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Dr. Eric Downer

Associate Professor (Physiology)
Associate Professor (Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN))
Profile Photo

Dr. Eric Downer

Associate Professor (Physiology)

Associate Professor (Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN))

Dr. Eric Downer is an Associate Professor and Fellow of TCD. He graduated from TCD with a first class honours degree in Physiology (2001) and a PhD in Neuroscience (2005). He began his postdoctoral research career in the Physiology department at TCD (2005-2008) and was subsequently awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from IRCSET that enabled him to develop his own research programme based at the Inst. Immunology, NUI Maynooth (2008-2010). In 2011 he returned as a senior research fellow at the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, also acting as co-ordinator of the PRTLI structured PhD programme at TCD during this period (2012). He was appointed to his first academic position in University College Cork (UCC) in January 2013, where he was a lecturer and PI in the Dept. Anatomy and Neuroscience (Jan 2013-May 2015) and also the Director of the Biosciences Imaging Centre (June 2014-May 2015). In June 2015 he was appointed as Assistant Professor at TCD, where he also acted as Director of the Human Health and Disease BSc programme. He acted as the Director of the Human Health & Disease BSc programme for 9 years, 2015-2024. In 2019 he was promoted to Associate Prof. He leads an active research group and his research has been funded by the Enterprise Ireland, the Irish Research Council, the Health Research Board, the Physiological Society, the British Neuropathological Society and Industry grants. To date he has published 53 articles (51 peer-reviewed journals; 17 first author, 27 senior author; 2 book chapters) and 70+ conference proceedings. Dr. Downer has been honoured with the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Early Career Award in 2009, the Neuroscience Ireland Early Career Investigator Award in 2013, a Deans Award for Teaching and Learning (TCD; 2016, 2023), a commendation for shortlisting for the Provost's Teaching Award (TCD; 2019) and is a recipient of the Trinity Excellence in Teaching Award (2021). He was elected to Fellowship at TCD (FTCD) in 2023.
Project Title
 Development of inflammasome assays in immune cells with relevance to mutliple sclerosis
Sept 2022
Sept 2026
Development of inflammasome assays in immune cells with relevance to mutliple sclerosis
Funding Agency
Project Title
 Endosomal signalling as a cannabinoid target.
Sept 2021
Sept 2025
Endosomal signalling as a cannabinoid target.
Funding Agency
HEA and Provosts Project Award
Project Title
 Animation tools in Medical Education
May 2023
May 2024
Animation tools in Medical Education
Funding Agency
Deans Award TCD
Project Title
 Assessment of anti-inflammatory propensity of flavonoids
Assessment of anti-inflammatory propensity of flavonoids
Funding Agency
Enterprise Ireland
Innovation vouchers
Project Title
 mTOR as a phytocannabinoid target
mTOR as a phytocannabinoid target
Funding Agency
GW Research Ltd

