board of 'European Journal of Social Work' (Routledge) 2003 -
Member of the Advisory Board of the Journal 'Adoption and Fostering' (British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering) 1997 -
Member of the Editorial Board of 'Child and Family Social Work' (Wiley) 1996 -
Member of the Advisory Board of the Journal 'Children and Society' (Wiley) 1996 - 2012
Director of Studies, Expert Study Group appointed by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe to report on 'Youth at Physical and Moral Risk' [Report Published] 1988-89
Have served as occasional reviewer for the following publishers, journals and series: Allen and Unwin - Australia,'Australian Social Work','British Journal of Social Work', 'Child Abuse and Neglect', 'Childhood', 'Children and Youth Services Review', 'Comparative Migration Studies', 'Economic and Social Review' - Ireland, Economic and Social Research Institute Publication Series - Ireland, 'Emerging Adulthood', 'Families in Society', 'Family Relations', 'Health Education Journal', 'International Journal of Child and Family Welfare', 'International Journal of Social Welfare', 'Irish Educational Studies', 'Irish Journal of Sociology', 'Journal of Development Studies', 'Journal of South Asian Development', 'Journal of Youth Studies', 'Research in Social Work Practice', Macmillan, Open University Press, Oxford University Press - New York, Palgrave, 'Sage Plus'(article editor), 'Social Work and Society', 'Sociological Review', to date
Have served as occasional reviewer / assessor for British Academy, Economic and Social Research Council - UK, European Science Foundation European Collaborative Research Projects, Health Research Council of New Zealand, National Children's Office - Ireland, National Research Foundation of South Africa, Nuffield Foundation, Quality Protects - UK, Research and Development Office - Northern Ireland Health and Social Services Central Services Agency, University of Leuven (K.U. Leuven) Research Council to date
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Medium Medium
German Basic Basic Basic
Irish Medium Medium Medium
`Uncovering the relational complexity of kinship care " the power of qualitative research" in, editor(s)Elizabeth Fernandez, Bethany Lee, Penelope Welbourne and Joyce Ma , Routledge Handbook of Child and Family Social Work Research: Knowledge-Building, Application, and Impact, Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge, 2025, pp398 - 411, [Robbie Gilligan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL
Transformative Change for Children in Residential Care: Exploring the Potential of Support for Work, Recreation and Educational Opportunities from a Life Course Perspective in, editor(s)Eunice Magalhães, Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz , Social Support of Young People in and after Residential Care: Is Someone There for You? An International Perspective, London, Routledge, 2025, [Robbie Gilligan], Book Chapter, IN_PRESS  URL
Lynne McPherson, Antonia Canosa, Robbie Gilligan, Timothy Moore, Kathomi Gatwiri, Kylie Day, Janise Mitchell, Anne Graham, Donnah L Anderson, `Young People"s Lived Experience of Relational Practices in Therapeutic Residential Care in Australia", Children and Youth Services Review, 170, 2025, p12 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
McPherson, L., Anderson, D., Canosa, A., Day, K., Gatwiri, K., Gilligan, R., Graham, A., Mitchell, J., Moore, T., Vosz, M., 'How is Therapeutic Residential Care constructed within key policy documents?, Australian Journal of Social Issues, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Soyez, V. and Gilligan, R. and Arnau-SabatÚs, L. and Johansson, H. and Hojer, I. and Pazlorova, H. and Sjöblom, Y. and Stoddart, J., Early work experiences, social inclusion and transition to adulthood: The voice of care-experienced young adults, Journal of Social Work, 2024, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Johansson, H. and Sjöblom, Y. and Höjer, I. and Gilligan, R. and Arnau-Sabatés, L. and Pazlarová, H. and Soyez, V. and Stoddart, J., Exploring care leavers' agency in achieving entry into the world of work: A cross-national study in six countries, International Journal of Social Welfare, 33, (1), 2024, p309-319 , Notes: [cited By 2], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Caffrey, L., Brady, E., Keegan, O., Dunne, S., Sheaf, G., Holt, S., & Gilligan, R., Children's Experiences of Signs of Safety: A Scoping Review, Children and Youth Services Review, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
García Albarran, E., García Iriarte, E., Gilligan, R., `Central or peripheral ? Uneven Inclusion of Children with Autism in the Early Years of Primary School in Ireland ", Pedagogia i Treball Social , Revista de ciències socials aplicades, 13, (1), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL  URL
Residential Care for Children and Youth in Ireland in, editor(s)James K. Whittaker, Lisa Holmes, Jorge Carlos Fernandez del Valle, and Sigrid James , Revitalizing Residential Care for Children and Youth - Cross-National Trends and Challenges, New York, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp108 - 122, [Robbie Gilligan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
Stephanie Holt, Robbie Gilligan, Louise Caffrey & Eavan Brady, Through the Eyes of the Child: A Study of Tusla Child Protection and Welfare Intervention, 2023, Report, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI

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Stephanie Holt, Robbie Gilligan, Louise Caffrey & Eavan Brady, Through the Eyes of the Child: A Study of Tusla Child Protection and Welfare Intervention - A Research Briefing, Children and Youth Services Review, 2023, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Eavan Brady & Robbie Gilligan , Supporting the educational progress of children and young people in foster care: challenges and opportunities, Foster, (5), 2018, p29 - 41, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Gilligan, R, 'Age limits and eligibility conditions for care, extended care and leaving care support for young people in care and care leavers: The case for cross-national analysis' , Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 17, (2), 2018, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Robbie Gilligan, How the government took 10 years to bring in a new law, 2016, -, Notes: [Public engagement article:], Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Robbie Gilligan, Children in care: 'How many Government ministers would throw their children out at 18?', 2016, -, Notes: [Public engagement article:], Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Robbie Gilligan and Laura Arnau Sabates, Care to Work Pathways International Research Project, Optentia Research Day, Vaal Triangle Campus, North West University, September 8th 2016, 2016, Notes: [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20441.52323 ], Poster, PUBLISHED
Robbie Gilligan, Ireland has more than 6,000 children in care. How are they doing in school?, 2015, -, Notes: [Public engagement article:], Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Robbie Gilligan, Direct Provision: Failing the Test of Delivering on Children's Rights, 2014, -, Notes: [Blog], Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Robbie Gilligan, "Global Challenges of Youth and Poverty - A role for universities?"  , 2014, Notes: [Video of lecture available via URL], Working Paper, IN_PRESS
Robbie Gilligan, Food for Thought The Contexts of Care, Food For Thought Conference, November 19th, 2013, IRISS.FM, 2013, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Extraordinary Professor, Optentia Research Programme, North West University, South Africa 2014 - 2017
Research Fellow SFI - The Danish National Centre for Social Research 2013-2016
Elected Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin 2004
Research interests revolve around children and young people: - Children and young people in challenging circumstances / with challenged status (public care, migration, ethnic diversity, disability, refugees etc) - Sources of resilience and support - Experiences of key transitions and turning points - Children and youth policy issues in international development' Current PhD students and study titles - Eavan Brady, 'A life course study of the educational pathways of adults who spent time in State care as children.' - Melanie Labor, 'Occupying the Void: Young People's Narratives as a Gateway to a New Understanding of Youth Suicides - A Case study in a Disadvantaged Community in Ireland (with co-supervisor Dr Geraldine Foley) - Sinead Whiting 'The Lived Experience of Late Adoption from Foster Care' and - Louise Yorke, 'The Migration of Rural Girls to Urban Areas for Secondary Education: A Case Study in Southern Ethiopia (SNNPR)'.