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Details Date From Date To
All-Ireland MS research network (AIMS-RN) Executive committee. 2022 2024
School of Medicine Executive committee, Trinity College Dublin. 2021 2024
School of Medicine Return to Business COVID committee, TCD. 2020 2023
Research Ethics Committee, School of Medicine, TCD. 2020 2023
Savio, M., Kearney, H., Downer, E.J., Neurologist"s perspectives on cannabis-based medicines: results from a national survey., Irish Journal of Medical Science., 2025, p(in press) , Journal Article, IN_PRESS
Almudena Otálora-Alcaraz, Thomas Reilly, Martí Oró-Nolla, Melody Cui Sun, Lisa Costelloe, Hugh Kearney, Pabitra H. Patra, Eric J. Downer, The NLRP3 inflammasome: a central player in multiple sclerosis, Biochemical Pharmacology, ((in press)), 2024, Journal Article, IN_PRESS  DOI
Cui Sun, M., Otalora-Alcaraz, L., Prenderville, J., Downer, E.J., Toll-like receptor signalling as a cannabinoid target., Biochemical Pharmacology, (222:116082), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Fitzpatrick, J.M. O Riordan, D., Downer, E.J., Cannflavin A inhibits TLR4-induce chemokine and cytokine expression in human macrophages., Natural Product Research, (in press), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Cui Sun, M., Otalora-Alcaraz, A, Bateman, R., Downer, E.J., Investigating Cannabinoid Modulation of Endosomal Toll-like Receptor Signalling., 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
O'Connor, C., Jordan, K., Vagg, T., Murphy, C.E., Barry, D.B., Toulouse, A., Flecther, J., Downer, E.J., Animated teaching improves student learning of human gastrulation and neurulation., Annals of Anatomy, in press, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
John-Mark Fitzpatrick, Becky Hackett, Lisa Costelloe, William Hind and Eric J. Downer , Botanically-Derived Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol, and Their 1:1 Combination, Modulate Toll-like Receptor 3 and 4 Signalling in Immune Cells from People with Multiple Sclerosis, Molecules, 27(6), 1763, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Downer, E.J., Role of Cannabinoids in Inflammaton, Molecules, (27(2), 478), 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Pereira, S.R., Hackett, B., O'Driscoll, D., Cui Sun, M., and Downer, E.J., Cannabidiol modulation of oxidative stress and signalling. , Neuronal Signaling. , 5(3), 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Damstra-Oddy, J., Warren, E.C., Perry, C.J., Desfougeres, Y., Fitzpatrick, J.M., Schaf, J., Costelloe, L., Hind, W., Downer, E.J., Saiardi, A. and Williams, R.S.B., Phytocannabinoid-dependent mTORC1 regulation is dependent upon IPMK activity., Brit. J. Pharmacology., ((ahead of print)), 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Downer, E.J., Cannabinoids take a toll on MS., Invited speaker at the All Ireland MS Research network meeting, TCD., 2024, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Downer, E.J., Developing audiovisual tools to enhance student education., Invited speaker at the Academic Practice lunchtime seminar series TCD., 2024, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Downer, E.J., TLRs, Cannabinoids and Exercise: Therapeutic Targets in Multiple Sclerosis., Invited Speaker at TTMI seminar series, Dublin., 2023, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Downer, E.J., TLRs, Cannabinoids and Exercise: Therapeutic Targets in Multiple Sclerosis., Invited Speaker at Immunology Research Forum, Dublin., 2023, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Downer, E.J., Botanically-derived purified cannabidiol and "9-tetrahyrocannabinol, and their 1:1 combination, modulate toll-like receptor 3 and 4 signalling in immune cells from people with Multiple Sclerosis., Invited speaker at Queens University Belfast MS meeting.., 2022, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Fitzpatrick, J.M., Costelloe, L., Hackett, B., Hind, W. and Downer, E.J., Botanical THC and CBD modulate TLR3/4 signalling in immune cells., International Cannabinoid Research Society., USA., 2022, 2022, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
Downer, E.J., From cannabinoids to exercise: thereapeutic strategies in MS., Invited speaker at UCC Dept Neuroscience Seminar series, Cork.., 2021, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Downer, E.J., Therapeutically modulating innate immune signalling in Multiple Sclerosis with cannabinoids., Invited speaker at the ECE Dublin Conference and Exhibition, The Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin.., 2020, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Downer, E.J., Clearing the smoke on the therapeutic potential of cannabis-based drugs., Invited speaker at Boyle Arts Festival, Roscommon., 2019, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Downer, E.J., Exploring cannabinoid therapeutics in MS., Invited speaker at TCD Student Research Committee, TTMI, Dublin.., 2019, Invited Talk, PRESENTED


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Award Date
Appointed as BSc programme extern for the Medical and Health Sciences BSc, UCC. 2023 - 2027
Chair of the organising committee for the Annual All Ireland MS Research Network meeting 2024
Invited speaker at the 5th International Conference on Medical Cannabis Controversies, Austria. 2024
Elected to Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin. 2023
Appointed member of the Executive committee for the All-Ireland MS research network (AIMS-RN). 2022 - 2024
Recipient of the Trinity Excellence in Teaching Award (2021) 2021
Promotion to Associate Professor by TCD Senior Promotions Committee (2021). 2021
Nominated by students for the Provosts Teaching Award, (TCD) (2020). This scheme was founded in 2001 and covers all aspects of teaching, learning and assessment, seeking to both reward staff and encourage critical reflection of teaching practices. 2020
. Successfully completed merit bar review by the TCD Junior Promotions Committee (2020). 2020
. Certificate for Excellence in Teaching (Provosts Teaching Award, TCD) (2019). 2019
. Conversion to established post by the TCD Senior Promotions Committee (2019). 2019
. Symposium Chair and Speaker at British Neuroscience Association International Conference, Convention Centre, Dublin (2019). I designed a symposium for this conference, which I Chaired and presented at. 2019
. Awarded accelerated advancement by the TCD Junior Promotions Committee (2018) in recognition to be contribution to research, teaching, college and discipline. 2018
. Communications Officer, Neuroscience Ireland (2018). In this role I maintained the website and produced newsletters and pertinent communications in the field of Neuroscience for Ireland's national Neuroscience Society. 2018
. Research highlighted on TG4 TV documentary "Tabú" - Cinneadh Cannabais" - Exploring the Benefits of Cannabis Treatments. 2018
. Co-organizer of the MS Ireland research Outreach Event, Trinity College Dublin. This event was attended by 150+ members of the public, bringing them up to date with the latest in MS research. 2018
. Invited speaker at Science on Tap public Outreach Event The Liquor Rooms, Dublin. 2017
. Invited speaker at the Personalised Medicine in MS International Symposium, Milan. 2017
. Co-recipient of the Faculty of Health Sciences Deans Award for Teaching and Learning, Trinity College. This facilitated the development of an immunology learning tool for undergraduate students. 2017
. Invited Speaker at iWISH STEM conference, RDS, Dublin, Ireland. This event was attended by 4,000+ students. I WISH showcases the power of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths to female secondary school students. It is an annual Showcase event run over 4 days in Ireland where to date it has hosted 22,000 girls from 26 counties. 2017
. Co-organizer of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland (RAMI) annual research meeting, Trinity College. The Academy of Medicine was formed over 100 years ago by the amalgamation of the four main medical societies - the Dublin Society of Surgeons, the Medical Society of the College of Physicians, the Pathological Society and the Dublin Obstetrical Society. In my role as a council member I participate in organizing research conferences in the Biomedical Science section of the society. 2017
. Co-organizer of the Neuroscience Ireland Brain Awareness Outreach Event, Trinity College. This outreach event was based on dementia and was attended by 150+ members of the general public. 2017
. Recipient of the Deans Award for Teaching and Learning, Trinity College. This facilitated the development of a suite of embryology animation tools with CAPSL to integrate into undergraduate programmes. 2016
. Co-organizer of the Physiology Friday Outreach Event, Trinity College. This event welcomes primary school kids (10-12 year old) to the Dept. Physiology and introduces them to the topic of Physiology from a teaching and research perspective. 2016/2017
. Research highlighted in MS Ireland's research eZine, a newsletter designed to bring readers up to date with the latest activities of the Society, including research. 2016
. Research highlighted in the Irish Times national newspaper in April 2015 in the article "Medical marvel: the uses of cannabis continue to grow". 2015
. Selected as Young Colloquia to present research at the Society for Neurochemistry meeting in Cairns, Australia 2015
. Nominated by students (Dental: year 1) for Presidents Award for Excellence in Teaching, University College Cork 2014
. Invited writer for Industry sponsored patient website ( Living Like You is designed to empower and support people impacted by Multiple Sclerosis to live full lives, through sharing stories, top tips and the latest research. The editorial team address important topics. I have contributed 5 articles to this site. 2014-Present
. Invited writer for MS Ireland society newsletter bringing society members up to date with the latest research findings in the field of MS. 2014
. Winner of the Neuroscience Ireland Early Career Investigator Award in recognition of my contributions to research. 2013
. Research highlighted by the Irish Examiner national newspaper in April 2013. Article title "Irish Scientists Leading Street Drug Research". 2013
. Host/Organizer of the 6th European Workshop on Cannabinoid Research. I was an organizer of this meeting, and also acted as an abstract reviewer on the programme committee, in addition to chairing a symposium. The 6th European Workshop on Cannabinoid Research is the largest scientific conference on cannabis and cannabinoids ever held in Ireland. 2013
. Host of the 4th Annual Workshop on Cannabinoid Research in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, bringing together all cannabinoid research groups in Ireland to discuss research findings and explore funding opportunities. 2011
. Elected council member of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland. In my role as a council member I have participated in organizing research conferences in the Biomedical Science section of the society. 2010-Present
. Shortlisted finalist for the Roche Researcher of the Year Awards. These awards acknowledge the excellence and quality of ongoing research within Ireland. They also recognise the important contribution that postgraduate and postdoctoral research plays within the Irish economy. 2010
. Winner of Early Career Award from the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland. Known as the annual Barcroft Award, this award recognises contribution to research in Biomedicine. 2009
. One of three early career investigators funded by The Cannabinoid Research Society to present at the NIDA mini convention in Chicago, USA 2009
. Host of the 3rd Annual Workshop on Cannabinoid Research in Ireland, NUI Maynooth. This research meeting was attended by all cannabinoid research groups in Ireland. 2009
. My research highlighted in the Health Research Board "Neuroscience: Brain Matters" bulletin. 2005
. A commentary on one of my published research articles was published in British Journal of Pharmacology (Guzmán, M. 2003, British Journal of Pharmacology, 149, 439-440). 2003
. Research highlighted in the Irish Times and Trinity Student Medical Journal 2002
. Recipient of Enterprise Ireland Postgraduate Award 2001-2004
. Recipient of a Postgraduate Award from Trinity College Dublin in recognition of final year undergraduate results 2001
. Final undergraduate research project ranked 1st in final year class. 2001
My research background is in Neuroimmunology, and I am interested in how the nervous and immune systems interact under normal physiological conditions and disease states. In terms of the direction of my research, my laboratory is focused on patient-orientated research with a network of clinical collaborators established. I am particularly interested in the neuroimmunology of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and have published data demonstrating that immune cells isolated from individuals with MS display evidence of altered innate immune signalling signatures that may be linked directly with disease pathology. Specifically, my research efforts focus on Toll-like Receptor (TLR) signalling, which are sensors of microbes in the body. My interest in this area is harboured by the emerging evidence that TLRs are implicated as key players in the pathogenesis of neuroinflammatory disorders such as MS. My group is focused on investigating the links between immune cell innate immune signalling signatures in peripheral blood cells and the impact of disease on central read-outs of cognition, pain, depression and neurological disability. By conducting such investigations my research team aims to: (a) delineate the role of the innate immune system in disease progression and symptomatology. This will shed light on the underlying cause of disease and thus identify new therpeutic targets. (b) investigate the impact of novel therapeutic strategies in the form of cannabinoid-based drugs, on innate immune responses and disease symptoms in patients. Indeed, I have conducted research in the field of cannabinoids for 22 years, and my laboratory has become recognized as a central hub for patient-orientated research in the area of cannabinoid-based therapeutics in Ireland. To conduct our patient-orientated translational research programmes, I have built links with Pharmaceutical and clinical collaborations to access patient cohorts. Media coverage of my research: Irish Examiner 2023 - 2014 - Irish Times 2015 - TV 2018 - Podcasts 2023 - 2023 - 2022 - Rare Disease Advisor 2023 - MS Ireland Newsletters 2015 - Present - Summary of research interests: Neuroimmunology Multiple Sclerosis Innate immune signalling Cannabinoid pharmacology Neuropathology Neuropathic orofacial pain Novel teaching innovations Summary of external Funding: Enterprise Ireland Irish Research Council Health Research Board HEA Physiological Society UK Industry sponsors Anatomical Society UK British Neuropathological Society UK Provost's Project Award, TCD Dean's Award for Teaching Innovations, TCD